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Light Heart101
Group Contributor

How many seconds in eternity?

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Summary: Twilight Sparkle finds herself sitting at a gravestone one day, and is harshly reminded of a reality of her rule. And she asks herself a question.

How many?

Analysis: It's a topic that many writers have tackled based on a simple theory. Are alicorns immortal? And how do they deal with this curse? This concept is a somber one and makes you think about how much you stand to lose when you can't lose your own life. Even though this is short, the words feel like poetry by how they were written with emotion and meaning. If you want a quick read of a somber tale of the curse of living forever, then give this a go.

Writing: 9.10 There are a few minor errors that can be corrected easily.

"You were contemplating your immortality," Celestia said knowing (Should be knowingly), walking up to the graves and examing them.

"Yo-........someone you might not know all too well," Celestia corrected herself. "I'm sorry. It's just....been a while."

The errors are rather minor and aren't really obvious, so it's not a bad job here.

The plot of the story: 8:10 I do have to keep in mind that this is a short story and is intended to be simple. The idea of contemplating immortality has been done before, along with the reveal at the ending. However, it's been done well and to the point to where it's still interesting to read.

Story flow: 10:10 The story is short, but this writer successfully manages to keep the pace at a good flow. Nothing feels rushed in any way. Even the small twist at the end feels natural and ends the story on a well-rounded note.

Final score: 27/30 9/10

This is a short and emotional story that does what it sets out to do. Even the simplest of premises can be well written and have a strong meaning to them. I applaud the author's take on this concept, and I hope to see more from him in the future.

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