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ELearning To Feel
During a routine trip into the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy encounters a damaged metallic pony that doesn't quite know what it means to be alive. While it's far from normal, Fluttershy would never abandon another pony if she could help.
Mechawrecker · 1.4k words  ·  37  1 · 1.1k views

Summary: While gathering food for her bunny, Angel, in the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy finds a damaged metallic pony. Even though it's not quite alive, Fluttershy still feels the need to help the struggling machine through its rough past.

As they form connections, can Fluttershy prove that there's more to this android than just metal and programming?

WARNING: This review contains SPOILERS. Read with caution. :coolphoto:

Initial thoughts: So this story seems fairly simple from the outside looking in, but as I was reading, I found myself disappointed with the execution of the main plot point of Fluttershy helping the robot creature. Honestly, this is a good idea, that I don't think has been done a lot, but it leaves a lot to be desired. The pacing even for a oneshot feels much too swift, and the robot's dialogue in ALL CAPS wasn't really captivating or gripping to me, but we'll dwell more into this in the full review. Overall, this story was disappointing. I was hoping for cute, sympathetic feels and I didn't get what I thought the story would deliver. 5/10

Heart of the story: The heart of this story is the connection between Fluttershy and the robot. And honestly, there isn't one. Fluttershy finds the robot, wants to help, Robot's programming attacks timberwolves, Fluttershy stops him, and then the whole thing is wrapped up with a message about not attacking something because you think it is threatening. There was no emotional grip for me to hook onto. The robot recovers from his injuries to suddenly attack out of nowhere. If this robot is hurt, how can he use weapons? I know it said about his program rebooting but for all the damage that was stated in the beginning, it was almost ignored until it was convenient to the plot. 4/10

Characterization: There are two characters here, Fluttershy and the robot. I don't know much about the crossover the robot is from, only that he's not an MLP character. For a robot, he does basic robot things. Even though he is a robot, I would have liked to see some sort of emotional connection between him and Fluttershy.

Fluttershy is written decently well, and her instincts to help fit with her character, but she felt a bit "off" to me.

Story/Concept: The story is rather bland, and at times dull. The way the message is conveyed isn't clear, and I felt the author could have done a lot more if they wanted too. They say this was a speedwrite, and if so, I can certainly tell it was rushed, and posted without much after thought and care. 5/10.

Originality/Execution: The originality here about Fluttershy helping a robot, I don't recall this being done before. I mean I'm sure someone out there might have thought of this, but to me it's a fresh and engaging idea. However, the execution feels flat. The pacing of this even for a one shot is too quickly resolved almost as quickly as it started, and the piece suffers for it. 6/10

Overall thoughts and final score: I was bored. I admit I went in expecting to read a simple and charming tale about Fluttershy's strength in her kindness, but was left wanting. This story didn't really convey the moral it was trying to get across in an impactful and meaningful way.

Final score: 5+4+6+5+6=26/50

Headpat worthy:
Boop worthy:
Meh worthy: Yes.

To the author: Keep working hard on your stories, and your content and you'll find with time and care you can be an amazing writer. Experience is something you get over time. Keep writing, and keep pushing forward!

Next time we have "Interruption and Intervention" by Scribe of the Nightwings. See you soon!

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