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Azure Drache
Group Admin
EThat's Exactly What I'll Do
A day in the life of Equestria's favorite Lord of Chaos.
SunTwi06 · 1.8k words  ·  23  4 · 423 views


A 'normal' morning for Discord. How he starts one of his days and how he proceeds from there. The story is a mix of Slice of Life about Discords morning and the usual to expect behaviour and actions of a draconequus.


Overall Opinion:

Well, the story does good on being a SoL. Normal activities, of an everyday situation. At least for Discord that is. He loves chaos, transforms himself into various things and just has a light mood while being very easily distracted by this and that.

The ideas SunTwi came up with seem to fit for him and the story is quite short and easy. So far it works out mostly.

Only thing I would think would need improvement is that for a Discord centered story, a little bit more fun would be great. Yes it is a SoL, but since it is not deeply emotional or anything, fun never hurts in a Discord story in my small opinion. And on a very minor side note, sometimes changing the addressing of him in the story would be an upgrade. You don't need to write 'Discord' all the time when he does something, sometimes 'he' or 'him' would also fit and increase the variety.



Sol: 8/10 Yeah, the story does good on that. Nothing special, but not straight boring either. Well done.
Ideas: 7/10 Fits for Discord, could be a bit more chaotic or funny though.
Entertainment Factor: 7/10 If you look for Sol you will not be dissapointed I think, though, if you choose Discord as Protagonist, people may expect a bit more.


7484900 Sorry for the late reply. I'm thankful for the review. The only thing I have to add is it's meant to be a self reflection kind of story. That's why there's not any comedic effects going on

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Mhh, it felt for me more like Discord had a good chaotic morning then a self-reflection event for him. But, oh well.

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