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Anon Breaks His Hand On Luna’s Face by TheMajorTechie

Description: One day, Anon got mad and decided that it was a great idea to physically assault one of Equestria's ruling princesses.

He was wrong.

So, so wrong.

(I mean, really, how could I not review this?)

Synopsis: Uh, yeah okay I’ll actually say something more than just “Look at the title, man.” Anonymous, the foolish and foolhardy human in Equestria, has taken exception to being banned from within a mile radius of Cadence. He vows revenge and trains up a rare weapon, his fists. The predictable follows.

Critiques: Be prepared for fourth wall breaks, random humor and poor character-decision-making. His rationale implies less than savory activities likely forced the Princesses’ hooves on the issue, hence the ban. Also, he brings a metal pole in for his confrontation, but doesn’t seem to use it? Probably a reference I’m not getting, or else just a way to make noise to get attention. And Anon doubling down after Celestia let’s him know he’s not all that shows an impressive lack of self-preservation. It’s a one-note-joke fic when you really get down to it. Your mileage may vary.

Comments: Quite a few things to enjoy. Anon’s overconfidence is enjoyably daft. Almost everything I brought up as a critique can also work in this fic’s favor if you’re receptive to this type of humor. I enjoyed the Gamer Luna conversation regarding Loot Boxes. Just one little taste couldn’t hurt, right Celestia? Yeah, no, actually Celestia is totally right. Whole countries’ financial reserves have been drained for less foolish things. Protective Big Sister Celestia is pitch perfect and intimidating. She doesn’t really buy Anon’s proposed rationale and shows him what she can do. That he loses his temper and goes one step beyond, well, that’s par for the course for a hard-headed Anon.

Summary: A silly idea that came out as a silly story. Simple, to a fault, and brief. The story could be expanded on. I would either remove the less savory implications of the circumstances behind the restraining order or to play it up as an annoyance.

Concept: For executing on an interesting, but limited premise, 7/10

Story Structure: The motives and story points are clear, if simplistic, aside from whatever the point of that metal bar was. Grammar, spelling and formatting all lead to a snappy reading experience. No glaringly obvious flaws that couldn’t also be attributed to stylization. 8/10

Enjoyability: If you’re into Anon funny times, give this quick read a look! Recommended, with caveats. 7.5/10

Average Score: 7.5/10

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