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[Adult story embed hidden]

By Nailah
The Mane Six are sure Fluttershy has returned to normal after her temporary transformation into Flutterbat, but is she really? Find out when a lust of a different sort takes hold of our shy yellow pegasus.

The story begins with our favorite, shy little pony Fluttershy worrying about the events that recently transpired- her time as Flutterbat- and being her adorable self as she cares for the vampire bats in the sanctuary now on the Apple farm. Our main characters, Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight and Angel are right on par with their canon characters. Fluttershy her adorable, caring, and worried self about her actions previously; Twilight doing her best to help and figure out if Flutterbat is really gone with her research into vampire bats; and Applejack cool and collected, caring for Fluttershy in her time of need and feeling remorseful for how she acted against the vampire bats. Angel, in his scene, was just as grumpy and demanding as our 'favorite little bunny' tends to be.
The plot itself was great, well developed and I feel it flowed well, the pace just right as we feel Fluttershy's emotions twist and turn like a roller coaster as she tries to figure out the strange feelings she is developing. Really the only problems I had with it were a little bit on the grammar/spelling side, which wasn't too bad. It was clear an editor had been through the story and cleaned it up nicely, the last chapter probably having the most need for another go through but not a huge amount. The other problem is more of a personal preference than a problem, which is something that is noticed in 3rd person omniscient stories, and that is we tend to bounce around from pony to pony's thoughts a little too quickly at times. I've read enough, both fanfics and regular fiction, to be able to not get lost with this but some might if they read through too quickly.
As for the sexual aspect of the story, I thought it was great! Just the right amount of detail for our sweet couple and how they would treat the other. Intimate, floofy at times, and the kind of sexual scene I would imagine for a character like Fluttershy.

Excellent characterization- you know them, you love them, now see them in a sweet little lesbian sex scene! Quite on par to canon.
An uncommon ship- always nice to see something different. (Sure I love Fluttercord, but this was just as cute to me.)
Excellent sex scene- everything seemed believable for the characters in this situation

Grammar/Spelling- a small one, as for the most part the editor did a great job!
POV Slippage- for some the skipping around of Point of View might be jarring at times.

Plot- great and cute 8/10
Characterization- wonderful and on par 9/10
Sex- great sexy scene 8/10
Total: 8/10

The overall story is great! Everyone seems in character, the sex scene was intimate and beautiful, and I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel sometime! The story has great pace, doesn't feel rushed, and was a good read. Spelling and grammar problems were there, but not too badly. I recommend this story to anyone who likes the FlutterJack ship or might wonder what happened after the Bat's Episode.

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