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The Bricklayer
Group Contributor

Ah, teenage love. We’ve all been there. Well, except me, but that’s probably because I’m as social as a certain butter-yellow pegasus. Okay, the short version of this review? I howled. 

The story is that hilarious, and simply because it’s so relatable. I mean, you honestly feel for Button here. Like, seriously, you do. Granted, I’m not sure everyone’s had Sunset Shimmer -AKA the Queen of Sexy- as their wing… mare but you get my point. This paragraph is one such example.

"Why don't you just ask her if it's a date?"

"You know I can't do that, what if the answer's 'No'? It'll be AWKWARD all through dinner. Awkward at school. Imagine how embarrassing it'll be if word gets out and-"

"Button, chill for a moment. You'll know what she has in mind by the way she dresses, how she acts, how she treats you..."

Seriously, have we all not been there? This exchange pretty much sets the tone for the entire story to follow, really. Like seriously, this is just cute as heck. Mind you, it’s not perfect, as it does fall into a few… well, I’m not sure if I’d call them cliches but… well…

"Come on, stay for a bit. We could have a SLEEPOVER!"

"A WHAT?!" his voice cracks. "I-I can't!"

"Why not? We'll be sharing rooms and we could stay up talking bout our game plan!"

"I don't know about........sharing rooms, you say?"

"Yeah, you can crash with me." Sweetie states.

"But won't Rarity have a problem with that? I-I mean......having a girl's sleepover with a boy and all?"

"Not like anything BAD is gonna happen. Think of it as a......STUDENT'S sleepover, if you will. Plus, we've got the place ALL to ourselves. She's letting us borrow the house to plan my strategy."

It does feel a bit contrived and playing it a bit too safe, to be honest. Like, the author is a bit afraid to try another way for Button and Sweetie to bond. Mind you, I do love the style. It’s very, to use an art term, very minimalistic in some ways. This is a very dialogue-heavy story, not something I’d normally recommend as you don’t get inside the character’s heads as much, but the emotions are conveyed well enough through how they speak and the like.

All in all, solid story. 8/10

TA Valentine For Button
WARNING: ship teasing and shenanigans ensue...
23 KM To Nerdiness · 2.2k words  ·  51  8 · 1.7k views
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