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Group Admin

A good friend of mine has invited me to join his circle for their next campaign. I've been interested in joining a circle in the past but don't know where to start.

With all the books and videos and tutorials out there, it seems a little daunting to start looking into them.

Can anyone suggest a good resource to get started? Learn the ropes?

Thanks much.

I would ask your friend to do free roam rules where almost all requirements and play it just like you play Skyrim. But you have to have a good D&D Dungeon Master. It also depends on what Generation of D&D your playing. From personal experience D&D Generation 4 is the most easiest and simplified version you can play but it still can be overwhelming at times.

Group Admin

I think I'll ask him how they run things. That's simple, but solid advice.


I am sorry that I didn't really help.

Group Admin

Hey, it's complicated. I can't do much until I figure out what method they go by. Gives me a place to start.

*entering maximum verbosity...*

It depends a little on what edition of D&D they are playing, or if it's a fusion of more than one.
D&D is my favorite game of all time, ever. In my experience, each game has elements of strategy, psychology, philosophy, improvisational acting, and research. However, that's me. Other people approach it more like a video game. Different people have different playing styles. :twilightsmile:

The circle may be quietly planning or wondering how to help you do this, and IF THEY ARE the good news is you are not going into this unguided.

Imagine if you were dealing with a friend who had never played a video game before, and they're looking uncertainly at just how many buttons and switches are on that dang controller... You know from experience that once you get into it there's not real problem. It's just a matter of how to get your friend started.

That may be the situation this circle is in with you. "We know once they get into it they’ll have fun... but how do we get them started?"

Regardless, as far as covering background data from your end... :rainbowdetermined2:

This may sound silly, but if you are looking for videos I would suggest a comedic movie called "The Gamers: Dorkness Rising." And no., it doesn't show a typical gaming troupe or a typical game: there is no such thing. :twilightsmile: But it does spend the movie moving effectively between the story from player perspectives, and from character perspectives, and also does a good job of showing a series of conflicts and resolutions between players and refs using different gaming styles.

Also, it's funny. And when possible, I recommend learning from comedies. :twilightblush:

Book-wise, every edition has a Player's Handbook. I recommend borrowing a copy or downloading a PDF of whatever PH they use, and reading through the early parts of it.

You're looking at basically three parts, here: the Introduction, the Character Races, and the Character Classes. These three sections will give you some basic idea of not only how the system works, but (perhaps more importantly) snippets of insight into the fantasy world and its cultures.

You can also (if you both have time) ask your friend to tell you some about the last session. Many players will be more than happy to regale you about their character's exploits, and it will allow you to ask questions about the world and the game system.

And, lastly, if you can, talk to or email the DM / Referee about their game. Ask them what their view on gaming is, and how do they run their game? What kind of character, if any, do they think the party really needs? This will help you gain insight into their reffing style and their communication style.

And in the unlikely event that you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. I am not as knowledgeable about later editions as I am about the older ones, but if I can offer any insight I will be more than happy to. :twilightsmile:

EDIT: The video is on YouTube, it seems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOUksDJCijw :yay:

Group Admin

I'll make sure to ask them the right questions.


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