Cozy Glow 583 members · 946 stories
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the dobermans
Group Admin

Herein I hope to record the many misfortunes that befell Cozy Glow during her short, notable life. Please feel free to draw upon these facts as you commemorate her in the literature.

1. Socially isolated.

Maybe things would have turned out differently if the Young Six had been more inclusive.

2. Burned.

The Tree of Harmony did not extend its branches to Cozy.

3. Imprisoned in Tartarus.

Luna offered no mercy.

4. Intimidated.

Just one bite is all it would take.

5. Beaten.

Her reward for trying to be helpful.

6. Strangled.

No elaboration necessary.

7. Crushed,

And likely suffocating.

8. Forcibly restrained.

Visibly in pain.

9. Punched in the face.

Remember that time Discord took the form of a giant he-goat and beat a filly's face in?

10. Caught in an avalanche.

It's all downhill from here.

11. Frozen.

Lost in the darkness and the ice.

12. Shot with high-pressure air cannon at short range.

Deliberately operated at an unsafe distance to cause harm.

13. Attacked by trained guard animals.

Toothsome creatures obeying their orders.

14. Targeted for immolation.

The dragon sought to burn the maiden alive.

15. Slammed to the floor from a great height.

Applejack tried, but failed, to break Cozy's neck.

16. Singed with magical beam.

A blackened scar.

17. Crushed a second time.

Immobilized for the kill.

18. Petrified.

Condemned to endless suffering.

“The dragon sought to burn the maiden alive.”

I love that sentence so Faust damn much. Good job.

the dobermans
Group Admin


Thanks! This was a hoot to put together.

Spike was downright savage in his battle with Cozy.

This. This is why Hasbro is too cruel to Cozy Glow.

Yep, it's funny; when she appeared in A Matter of Principles being forced to file Cranky's hooves, I felt sure she was going to become the new Spike; socially outcast, personally devalued, and physically abused, and sure enough all that happened to her. She just wasn't Twilight's oblivious assistant for the duration.

If only Hasbro could of just developed her before the show ended.... ;-;

Depends what you mean by "developed" - I'm not sure even the writers knew quite what was going through her head.

Well it's their fault for ignoring a chance to develop Cozy Glow's character. :ajbemused:

Well I think what we got was mostly adequate - her problem was that shared with the whole Trio, of unsatisfactory resolution.

Not unless.... the Season 10 IDW Comics can resolve it for her in a better way.

Maybe - we'll have to see.

As long as IDW won't forget it for her. It is my goal for IDW.

There' s no saying they're even allowed to use her, you know.

So I have two more instances to add to your timeline, but I have no Idea how you made these still images. Any pointers?

the dobermans
Group Admin


There's a button in the ribbon above the reply box that looks like two mountain peaks and a sun. Click that - it will let you enter a URL for an image. Other than that, you can use the bbcode ['center] (remove the ') to center text and images.

I am actually trying to find a way to turn video into images, since I haven't been able to find the ones I want in my online searches. Is there a website or method I need to be aware of?

the dobermans
Group Admin


You could try pausing the video at the scene you want and hitting Print Screen on the keyboard. Then copy to powerpoint and save as a png or jpeg.

Other than that, MLP Wiki has a ton of images, if you haven't tried it already.

Thanks for the help!

the dobermans
Group Admin


Print Screen isn't working?

Was finally able to get the picture. Still can't figure out the print page or the editing needed to magnify my other pic though.

the dobermans
Group Admin


If you're using MLP wiki, try clicking on the thumbnail image, then View Full Size. That's the one I usually use for bigger images.


Here's a bigger image from Derpibooru.


Yeah I have no Idea what a thumbnail image is and every time I try to save the link to the image by using the share feature it says that the link is "invalid".

That being said...

Forced to do manual labor for mean and unappreciative people.

Remind you of anyone?

But in all honesty; were they even thinking when they named Cozy as Twilight's assistant? Especially considering all the abuse the one who previously held that office went through?

the dobermans
Group Admin


Excellent illustration of the point that Cozy's friendship education probably looked a lot to her like a demonstration of power relationships.

EDIT: I mean, look at how close her precious little nose is to that nasty hoof. No wonder she had a breakdown.

Especially when you consider how much of them have benefited from being friends with Twilight. Obviously this differs from pony to pony, but going back to "Sweet and Elite" would Fancy Pants have even noticed Rarity had she not mentioned she was staying at the castle?

And does anyone really think Rainbow Dash; a co-conspirator in creating the tornado Lighting Dust was dismissed for creating, would really have been pardoned if she wasn't friends with the princess? Especially considering Rainbow had previously sabotaged a important Cloudsdale facility in "Tanks For The Memories"? A action which affected (and potentially endangered) all of Cloudsdale?

Pop in Discord and Luna getting off so easily (in Discord's case time and time again) and most clever children privy to stuff like this would begin to suspect that something was up.

You're mixing up the order of events there - weather factory thing was probably well after the Academy. And I don't think Spitfire was being political there.

Even before then Rainbow was hardly a safe flyer though. And she still is implied to have gotten off easy compared to Lightning Dust, for a offense that in some ways could've been considered worse than what she did.

She not only endangers ponies but rebels against Cloudsdale and Equestria by sabotaging both a local and federal government operation, that being the provision of winter for Equestria. The only difference being luck bails her out, as opposed to her fellow ponies.

Still will conclude the rest of your statement. Could've sworn the website placed Wonderbolt Academy in season 5 not 3 but I guess I was wrong.

Oh, certainly the weather factory incident should have seen her booted, which is why I conclude that she was lucky enough to never be implicated (and that Equestran forensics suck, and that since no-one was seriously hurt they wrote if off after a while.)

However, none of that has any relevance to her being kept on after informing on Lightning Dust.


(and that Equestran forensics suck,

Considering the place was blown sky high I almost don't blame them.


However, none of that has any relevance to her being kept on after informing on Lightning Dust.

An argument can be made that because of the lack of safety features at the academy, and because Spitfire put a unstable personality in charge, she is on the hook for any possible consequences. Getting ride of Lighting is the easy way for her to avoid any unpleasantness.

Admittedly Rainbow Dash misrepresents the situation with Lighting Dust to Spitfire. It was ultimately her decision to side with Lighting to create the tornado to impress Spitfire. Granted I understand why she would've felt compelled to do so, but she's just as responsible for the result as Lighting is, especially since it's significantly less likely Lighting could've pulled it off without her. Yet Dash implies that it was mostly Lighting's recklessness that got her friends hurt, but never once acknowledges her own culpability in the matter.

I suspect that the two are related - that is, being made aware of how much she'd overlooked was a sharp shock for Spitfire, who's strengths are not as a trainer. Lightning Dust's lack of remorse didn't help, though.


Lightning Dust's lack of remorse didn't help, though.

No argument there, although we don't know how Lighting presented herself to Spitfire. Considering her role as lead pony was what she uses to justify her actions it's possible she would've been a lot more receptive to Spitfire than she was to Rainbow Dash.

Given the situation it's also entirely possible that Lighting thought that putting a positive spin on things would keep her from being discharged. Given that Rainbow herself isn't 100% honest about her role in helping Lighting Dust, it would make sense that they are both in denial about what just happened (to differing degrees).

Given her general behaviour vis-a-vis risk, I doubt Lightning Dust thought she had done anything wrong.

It's certainly possible, but it's not like her superiors they had been doing anything to dissuade her of that notion. Her first offense and the implication is they discharged her right off the bat. It's a lot harder to learn something when there's no one around to teach you.

There are enough ponies after a Wonderbolts slot that they don't need to go out on a limb for ones who nearly comitted mass mareslaughter and don't even realise it's a problem.

True enough but if they were that worried about it, then turning her lose on the general public is a abhorrently poor decision as we see in Washouts. What we've seen of Equestrian justice system indicates it's typical to never take responsibility for someone unless there's an angle involved.

Bringing it around back again to Cozy Glow again and Equestria's official justice system stinks at reformation or punishment is concerned, not to mention their due process procedures suck. Expedience is prized over accuracy, one pony usual makes all the decisions, and their are no court of appeals. Even in the two criminal cases we observe with Trouble Shoes and Cozy Glow this appears to be the case.

And the highest judges in the land aren't infallible (look at the way Twilight accuses the CMC in Marks for Effort despite the fact that it wouldn't have taken all that much to double check their testimony).

So they should have sought to have her aressted and receive some kind of professional flight ban? Perhaps - but probablly since they felt the incident was partly their faults, persecuting her for it further would have been awkward.

And I don't think that what we see with Cozy and co is any kind of normal justice - hence my attempted rewriting to subject her to it.

Not normal justice for us (hopefully) but it would seem to apply every criminal proceeding we've seen in Equestria, from Cozy to Tirek to Discord to Luna to Starlight to Trouble Shoes. Justice is decided unilaterally in the spur of the moment.

As for persecuting the issue farther being awkward that is my basic point. It may not be right to leave Lightning Dust to her own devices but they do so because it is the easiest choice for them to make.

Most of those are of the national threat level - more a security matter than a justice one. Issues only became apparent when the last seasons began leaving the villians to Celestia's (lack of) mercy.

And Lightining Dust isn't their responsibility, beyond not enabling her.

In "Rarity Investigates" Rainbow Dash is expected by the Wonderbolts to prove her innocence and in "School Raze" Cozy Glow convinces her peers to resort to mob justice fairly easy. Coupled with what happened to Trouble Shoes and the general indication is that Equestrian justice is pretty sketchy at best.

And Lightning Dust isn't their responsibility, beyond not enabling her.

Maybe so but as you point out they might have dealt with her more thoroughly and they didn't, which says something. It may just be they are a lot less influential than anybody assumes, or could be that old bissare pony apathy at play but it says something.

So they should have sought to have her arrested and receive some kind of professional flight ban? Perhaps - but probably since they felt the incident was partly their faults, persecuting her for it further would have been awkward.

(If you want to talk more about Lighting Dust or the Equestrian justice system we should proberbly do so in another thread or discussion group.)

Don't remind me how i'd hoped we'd see a proper Equestrian court in that episode... but in the end, it wan't a criminal matter, just an internal team thing. Mob justice was an ad hoc thing, and I figured Trouble Shoes was going to appear in front of an actual judge at some point.

Still given the fact that so many ponies can and do perform a run around the law it's easy to see that there may be problems in Equestria with the justice system. Same thing with the Flim Flam brothers, both times they came to Ponyville they were driven out of town by its citizens, not by any of its officials.

(If you want to talk more about Lighting Dust or the Equestrian justice system we should proberbly do so in another thread or discussion group.)

Quite possible - certainly regarding Cozy Glow, Celestia seems to see her as just a threat to be contained, but isn't quite willing to kill her.

the dobermans
Group Admin


Do you think Celestia and Luna have it in them - to kill, that is?

I would find the idea they haven't had to do so several times, at least, astounding.

Now, killing a defeated enemy, at their mercy? Partucularly a fillly? That might be a different story.

(My headcanon goes another route, but I didn't get that far in my story.)

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