Cozy Glow 583 members · 946 stories
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My current headcanon is that she intended to take the magic and funnel all of it into herself, using her newfound power to raise the sun and moon, becoming Equestria's sole ruler.

the dobermans
Group Admin


I'm almost tempted to say that she's completely insane and/or has exceedingly low emotional intelligence, and that her goals change depending on the situation. She's an opportunist with no understanding or awareness of the consequences of her actions. For example, she didn't think to contact Tirek until she learned about him in class. Then, when she begins to siphon away Equestria's magic, she's too young to get that Tirek used her (she thinks she's sending the magic to "another realm", while Tirek tells the Mane 6 that it's really disappearing into the ether). She's also so self-absorbed that the concept of punishment flies over her head - instead, she readjusts and develops a new plan. Her only goal is to maximize control, with no regard for why or how. Just my rambling thoughts. I could be wrong, of course.

One thing is certain: she's adorable.


I haven't seen the finale yet nor do I plan on watching it until it airs (I live in the US). All I have really exposed myself to is her getting thrown into Tartarus and asking Tirek if he wants a friend.....well we know who will be coming back in season 9. You are right about one thing though, she is adorable.

the dobermans
Group Admin


Sorry if I spoiled things :unsuresweetie:


Don't worry about it, I know what happens in the end of the episode. I will admit, it did shock me when it was Cozy Glow who would cause so many problems. I thought maybe she was Chrysalis in disguise. I suppose this is a matter of it being the most adorable ones who winds up being evil. One thing I will say though, Cozy has now clue what she is getting herself into here, trying to partner up with Tirek. Once she has served her purpose, he will drain her of her magic and then toss her to the side without even thinking about it.

the dobermans
Group Admin


Once she has served her purpose, he will drain her of her magic and then toss her to the side without even thinking about it.

Totally. Cozy, ultimately, is but a child, and at some level has all the naivete that goes with that. Do you think that would be enough to reform her, though?


Honestly, I'm not sure when it comes to Cozy. She seems to have a personality where she thinks she can handle anything, even if she should know that some things simply won't work for her. The scrawny version of Tirek may seem rather harmless to her but the big, bad Tirek will terrify her. She will know she is screwed when he takes care of her.

I believe that Cozy wasn't power hungry. Note the following scene:

Notice that the moment Twilight Sparkle asked Cozy "Why" to figure out the motive, Cozy seemed to growl and sputter in-place for a second. However, with how nonsensical of her given reason for wanting to remove Magic; this doesn't seem at all like anger in a normal sense: it seems to me that Cozy Glow is suffering from a particularly strong kind of Magic placed on her that she might have been trying to get rid of.

That magic most-likely being one thing: a Geas.

A Geas for those not in the know is a form of Compulsion/Mind Control Magic: one that's specifically tailored to the purpose of secrecy: designed to prevent the victim of the Geas from revealing the truth or a particular bit of information that the caster doesn't want others to know about. A Geas can take on many different forms ranging from the victim forcing their hand over their mouths like with Pearl from Steven Universe, to the Geas causing the victims' lips and jaw to close like with Sophie from Howls' Moving Castle, to the Geas causing the victim to space out like with Mimir from God of War (PS4). So it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that Cozy Glows' Geas would cause her to spout gibberish.

There are a small number of ways that a Geas can be removed: almost all of them involving the information once restricted by the Geas slipping out in a way that the Caster did not anticipate on happening.

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