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Azure Drache
Group Admin

No Nose Knows by Irrespective
Read till chapter 16 (ca 74.200 words)

The decription of the surroundings is made from the viewpoint of an inexpirenced writer most authors can identefy with. I was first a little bit like, ehh not again, such a long descriptions but when I saw the reason and how it was done... Well done.
Most of the jokes are good.
Clever how the description of the main character blents in.
Writing tips embed in the storyflow, great.
The Tribe leaders are decripted well and funny.
Dicord being himself.
Hasbro is their god now.
Luna's pranks, they are very amusing.
Flaws and quirks of Celestia
The scene when they speak about his parents in the train, that was really good stuff. Simple but touching. One of the better scenes I saw during my story reading times.
Royal voice humour.
The parents constantly reminding for grandfoals.

The cover art spoils the prolouge scene. Though, it was in the first place not very well thought out.
Luna's really considers a execution?
The middle of the second chapter is a bit boring backgroud explanation with a huge logic error. *Fixed by the author*
It drifts a bit into cliche at the end of chapter two. Also at some other points, in later chapters.
Baked Beans doesn't know Discords name, after he just heard it, and even if he missed all the history lessons about him, he was there when the sisters called him by name several times, why don't he know his name?
If the law was forgotten, why does Celestia remembers it just as needed?
How Bean handle the appearance of Spike, that scene was off.
The actuall after wedding scene is rushed a bit.
A thousand bits as traveling money?
'ain’t' is a word.
How beans parents react... the whole scene is just not up for thep revious build up tension. Even with the explanation later, this was a weaker scenes of the story.
The money system is unfitting, more so with the explanation how much money they made with the restaurant.

First things first, this story is about a common pony who has to marry Celestia due to an old law. That is not very original but well executed. You get to read a lot of funny moment, even some touching once and you mostly will be entertained by amount of details. Also the appearing characters stay in their charaters the story gave them and are well written too mostly. Furthermore the idea's the author had to entertain the readers are mostly good, not always fresh, but written in a way that fits and works. You will find some references to the show here and there too, but never too much. So most of the time you have a good read along.

As example of why this story entertains so much I would bring up two thing, first, the main character is an author himself, or want to be one and all the little struggles he has can be very well feeled by any author. Be it wording, build up a scene, seeking for inspiration, this all makes a really good mix. And second, this story has a very lot of scenes when you just can feel the magic of writing happen. You know, when you read a scene and everything fits, you are in the scene while reading, you can feel the atmosphere and are driven to read on more and more, that kind of feeling started to happen a lot of times.

Though, I must sadly say that this is also one of the bad thing of the story too. It is kind of a 50/50 joker, either it works and you get the drift and have a good read, or, and that really upsets me, the upcomming magic is interupted by some non interesting side part of the story. I really started to hate it when I was full in the flow of reading something beautifull, only to have the scene change and everything is ruined. To say it short, imagine you was interested in a certain event and the story place the attention elsewere for plot reasons. That was frustrating!

Furthermore I would like to put on the negative list that the romance part is quite a bit rushed and some of the characters are a bit easely get moody. A few times I really wished the author had taken more time for some events and with the progress at some character devlopments, but with in mind the story alredy is 150k words long I see the reason for it.

So after all, what can one expect from the story? Well, you can let yourself be entertained by mostly good worldbuilding, nicely written characters and an predictable but working plot. There is always something happening, the scenes are good by themselves, even you get ripped out of the flow sometimes. To make it more clearly, the following scene of an event may be good by itself, but doesn't fit for the mood or pacing you was in a second before sometimes. Still, i would say one shouldn't be hesitate to give this story a try, for a good longer evening with a glas of hot tea it is perfect.


What I like to say by my personal opinion too is, that I do found a lot of questionable spots in this story logic or realism wise, but they don't matter so much since the main idea for the story is meant to be heartwarming and share happiness and suffer with the characters. Also the author was so generous to fix an error I pointed out, even with the fact the story is 2 years old.

So as closing words: This story will touch you if you are up for a little upcomming romance, if you are willing to follow Celestia and Bean through the struggles of being forced to marry, and then, the struggles of keeping things going while the world keeps spinning.


Story Idea: 8/10 Not original, but well written.
Entertainment factor: 7/10 When the story gets to it, you are entertained 10/10, but there a also scenes you simple want to skip.
Feelings: 9/10 When the magic starts to work, it really does its job.
Characters (Behaviour, Choosen Cast, etc) 9.5/10
+ 0.5 for the scene in chapter 11 (You may know when your read it)


Thank you so much for the review! I will be studying it very closely so as to improve for the future. :yay:

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Your welcome :twilightsmile:

Well your story did entertain and has some very great moments in it, I can see why it is alrady so successfully :pinkiehappy:

Just one little thing I may like to add after thinking a bit more about your finance system, can you imagine how Bean carries around 10000bits?:derpytongue2: Kept my mind at your story actually, the show as well as your story made it clear that one bit is always one bit, there are no bits worth 50 bits or so like real world money. So 10000 bits... :rainbowlaugh:

Deep saddlebags. :twilightsmile:
That, and he only had 1,000. His father offered more in chapter 11, but he didn't take it.

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Yeah I remember, though, even thousand... Magical deep Saddlebags:raritywink:

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