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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
TFangs in the Garden
The scariest things aren't necessarily what's out in the Everfree. Some fears are more personal. Fluttershy is about to face torments of her own creation...
PaulAsaran · 4.9k words  ·  64  7 · 1.4k views

Review: Fangs in the Garden

Tags: Sex, Horror,

Summary: This is more like a high suspense fiction with Fluttershy, Applejack, and Zecora.

Critic: This fiction is more on the mild side. It’s not a soft horror that’s for sure.  It had a weird texture that I'm trying to figure out.  Mystery perhaps. Horror is good with Mystery, Thriller, Dark, Gore.  Sex it depends… I know I wrote 3… but LOL… it was a difficult write.  However, this fiction did alright by my eyes.  Very high texture suspense that did well and good near the end and it made me wonder the mystery of it.  How you use suspense was 100% good. I had to get off my chair and smile at what I just saw.  

It’s not in that deep and thick horror yet but, it was close to it.  How the characters feel in that story is at least great.  It may not be for everyone… (look down at the comments sections)  I saw a lot of cheap suspense in my days and that one was not so cheap but good suspense near the end of the fiction will make me wonder.

This fiction is clearly 8/10  still not in the grim era but not a soft horror… so in between. This fiction is more of a suspense horror that did great.

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Glad to see it worked in your eyes! Of the two I submitted to you, this was my personal favorite due to the thematic material that was, in many ways, new ground for me. It was fun playing with an unreliable perspective, really trying to get into Fluttershy's psyche, and making use of a common concept in a way that was different from the norm.

Many thanks for the review!

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