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“I-I’m fine, Angel,” she muttered with a grimace, before putting on as bright a smile as she could manage. “I think this day just took more out of me than I expected.”

This review contains spoilers, please read the updated version of the story here before reading this review.

What is it that makes something a classic? Why is it that there are certain cultural touchstones that we keep returning to? That remain as relevant in the zeitgeist now as they did decades ago? What drives our collective consciousness back into these caves, heedless of prior explorers, so that we might be able to uncover new channels and new passages still? 

A review like this cannot answer a question as big as this. But I like to think, personally, that we retread this ground because it’s honest. Because it speaks to something fundamental in people. Tales of monsters like vampires and werewolves, creatures that take a part of us and twist it into something monstrous. These keep our fascination because of the persistent fear that we might become the monster. 

Vampirism is the classic that Flashgen’s Blue Sunny Day references, and the honest, fundamental fear of self-corruption along with it. Ground this well trodden needs a deft hand to fully elicit the proper horror response. It’s fortunate, then, that Flashgen is a master at this kind of fiction. 

“Every writer on fimfiction at some point becomes known for something,” Red Parade begins, “For me, I think that Flashgen and the horror genre are practically synonymous. Blue Sunny Day highlights this quite well. The prose of the story rings true and stays strong throughout the story,  and the characterization of Fluttershy was memorable and brilliant.

Vis-a-Viscera concurs on the writer’s credentials adding “Flashgen always had this latent talent of being evocative in scenes that otherwise would have obscure bents or genres. In fact, the Fleeting Light series he has shows just how amazing well he applies it to second person stories.”

And given these credentials, it’s no surprise that Flashgen’s execution is what prevents this piece from being ‘another vampire story’ and instead cements it as a shockingly unsettling and evocative piece of writing.

“Perhaps the references to vampires are slightly direct. Perhaps it isn’t impossibly difficult to piece together what’s about to happen,” Red Parade continues, “But the execution of these concepts coupled with the fantastic, brooding prose are more than enough to sell this piece to me.”

We are told what happened to Fluttershy in a drip-feed structure, clues appear and tease the audience as a fuller picture becomes more and more clear. Flash handles this exceptionally, and keeps the audience constantly guessing throughout the piece. 

“The quality of this piece can not be ignored. What truly amazes me is how we are able to piece together exactly what has happened only by what is implied,” said Red Parade, highlighting this, “The clues are enticing and the thrill is there, leaving me invested for the entire story.  The reader is taken on a wild ride as they follow Fluttershy through her day to day life, knowing that something is wrong but unable to directly place it.

As the story goes on, we find Fluttershy in the throes of her degrading condition, the vampirism beginning to change and warp her. This process is conveyed both brutally and unrelentingly. The audience is never given that familiar kind pegasus, instead we see the version of her that the sickness is creating. 

“The degradation of Fluttershy's condition, and the fact that days blur together in a shade of red that only gets deeper the more days pass, is the right move!” RubyDubious comments, “The image of Fluttershy underneath her covers, a corroded husk of the mare she was just days before is chilling.” 

“And through it all, the exact right moments of the situation are emphasized.” Vis-a-Viscera concurs, “The comfort of her friends, made to both show Fluttershy wants to stay Flutterhsy, despite the urge taking her over.” 

“One that also helps crystallize what’s happening to her with the aversion to sunlight. It's a level of surreal, show-don’t-tell horror that wouldn’t be too far out from Silent Hill games.. It shows a willingness to show the impact of uch horrifying circumstances on a normal mind, and the slow decline into madness. Atmosphere, one might say.”

Our reviewers all highlighted the story’s amazing ending as a particular point of praise. 

“Fluttershy is a kind soul but also a determined one. And the second she takes the life of one of her favorite woodland creatures, she finally concedes that the monster inside her is uncontrollable and lethal… and puts it down with the last of her will,” Vis-a-Viscera summarises, “It’s the culmination of an absolutely beautiful and chilling fight with herself, and that she loses it but leaves the battlefield (and mortal coil) with grace makes Blue Sunny Sky phenomenal.”

“The particularly horrific line of, 'she tried not to think of the twitching animal against her lips,' both come together and make for something truly unsettling. I loved this piece,” said RubyDubious, “Overall, it was a stunning short story, and I'm happy to have read it, and happy to recommend it as well!” 

Red Parade was similarly enthralled by the story’s conclusion, saying “And not to mention the final scene that really blows this whole fic open. The slow burn truly ignites here, confirming suspicions with a final bit of information that leaves the reader horrified. Vampires may be an old concept, but Flash’s take is fresh, new, and brilliantly done, keeping us on our toes and reminding us why his middle name is practically horror.” 

Overall, this piece was a stunning and horrifying story that succeeds amazingly in carving out its own identity in the pantheon of these classic horror tropes. It’s a story that delights in dealing with the visceral, ugly parts of ourselves, and how these might be twisted against us. 

It manages to, through warping her character into something unrecognisable, present an accurate and detailed treatise on a character most known for kindness. And all the while, Flashgen’s skillful and subtle prose weaves genuine horror throughout. There are few stories more worth your time than this one. 

Flashgen has an updated version of the fic which can be found here! Please go and show him some love! 

Until next time!

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