Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey 36 members · 3 stories
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Mister V
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(Meanwhile, Prince Eric is sitting by the shore, playing his fife with Shantae. He couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious girl who saved him from the storm. He paces around while Max happily barks.)

Prince Eric: That voice. I can't get it out of my head. Are you sure you haven’t found her

Shantae: I looked everywhere, Eric. I don’t know where she could be

(Cut to see our heroes, exhausted upon helping Ariel reach land. Flounder and Sebastian breathe heavily in exhaustion. Sebastian collapses down as he succumbs to his tiredness.)

Ratchet: (breathes heavily) Never...never have I been so glad to see the light of day! Never has the air felt so fresh and clean!

King Dedede: (breathes heavily) Oh, boy. The sky never looked so blue. (sighs) Oh, what mercy that we reached land on time.

Jiminy Cricket: Yeah. (hits his head to get water out of his ears) I thought for sure we'd never make it. (coughs) Certainly feels great to be back on dry land again.

Sunset Shimmer: Ariel, are you okay? 

(Ariel wakes up only to see her new legs much to her shock. She raises one up and sees her new foot, the wiggles her toes in amazement)

Scuttle: Well, look at what the catfish dragged in! (laughs and lands on Ariel's new legs) Look at ya. Look at ya. There's something different. Don't tell me. I got it. It's your hairdo, right? You've been using the dinglehopper, right? (Ariel shakes her head) No? No, huh? Well, let me see. New seashells? (Ariel doesn't answer) No new seashells. (Ariel shakes her leg) I gotta admit, I can't put my foot on it right now, (Ash, Sebastian and the gang are annoyed at Scuttle's stupidity) but if I just stand here long enough, I just know that…

Sebastian: SHE'S GOT LEGS, YOU IDIOT! She traded her voice to the sea witch and got legs. Geez, man!

Scuttle: I knew that.

Daxter: (sarcastically) Oh, sure you did, Scuttle. Sure you did. To make a long story short, Ariel's been transformed into a human, and now she's got to make the prince fall in love with her and kiss her. Oh, and she's only got three days.

Mako: (sees Ariel tripping over her new feet) Oh, watch it, Ariel! Watch it, watch it! 

(Ariel trips over her new feet and falls into the water, splashing water all over everyone.)

Sebastian: Just look at her! On legs! On human legs! (gasps) My nerves are shot. This is a catastrophe! What would her father say? I'll tell you what her father would say. He said he's gonna kill himself a crab! That's what her father would say! I'm gonna march myself straight home right now and tell him like I should have done the minute...

(Sonic zooms to Sebastian’s side.)

Sonic: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, why don’t you and me go over here behind those rocks and talk, crab to crab.

(Sonic and Sebastian go behind a big rock away from everyone else.)

Sebastian: Maybe there's still time. If we could get that witch to give Ariel back her voice, she could go home with all the normal fish and just be...

Sonic: Look, I get it. It’s not easy to take care of someone else’s kids. I mean I have not experienced it personally, but I have watched a lot of rebellious teenager films. And if there is one thing they taught me, it’s that we need to support Ariel with her dream, no matter what. I mean, you do sorta owe her for making her dad mad enough to break all her stuff.

Sebastian: It was an accident!

Sonic: I get that, kings and dads can get pretty tense. Here’s the deal, buddy. (Points at Ariel.) You help us find Ariel’s dream boat, and if it all goes sour in any way, you and I will go to the king personally and tell him everything. Of course, we will leave a few details out, but still we’ll be straightforward with him.

Sebastian: (sighs sadly upon seeing Ariel's gloomy face and gives in) All right, all right. I'll try to help to find that prince.

Sonic: Perfect. My work here is done. I’ll go tell the guys you’re on board.

Sebastian: Boy, what a soft shell I'm turning out to be.

Sonic: Good news, everyone. Sebastian and I talked it over, and he said he’s going to help us to find the royal dream boat. No need to thank me. (gets scooped up and kissed by Ariel.)

Fluttershy: So, now what do we do?

Zelda: We've got to help Ariel win Eric's heart. It's the only way to save her from becoming Ursula's slave.

Knuckles: Who is this Ursula person anyway?

Sebastian: Ursula is one of the most dangerous and powerful witches in all the seven seas. Ursula used to be King Triton's sister until her banishment.

Ayla: Triton banish Ursula from Atlantica?

Sebastian: Mm-hmm.

Dorothy: But why?

Sebastian: Because he heard rumors about her evil plotting and learned that she was trying to overthrow him. So, on the eve of her assault, Triton attacked Ursula and ravaged almost all of her powers with his trident. And after that, he told her to leave Atlantica and never return. But over the course of the years since her banishment, she somehow managed to find new ways to bring most of her magic powers back. And now, she's becoming more dangerous than ever. Luring victims into her hideout, making deals to them, and placing evil spells on them. Spells that would (shivers) make you cringe so badly to the point where your spines tingle. She had always been a major concern for me because she tried to take over Atlantica with so many schemes and plans that involved her black magic. Luckily, Ariel, Flounder, and I managed to foil them with some help from other sea creatures. However, with her, today was different. After seeing Ariel agreeing to Ursula's dark deal, it shocked me to an extent. I'm not sure what she's really planning on doing right now. But whatever it is, I don't like it. 

Sunset: I am not gonna let her win nor do any harm to our friend.

Leo: Neither will we, Sunset.

Mugman: But what about King Triton? What's he gonna say about this?

Raph: Yeah, I mean we weren’t exactly citizens of his kingdom, and now we’ve become fugitives by helping his girl to become a runaway.

Wallace the Whale: Relax, my boy. I’m over 90 years old and I’ve never let small problems bother me.

Sunset: He’s right. We will think about that later.

Mario: Yeah, right now, we need to help Ariel find that prince.

All Heroes: (murmurs in agreement)

Captain Carter: Rousing pep talk, mates. Uh, however, there's just one teensy-weensy little problem.

Mario: What's that?

Captain Carter: (clears throat; silently) She's naked.

Mario: Huh? (turns and notices that Carter is right, Ariel is naked as a result of her transformation into a human; he freaks out and covers his eyes in embarrassment) Oh, man.

Luigi: How embarrassing. I guess we forgot to tell Ariel that humans need to wear clothes. (everyone laughs while covering their eyes)

Rarity: Don’t worry, darlings. I got this covered. (pulls out her portable sewing machine and begins working on a dress for Ariel. Cut to see Prince Eric, Shantae and Max still waking down the beach. Max suddenly gets a familiar scent and encourages Eric and Shantae to follow him.)

Prince Eric: Max? What? Huh? What?

Shantae: Hey, where are you going?

Prince Eric: (Runs after his dog) Max!

(Meanwhile, everyone admires Ariel in a dress heavily based on her mermaid form, complete with a decorative shell necklace.)

Scuttle: (whistle) You look great, kid. You look sensational.

Impa: I agree, this is quite an amazing outfit

Rarity: Thank you. I wanted to make this look something similar to her mermaid form.

Daruk: Now, all we need to do is to find that prince.

Pinkie Pie: And I need to get myself all dressed for my debut.

(Pinkie Pie grabs the tattered sail and races off. Everyone looks confused when they suddenly hear Max's bark nearby and look. They spot Max running towards them. Flounder got spooked and hid underwater.)

Cowardly Lion: Mad dog on the loose!

Ash Ketchum: Take cover!

(Ash and the others quickly hide. Scuttle flew off, and Sebastian, knowing that Ariel would need her, rushed to the girl and hid in her dress. Ariel tried getting away from Max, but the hyper sheepdog kept intercepting her at every turn. Ariel got on a small rock as Max licked her face.)

Prince Eric (V.O.): Max!

(Max hears Eric and runs for him as Ariel watches with surprise as her beloved Prince Eric comes with Shantae behind him.)

Prince Eric: (calling) Max! (Max comes to him) Quiet, Max.

Max: (barking excited)

Prince Eric: What's gotten into you, fella? (notices) Oh. (he finds Ariel on the rock) Oh, I see.

Max: (barks excited)

(Ariel looks her best as Eric approaches)

Shantae: Are you okay, miss?

Prince Eric: I'm sorry if this knucklehead scared you. Heh. He's harmless, really, uh...

(Ariel looks at him charmingly)

Prince Eric: You seem very familiar to me. Have we met?

(Ariel nods with a smile while Max barks happy)

Prince Eric: We have met. I knew it. You're the one, the one I've been looking for. What's your name?

(Max looks excited, while Ariel tried to say her name but then remembered her voice was gone so she can't speak and looked sad)

Prince Eric: What's wrong? What is it?

(Ariel taps to where voice was)

Prince Eric: You can't speak? (she sadly nods no) Oh! Oh, then you couldn't be who I thought.

Max: (blows a sighs)

Ariel: (blows a sighs)

Shantae: Well, where did you come from?

(She looks out into the ocean. Everyone else is there. She distracts Eric and Shantae from seeing them by pointing towards a cave. She remembers the pendant and holds it out to him)

Eric (gasping): That's my pendant!

(Ariel smiles)

Eric: I-I can't believe you found it.

(Ariel nods and places it in his hand)

Eric: Thank you.

(Ariel then got an idea and tried to use body language to explain)

Prince Eric: What is it? You're hurt? (she tries to explain) No, no. Do you need help?

(Just then, a loud scream is heard from the distance, making everything shake.)

Pinkie Pie: ARIEL!!!!

(Ariel recoils from the scream and starts falling off the rock to Eric as he catches her. Sebastian also flies out of her pocket and into the air.)

Prince Eric: Whoa, whoa, careful! Careful, easy.

(Pinkie Pie then emerges in a dress made from the sailcloth just as Sebastian falls into her pocket.)

Pinkie Pie: Oh, there you are, cuz. (Then turns to Eric.) Oh, hi. I’m Pinkie Pie, and this is my cousin, Ariel. It’s nice to meet you. (Shake Eric’s hand vigorously.)

Prince Eric: (To Ariel) Gee, you and your cousin here must have really been through something.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, buddy, do I have some stories for you. See, it all started a few days ago, when I was planning my cousin’s birthday party. I'm a whiz at planning parties, by the way. Anyway, I had everything set up when…

(As Pinkie Pie tells an elaborate story, Ariel looks at her friends with a smile and Scuttle gives her thumbs up. Later in Eric's castle, Ariel was introduced to the castle servants. The first order of business was to clean Ariel up and get her washed for dinner. Carlotta, the castle maid, was nearby and she helped in getting Ariel cleaned up. In her tub, filled with bubbles, Ariel played with them, overcome by fascination.)

Pinkie: And then, I woke up, started to search for my cousin, and then we wound up here.

Carlotta: Attacked from an imperial armada and washed up from a shipwreck. Oh, the poor things. We'll have you feeling better in no time.

(Sebastian, who was still hiding in Pinkie's sail dress, peaked out, but saw Carlotta overhead, taking the dress and preparing to leave the room.)

Carlotta: I'll just...I'll just get this washed for you.

(In another room, the dress was put in a large tub and some of the servants helped wash it. Unfortunately, Sebastian was still stuck in the dress, and he couldn't get out.)

Servant 1: Well, you must've at least heard about these girls.

Servant 2: No.

Servant 1: Well, Gretchen says...(washes the dress which makes Sebastian very uncomfortable) Since when has Gretchen got anything right? (Sebastian belches out bubbles) I mean really. 

Sebastian: Madam…

Servant 1: Two girls show up, one in rags and the other unable to speak… (Sebastian gets squished by the presser along with the dress, but he recovered immediately afterward, though he landed on the dress in the laundry basket) It's not my idea of a princess. (takes the dress and hangs it on the clothesline) If Eric’s looking for a girl, I know a couple of highly available ones right here.

(As the dress was hung from the clothesline, it was moved towards the nearby castle. Sebastian jumped out and landed in a room through a window. Relieved to be out of that experience, Sebastian started to get up, but as he did, he saw something absolutely horrifying: beheaded fish with sharp blades, cooked mollusks in a pan, and worst of all, stuffed crab in plates. This was the castle kitchen, and the sight of so many dead sea creatures was too much for Sebastian to take. He fainted in fear.)

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