Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey 36 members · 3 stories
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Mister V
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(The scene changes to where Aurora, the fairies, Ash and friends walk through the woods and they enter the castle.)

Sunset: Well, here we are, Aurora.

Flora: In here, dear. (Merryweather closed the door and sighed) Lock the door, Merryweather. Fauna, close the drapes. See Maleficent anywhere, children?

April: I don’t sense her presence anywhere

Spike: I don’t smell her, either. Looks like we’re all clear.

Flora: Good. (to Aurora) Now, dear, if you'll just sit here. This one last gift, dear child for thee. The symbol of thy royalty. (a crown magically appeared) A crown to wear her grace and beauty. As is thy right and royal duty.

(Aurora, still upset about not going to see Prince Phillip again, breaks down crying.)

Toad: This isn't cheering her up, is it?

Periwinkle: No, she's still very sad.

Fauna: (trying to comfort her) Now, dear.

Flora: Come everyone, let her have a few moments alone.

Twilight Sparkle: Shouldn’t one of us stay here and watch her?

Michelangelo: I’ll take the first watch.

(The fairies among the Sunset and his friends leave the room.)

Merryweather: It's that boy she met.

Rosetta: We know, Merryweather. This is worse than I thought.

Fugitoid: You're telling me.

Fauna: Whatever are we going to do?

Jiminy Cricket: And how will we ever tell the king and queen?

Leonardo: I- (sighs) I-I don't know, Jiminy. I don't know.

(Aurora, now all alone, is still sobbing on her dresser with Michelangelo keeping an eye on her. Suddenly, the room was getting cold and dark. A strange, eerie sound is heard. It sounded like it was calling their name. The fire in the fireplace goes out. The smoke forms into a green ball of light, showing a vision of Maleficent standing in the darkness. She disappears and the green light glows. Just then, Aurora and Michelangelo, while hearing the spooky sound, looked up and saw the green light in front of them. Their eyes, on the other hand, do not appear to look normal. It was as if she fell under the green light's strange trance. Aurora stands up. Her cloak falls and the two of them began to follow the green light.)

Merryweather: Ooh! I don't see why she has to marry any old prince!

Fauna: Now, that's not for us to decide, dear.

Iridessa: Yeah, Merryweather. It's really not any of our business.

(Back in the room, Aurora continues to follow the green light as it creates a tunnel in the fireplace.)

Fauna: Maybe we should tell King Stefan about the boy.

Fawn: Well, why don't we?

Luigi: (hears something behind the door and feels uneasy about it) Hey, guys, d-d-do you hear that sound?

(Everyone looks around and, in an instant, they begin to hear it too.)

Fugitoid: Yeah, I hear it too.

Panda King: So do I.

Tinker Bell: Same here.

Catwoman: Me too.

Mario: Me too.

Periwinkle: All of us can hear it.

Donkey Kong: Whatever that sound is, I really don't like it.

Karai Hamato: Me neither. It's so spooky. Unless... (leans against the door to hear it, suddenly gasps and feels shaken) It-it can't be!

Rainbow Dash: (gasps) Oh, no. No way... (to Flora) It's her, isn't it, Flora?

Flora: (hears something and suddenly gasps) It is her, Rainbow Dash! It's Maleficent!

Bentley: What?! She's here?! But how did she find us?! And how did she know?!

Flora: That's not important now! We have to stop her before she can place her curse on the princess!

Leonardo: Flora's right, everyone! Let's go!

Fauna: Rose!

Fairies: Rose! Rose!

(Everyone gasps and sees that they're too late. Aurora is in the far end of the tunnel in the fireplace.)

Fauna: Oh, why did we leave her alone?!

Penelope: Aurora! No!

Cuphead: Mikey!

Toadette: Aurora!

Penelope: Aurora, come back here!

Princess Peach & Princess Daisy: Stop!

Fairies: Rose! Rose!

(The entrance becomes a wall again before anyone can enter)

April O’Neil: No! (punches the wall)

(The hypnotized Aurora and Michelangelo continue to follow Maleficent's green light up the stairs. Raph and Leo grab the fireplace pick and try to pry the wall apart. However, their attempts were to no avail, and they end up exhausted.)

Flora: Leonardo, Raphael. Both of you relax. I'll handle this.

(Flora makes the wall disappear and they enter the tunnel.)

Fairies: Rose! Rose! Rose!

Terence: Mikey!

Fairies: Rose? Rose, where are you?

Mugman: They could be anywhere in here! Who knows what Maleficent's doing to her now!

Ayla: Ayla have scent. Ayla can track Rose and Mikey.

Applejack: Then let’s go!

Fairies: Rose, Rose, Rose!

(Scene changes to show Aurora and Michelangelo following the light up the stairs to a secluded room before it changes back to our heroes following the trail.)

Rarity: Aurora!

Harley Quinn: Princess Aurora!

King Shark: Mikey, are you there?

(Scene changes to show Aurora and Michelangelo entering the room before the green light reveals a spinning wheel in the darkness before it changes back to our heroes following the trail.)

Flora: Rose!

Fauna: Rose!

Merryweather: Don't touch anything!

Maleficent: (voice) Touch the spindle. Touch it, I say!

(Aurora leans her hand in close to the cursed spindle and pricks her middle finger on the sharp point of it. Raph and Sunset were the first to enter the room. However, much to their horror, they were too late when they saw Aurora pricking her fingering on the cursed spindle and falling to the ground as she is now placed under the sleeping spell.)

Sunset Shimmer and Raphael: (gasps upon seeing Aurora pricking her finger) NOOOO!!!!

(The fairies and the rest of our heroes arrive as well. But gasp in shock upon seeing this. Everyone glares furiously at Maleficent and Joker as they glare back at them.)

Sly Cooper: (furiously) All right, Maleficent. What did you just do to Princess Aurora and Mikey?!

Joker: (tauntingly) Now, now, that is very rude of you to ask my friend that. But no matter, you and your friends are too late to save her.

Carmelita Fox: You were in here alone with them! Where are they?!

Maleficent: You poor simple fools, thinking you can defeat me? Me! The mistress of all evil! Well, here's your precious princess!

(Maleficent moves her cloak to reveal Aurora and Michelangelo in a deep sleep, much to the shock of everyone.)

Joker: And his nobel bodyguard. (They both cackle before disappearing)

(Raph growls angrily and runs up to attack Maleficent. But it’s too late to get her due to her and Joker vanishing.)

Raphael: (growls angrily and lets out a yell of frustration; pounds his fists on the ground, which causes everyone to gasp, and pants heavily) I will make you regret this, Maleficent! I swear!

Clayface: (gently) Shh, calm down, son.

Poison Ivy: We'll get her for sure.

Raphael: (crying) This is all my fault, guys. We never should've left her alone. And I failed to protect my brother!

(The fairies comfort Raph as he cries.)

Flora: (hugging Raph) Oh, there, there, we know just how you feel, dear.

Raphael: I'm never ever gonna forgive Maleficent for this.

Merryweather: We're all never gonna forgive her for everything she's done, not just you, Raph.

Fauna; You're not the only one who failed, dearie. We've failed too.

Trinity: Yeah, we're all to blame.

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