Cozy Glow 583 members · 946 stories
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I've had this idea for a while, and as a whole, part of me is surprised to see so few stories focusing on Cozy Glow during her tenure at the School of Friendship, so I figured I may as well share the concept.

As the title shows, the idea is to take a Brony (or at least someone who is familiar with Cozy Glow's true nature in the show), and send them into Equestria as a pony who ends up attending the School of Friendship at the start of Season 8. Everything would be fine at first, minus any disgruntlement that the protagonist may or may not have, when boom- Cozy Glow shows up however many days into the semester, already beginning her manipulative streak.

I can imagine a few different ways this scenario would play out. Depending on the chosen flavor of HIE protagonist, I can easily see first impressions turning sour pretty quickly. Maybe they visibly recognize her, or even blurt something that doesn't make sense to the ponies around them, or maybe they simply try to reject Cozy's offer of "friendship". Either way, I doubt any kind of negative reaction to her would bode well for them. It'd be pretty much impossible to convince ponies that some random little filly is secretly an evil villain, especially if Cozy turns up the crocodile tears and plays it up like the protag is trying to bully her or something. Alternatively, maybe the human is of the more calm or subtle variety, and manages to hide their foreknowledge when they meet her, and at least pretend to buy into her friendly persona.

In either case, the human would still have to live for a considerable length of time, knowing that a little pink ticking time bomb is attending the same school, just waiting until she can unleash her master plan. And it's not just any ordinary school, it's the School of Friendship. I could imagine someone wanting to just ignore or avoid her as much as possible, but considering the nature of the school, that likely wouldn't work for long. Heck, I could see it as an assignment given to the human, to get over their misgivings with the filly and try befriend her, even as they can see her obviously lying to their face while trying to butter them up.

And of course, the biggest question of all, is what the human would do, knowing Cozy's plan. Would they try to sneak around and sabotage it so it'd never work, or just wait around and try to tolerate her until she inevitably gets shipped off to Tartarus? Maybe the human makes friends with other characters, and tries to convince them of Cozy Glow's true nature, so they can at least stay safe when all the magic starts to disappear? Or, do they try to dissuade Cozy herself from attempting her grand plan, and try to befriend her true self and reform her? I could especially see the human trying to learn more about Cozy, considering how little canonical backstory she has.

Bonus points if the protag has to also share a dorm room with Cozy, or be next door neighbors with her, just to make avoiding her as difficult as possible.

Anyone with a functioning brain cell wouldn't throw accusations around. Right or not, no one would believe them without proof. Cozy doesn't even need to play up the crocodile tears either.

This loser just destroyed any credibility they may have.

Maybe if they can convince her they had some kind of for knowledgeable of this to come, they can simply tell Cozy Glow where the path she's on leads and offer to help her change course?

Apologies, I suppose I explained that point poorly. I wasn't trying to make it out like the human would actually try to randomly accuse Cozy of being evil. Rather, I was trying to explore any kind of outcome where they're surprised the first time they see her, at least to some degree. Maybe they might start to say something, like "Oh, not you-", or maybe they might just visibly blanch or react in any kind of unusual way, without being able to explain themselves because, of course, they wouldn't have any proof to accuse her with. It could easily turn awkward, especially once Cozy starts on her usual friendly act. A normal person wouldn't exactly be comfortable in a position where someone is asking to be their friend, yet they know that person is a liar and a villain, yet they wouldn't be able to back up such a claim if they made it. It has the potential to be a juicy internal conflict for the protagonist, and could very well deepen as the stories explores the distrustful not-actually-a-friendship that they have with Cozy Glow.

Perhaps, although the protagonist would have to be very careful not to accidentally give Cozy any advice that would just let her ensure her plan succeeds instead. I don't think she would give up just because someone tells her she'll fail. She could just turn around and use that warning as advice to be even more cautious and meticulous, even if nothing is said about how she might fail. But hey, that could be an interesting turn of events for the climax

Yeah, figured that could be a serious risk factor. Though it might make for an interesting dynamic to have Cozy know both that someone is on to her and her plan was originally destined to fail, while they're trying to pleading with her to stop before it's too late. But she's stubbornly refusing to and trying to find a way to salvage things.


That would be a funny story, you have that brony trying to convince everypony in the school that Cozy Glow is a mastermind villain, while they all just think weird of him; going from thinking that he has something against Cozy to thinking that he just hates fillies, then thinking that he's paranoid, until they start to suspect he is just insane. And of course Cozy would figure out that he somehow knows and play him like a fiddle, constantly making fun of him for failing to convince ponies of who she really is. And if he indeed sleeps in the same room as she does, you have comedy gold. :scootangel:

Not gonna lie... I thought I read that thread title as the following; Idea: Brony-Turned-Pony Stuck in School of Friendship as Cozy Glow.


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