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ECinnamon Saturday
Fluttershy takes a vacation to Manehatten, but finds her feelings for her friend and host are a bit more complicated than she expected.
Silent Whisper · 3.1k words  ·  56  1 · 1.2k views

Summary:: After overworking herself with friendship problems and teaching and running an animal sanctuary, Fluttershy was near exhaustion. Thankfully, Rarity had a solution: vacation in Manehatten, with Coco offering to keep her company. Things don't turn out quite as Fluttershy expected, but then again, who can predict how one's feelings can change for another?

Initial thoughts: A romance! My favorite. I wonder if it'll be good! And spoilers, it's more than good, it's great! Silent really has a unique style of writing, and boy, does it just make me want more. All the cinnamon and sugar sweetness of pony kisses and huggles and boops! (headpats too.) 9/10

Heart of the story: The atmosphere, the characters, but mostly the romance. If that fails, then well the whole story suffers for it, but that's not the issue here. The whole story focuses on Fluttershy's perspective and directs how she feels through description rather than dialogue, which is no easy task to pull off. I know I struggled, but alsas, this is GREAT. 10/10

Characterization: : Fluttershy, and Coco are both flawless. I have no complaints here. 10/10

Story/Concept: : The story of love in a busy city, it's an alright concept, but there could have been a lot more. But for what we get it's cute. 7/10

Originality/Execution: Pfft. Original? Not really. Shipping fics are rather common, and it's really hard to find good ones. I firmly believe this is a good one though. The execution is what sells it for me. Just how everything comes together. mhmphm! 8/10

Overall score and final thoughts: : This is a solid piece about finding love in a busy city full of lights, camera and action, but if you take the time to notice those around you, you might just fall in love! Cute, adorable, and yes a bit sappy, but hey it's romance.

Total score: 9+10+9+7+8=43/50

Headpat worthy: Yes
Boop worthy:
Meh worthy:
Cringe level:

To the author: Keep u the great work! I loved this, it was quite the interesting little read and a lovely way to end my night.
Next up is Lighter than Air by TheLegendaryBillCipher, See ya soon!

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