Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey 36 members · 3 stories
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Mister V
Group Admin

Hey listen, I know it's to soon, but I could really use some lines for my series so if you have some let me know.
I'll accept anything as long as it's family friendly.

"Phew!" Twilight Sparkle sneezed, coughing up dusts. "It's pretty dusty in here. And dark."

"You don't say, you don't say," Rarity coughed. "My, this is TERRIBLE!"

"Well, y'know what they say," Applejack began. "Whistle while you work!"

"C'mon, AJ. That was a long time ago!" Rainbow Dash frowned. "We've grown up from that. No one watches that anymore."

"Are you saying we're too old to relive our happy childhood cotton candy loving memories at Disney World?!" Pinkie gasped horribly and dramatically. "NEVER!"


"Hey guys! Check this out!" Sunset pointed to what looks like a book, with a picture of Walt Disney at the center, surrounded by various cartoon characters from Mickey Mouse to Elsa.

"Who is she?" Twilight asked.

"And what's with the strange book?" Sunset added.

Twilight loomed close toward the sleeping girl, cautiously peering down for a better look...

GASP!!! The girl suddenly reel forward gasping for air, eyes widen, causing Twilight and the others to reel back in shock. The girl took a few deep breathes, the book clutched tightly in her grip, as she looked around her surroundings. Based on the concern on her face, it was clear she was very confused.

"Where am I?" She asked, softly.

She suddenly acknowledged the group of girls and an unusual purple-and-green puppy and was taken by surprise. She caught herself from falling off the open coffin with one hand, the book still clutched in the other.

"Who are you?!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Twilight said. "We didn't mean to frighten you."

"We promise we're not going to hurt you," Sunset assured.

"Yeah, we come in peace!" Pinkie added, with glee.

"Really?" Applejack asked, an eyebrow raised.

You'll have to forgive me; I'm drawing a bit of a blank. I've been so used to the Disney Chronicles for so long, it's tough to think of something without making it feel like a carbon copy. I'll need to think of where to go from this point.

Mister V
Group Admin

It's okay, infact this is great for my first chapter.

An idea for the little mermaid

Rarity-These fins are divine.

Rainbow-If you ask me, this feels kinda shocking, i almost have the urge to chase my own tail. (Spins around) Whoa, spinning, underwater world, dizzy.



Have any of you come up with the story idea for Fantasia in this series?


Rainbow-Ain't no way you girls are getting me in that tutu, no way no how.

Mister V
Group Admin

Kinda, but I may need some help in putting it together.

Try asking Dino. He might help you with some ideas.

Mister V
Group Admin

I don't know. I wouldn't want it to be a ripoff of his MLP: Disney Chronicles series.

What did Dino say about the third story you will write?

Mister V
Group Admin

He said it was quite orginal. :twilightsmile:

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