Epic Adventure, High Fantasy, and Sci-Fi 323 members · 497 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Starry Sparks is an alicorn. And she did not sign up for this. She's constantly caught up in adventure, and this one is no different. Now she's off chasing whoever the latest evil villain off to take over the world is. While trying to out-run the trouble she's caused. And not die in the process. Or get any of her traveling companions killed. Or...well, or try to do a lot of things.

Generally a more straightforward high-fantasy style mlp adventure. No real time-consuming romance, lots of traveling and running and fighting. And blowing things up.

Stars in the Sky

TStars in the Sky
Starry Sparks is a wandering alicorn. Adventure follows in her hoof steps, and now she has to stop an ancient villain from taking over the Equestria. Easy, right? Yeah...let's go with that.
Book_Wyrm · 20k words  ·  17  3 · 764 views
Group Admin

I still need to sit down and read this one. It certainly sounds appealing.

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