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Autumn Blaze and Queen Chrysalis get paired up for a special friendship project.
mushroompone · 9.7k words  ·  119  3 · 2.2k views

Summary:: Autumn Blaze and Queen Chrysalis get paired up for a special friendship project.

Initial thoughts: This was an entry in the "May original character contest" where you take two characters that don't interact in the show much and make a story about them. Autumn Blaze and Chyrsalis get paired up here, and well I do believe the author makes the story believable, and convincing. However, I do have some issues with it, but I'll get into that in a bit. Overall it's a decent story for what the author had to work with. 7/10

Heart of the story: The heart of this story is the interaction of the two ponies. Do they sell the story? For if they don't, the story will feel flat. Now I will say that Autumn blaze gets a LOT more of the focus, and I guess it helps she's super chatty, but I also wanted to see more on Chrysalis side as well, and feel like the silent treatment works well with her character, so I'll give that a pass. The two work together in a way you wouldn't think and that makes the two engaging and interesting. However, I'm just going say, I didn't care for how it ended, but I won't spoil it for anyone. Read and make your own judgement. 7/10

Characterization: : Autumn Blaze is a solid characterization and despite only having one espiode, the author really GETS her well. However Chrysalis, while for the most part seems herself, there was a decision near the ending that I totally don't agree with. It's much too rushed, and feels unfitting for her to suddenly shift this way. I won't reveal how. But it does affect the score. 6/10

Story/Concept: : Twilight using Kirins and Changelings to help form a friendship is not a foriegn idea, but it's also not one I see very much. Mostly because I don't read stories about making alliances, and making peace, and somehow that all tying together with ponies. It's interesting to most I can tell. It's just sorta okay to me? It's certainly not bad at all! 7/10

Originality/Execution: The idea is very original and very well executed (minus the ending) and I must say the author did well with the time they had. I just wish the ending could have been different. 7/10

Overall score and final thoughts: : This is a decent story that takes two characters that usually don't work together, and puts them together, in a tale about alliances, treaties, friendships and oddly even death. The story is by no means perfect, but it is enjoyable and pleasant, and I'd recommend giving it a shot if you like the characters here, or simply enjoy stories about ponies making peace with other kinds through lots of talk and tea.

Total score: 7+7+6+7+7=34/50

Headpat worthy:
Boop worthy: Yes.
Meh worthy:
Cringe level:

To the author: Keep up the good work! This story was good, but not great. There were moments where I groaned, but overall I did enjoy it, and hope to see you continue to improve from here!
Next up is Cinnamon Saturday by Silent Whisper See ya soon!

Thanks for the review, Nailah! Looks like I'll have to add Autumn Blaze to my more regular cast of characters :twilightsmile:

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