Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey 36 members · 3 stories
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Mister V
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(Phillipe runs into the open field. Our heroes look at him, disturbed that Maurice is not with him.)

Belle: Phillipe! What are you doing here? Where’s…? Where’s Papa? Where is he, Phillipe? What happened?

(Phillipe turns his head and snorts shortly.)

Fluttershy: He said he doesn’t know. He was busy running from wolves to notice that Maurice was missing.

Fugitoid: Oh dear. He must have gotten lost in the forest.

Belle: Oh, we have to find him, you have to take me to him!

(Everyone gets on the wagon. Cut to exterior of the castle gate. How Phillipe brought our heroes there is a mystery, seeing as Phillipe never made it to the castle with Maurice. Everyone looks up at the dark castle penetrating the sky.)

Belle: What is this place?

Michelangelo: Whoa, dudes. It’s huge!

King Dedede: Hmm, funny looking castle.

Master Kohga: It’s kinda gloomy, isn’t it.

(Phillipe snorts, then begins to buck as if something is scaring him. Belle dismounts and comforts him. Crab Tuesday sees something and crosses the gate into the fog.)

Belle: Phillipe, please, steady. Steady.

(Sunset soon notices someone missing.)

Sunset: Hey, where’s Crab Tuesday?

(Pinkie turns around and sees Crab Tuesday’s shadow hopping in the fog.

Pinkie: Oh, there he is!

Luigi: And it looks he found something.

(Fugitoid turns on his spotlight eyes and our heroes see Crab Tuesday jumping up and down on Maurice’s hat. Belle opens up the gate and picks up the hat. )

Belle: Papa.

Toad: Mr. Maurice is inside that place?

Yunobo: How are we going to get her in there?

Littlefoot: By going in there?

Orbot: But it's dark.

Cubot: And f-f-f-frightful.

Chef Kawasaki: And we have no idea what we'll f-find.

Belle: Well I’m not going to sit around here! We must get my papa out! He could be hurt!

Escargoon: I was afraid she would say that.

(Everyone goes into the castle, with Shaggy and Scooby being the last ones.)

Shaggy: Shouldn’t we do this for a Scooby snack?

Scooby: Shaggy!

(Scooby goes in with a look of annoyance on his face.)

Shaggy: You’re right Scoob. Maybe just one snack? We did miss lunch.

(Shaggy goes in with the rest of the group. Inside the castle, Cogsworth begins scold Lumiere for his actions.)

Cogsworth: Couldn't keep quiet, could we? Just had to invite him to stay, didn't we? (mimicking Lumiere) "Serve him tea, sit in the master's chair, pet the pooch."

Lumiere: (defensive) I was trying to be hospitable.

Cogsworth: Insulted Hospitable? I'm surpised you didn't draw him a bath.

(At the main entrance, Belle and the gang enter through the castle's front doors.)

Belle: Hello? Is anyone here? Hello?

Tiff: Anybody home?

Jak: Look we don't mean to intrude, and we mean no harm in any way. But this girl's father was lost and we tracked him here. So, if it's not too much trouble, I hope you don't mind us snooping around the castle looking for him. Okay?

(Brief silence and no answer.)

Meta Knight: That's strange. This place is quiet. Too quiet.

Murray: Where is everyone?

Velma Dinkley: Why would the villagers in Belle's town not know about this castle's existence?

Fred Jones: And why would there be an empty castle if there's no dedicated royal family to establish laws and rule the land?

Daphne Blake: And more importantly, how are we going to find Belle's father if there's no actual people in this castle?

Urbosa: I don't know. But we'll figure it out later once we find Maurice. Let's check the upper floors first.

Velma Dinkley: Scooby, we might need you to use your nose to find him.

Scooby-Doo: Me? Nuh-uh. Nuh-uh. (whimpers)

Daphne Blake: What? Did you twist your little paw?

Scooby-Doo: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Daphne Blake: If you track down Belle's father, could I give you a Scooby snack?

Scooby-Doo: Oh, boy! (jumps around happily and pants)

Daphne Blake: And do you promise to be fearless?

Scooby-Doo: Fearless? Yeah.

Daphne Blake: Good. (feeds Scooby the Scooby snack, much to the amusement of Belle and the gang)

Fred Jones: Alright, gang. Let's move out.

(Scooby leads the way to sniff out Maurice's scent.)

Belle: Papa?

Shantae: Maurice?

Belle: Papa? Are you here?

Jiminy Cricket: Papa?! (pauses) Huh. He ain't my father. Uh, Mr. Maurice?!

Asterix: Maurice? You in here?

Littlefoot: You there, Maurice?

Cera: Maurice, are you in here?

Tails: Maurice?

Zelda: Maurice? Maurice? Oh, dear me. Where could he be? Maurice?

King Shark: Maurice?

Ayla: Maurice?

(Mrs. Potts is preparing a bath for her children when Chip comes in.)

Chip Potts: Mama, there's a girl in the castle!

Mrs. Potts: Now, Chip, I'll not have you making up such wild stories.

Chip Potts: Really, Mama, I saw her!

Mrs. Potts: Not another word. Into the tub. (puts her son in the tub)

Fifi: A girl! I saw a girl in the castle!

Chip Potts: See? I told ya. (giggles)

Cogsworth: Irresponsible! Devil-may cared! Waxy eared! Slack jawed…!

Belle: Papa?

Fluttershy: Maurice?

Leonardo: Maurice? Are you there?

Lumiere: Did you see that? (goes to the door and gasps) It's a girl!

Cogsworth: I know it's a girl.

Lumiere: Don't you see? She's the one! The girl we have been waiting for! She has come to break the spell! (begins following Belle and the group)

Cogsworth: Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

Lumiere: (stops for a moment) And surely her friends could be of help too! Come on, Cogsworth, let's go!

Cogsworth: Now, wait a minute! Wait a minute!

(Lumiere continues to excitedly follow them while an unsure Cogsworth tries to catch up)

Belle: Papa?

Shaggy Rogers: Maurice?

(Lumiere and Cogsworth up a door behind them.)

Belle: Papa?

Heroes: Huh?

(Lumiere and Cogsworth were opening the door and while Cogsworth quickly hid behind it, Lumiere headed up a staircase. Belle and the gang didn't see them, but they saw a light going up the stairs.)

Peach: Who's there?

Belle: Hello? Is someone here? Wait! I'm looking for my father, I…

(Belle and the group follow Lumiere's light up the stairs while Cogsworth watches in worry. They head up the stairs, hoping to find someone who could help them. But as they reach the top, they don't see anybody.)

Belle: That's funny. I'm sure there was someone.

Velma Dinkley: Yeah, this is so weird. If someone was here, it's like they completely vanished into thin air or something.

Revali: This is strange. Very strange indeed.

Shaggy Rogers: Zoinks! Like you don't think this castle is filled with g-g-ghosts, do you?!

Scooby-Doo: Uh-oh! (shudders)

Velma Dinkley: Oh, don't be ridiculous, Shaggy. This place isn't haunted by ghosts or evil spirits.

Michelangelo: Yeah, but I get a feeling that we're being watched.

Belle: Is anyone here?

Maurice: Belle?

Heroes: (gasps in shock)

Belle: Papa!

(Belle and the gang run over to the dungeon cell to check on Maurice. Some of them drop their torches while Belle grabs on above her.)

Twilight: Maurice, are you alright?

Maurice: I am now. But how did you find me?

Belle: Oh, your hands are like ice. (her father coughs) We have to get you out of here.

Maurice: Belle, I want you and your friends to leave this place.

Donatello: But who did this to you?

Maurice: No time to explain. You all must go! Now!

Belle: We won't leave you!

(April gets a major headache and senses someone approaching.)


(A large had suddenly appears, grabs Belle's shoulder and angrily flings her around, making her drop the torch into a puddle.)


Maurice: RUN, BELLE!!

Leonardo: (gasps and stands protectively in front of Belle) Halt! Who goes there?! Who are you?!

Beast: The master of this castle.

(The group turn to see a shadow lurking around them.)

Scooby-Doo: Ahh! (hops into Shaggy's arms in fright)

Shaggy Rogers: Zoinks! (hops into Michelangelo's arms in fright)

Michelangelo: I told you someone was watching us! (hops into King Dedede's arms in fright)

Belle: I've come for my father. Please, let him out! Can't you see he's sick?

Beast: Then he shouldn't have trespassed here!

Belle: But he could die. Please, I'll do anything!

Beast: There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner.

Belle: Oh, there must be some way I can...

Impa: (growls and puts his foot down) Now, you listen here, "Master of the Castle"! This poor girl came all the way out here to reunite with her father! You can't just lock him up and keep them separated like this! That's kidnapping!

Karai: And if you think you have every right to keep him locked away as your prisoner for life, then you're sadly mistaken!

Luigi: Hey, ladies, you might wanna take it easy.

Belle: Wait!

Heroes: Huh?

Beast: (growls)

Belle: (brief silence) Take me instead!

Heroes: (gasps in horror)

Beast: You! (pauses) You would...take his place?

Maurice: Belle, no! You don't know what you're doing!

Cuphead: Yeah, Belle. You can't be serious with this.

Spike: You don't have to do that!

Mugman: There has to be another way!

Belle: (ignores their pleas) If I did, would you let him go?

Beast: Yes. But you must promise to stay here forever.

Belle: Come into the light.

(The creature does so, and everyone got a clear view of the mysterious animal. But he isn't just any creature. He has the head structure and horns of a buffalo, the arms, claws and body of a bear, the eyebrows of a gorilla, the jaws and mane of a lion, the tusks of a wild boar and the legs, teeth, and tail of a wolf. He also wears a torn up purple cape and blue pants. Everyone is shocked by his appearance.)

Belle and Heroes: (gasp in fear)

(Belle is incredibly scared by the Beast's appearance and hovers near her father.)

Maurice: No, Belle! I won't let you do this!

Belle: (goes up to the Beast while on the verge of tears) You have my word.

Sunset Shimmer: (Gets between Belle and the Beast.) Hold it. There's just one condition to all of this. You'll have to let us stay with her. Because if Belle stays here, then we stay here too. Got it?!

Beast: Done!

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