A Cozy Redo 153 members · 98 stories
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I have seen people compare to how evil and irredeemable Cozy is to STEWIE from FAMILY GUY!!!!!!!!
Well MLPFIM and Family Guy are both cartoons.

I don't see the resemblance since Stewie was antagonistic from the start but eventually morphed into a sort of protagonist alongside Brian. He was always the evil scientist kind of character.

Cozy Glow isn't anything close to that, she's supposed to be based on famous child actor Shirley Temple, But the writers seemed to completely ignore what makes a child villain believable.

[I'm trying to write this to the best of my ablilities, because I got horrible sleep, but I hope the message goes throught]

Here's the thing. Child villains are inherently ridiculous and Family Guy is for adults. We know how stupid the concept of a psychotic baby who wields machine guns is and we laugh because it's funny.

FiM is for children and it portrays Cozy Glow like we're supposed to take the threat of a little girl pony seriously which makes it all weird and creepy.

"FiM is for children and it portrays Cozy Glow like we're supposed to take the threat of a little girl pony seriously which makes it all weird and creepy"

Add to this another thing - if an 8 years old orphan girl threatens you, it's justified to either imprison or kill her.
Even the worst 3rd world countries don't go that low.


I have heard them from users of the mlp wiki. But yeah that's the reason why I made it. She is more based on Darla Dimple and Baby Doll.

Also have you heard of the movie called The Good Son where it portrays a child as an irredeemable villain.

Look the characters didn't kill her. They can always change her back from stone.

[Super late reply because I just rememberd it.]

Yes, I have seen The Good Son and it hits the same stupid note as Cozy with "Teehee! Evil child" and do not contribute anything beyond that.

Keep in mind that the writers haven't even bothered to give any justification as to why this child is "evil". We're just supposed to believe it a face value.
And if that justification is in fact psychopathy, then it's even more heinous! Psycopathy is a very real illness and should be managed and treated just like any other illness. The fact the mane heroes we know and love (one which is the Princess of Friendship) just went "Child evil, need kill!" sickens me.

And your point that they can unpertrify her anytime means zilch if they never do it. Then it's the same as killing her.

I have heard people say that she is an adult in a child’s body. That movie is also for mature audiences. So I will let it slide with a child as pure evil. I have heard people say that Cozy doesn’t deserve to be reformed. That she should stay as a statue. You know what I have begin to think she is one of the worst mlp characters.

She really is.
Her characterisation is a disappointment to everyone whether you like her or not.

Wait do you like her or hate her. I also find her annoying and a poor ripoff of other child villains. Ex: Darla Dimple.

I don't care for her. I think she's a massive waste for what little she amounted to, which was lots and lots of base breaking.
(Reminds me of another flip flopping pink pony now that I think about it)

Starlight Glimmer.

There was a case in Pakistan where someone accused a mentally challenged eleven year old of blasphemy and wanted her executed and I believe the response of the judge was (loosely translated) "what the fuck is wrong with you people?"

Not to mention the recent case:

Hey if Cozy or a kid gets killed in Family Guy or in other shows like that. As a joke even. I don’t think we would complain as much.

This thread is the only reasonable one I have seen on the subject. Thank god.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with her punishment is completely irrelevant. The fact is that she was a character whose motivation and character traits as a villain were poorly cobbled together. She was introduced one season before the end of the series and you expect me to take her seriously as an "endgame" Thanos level villain alongside Tirek, Sombra, and Chrysalis??

No way. The fact that she's a child doesn't even come into play. If she were a fully grown mare, nothing about her would change. To me, it comes across as cheap shock value meant to scare the audience because the show had an evil child, when in reality she was one of the most poorly written characters in the whole series--dare I say fiction in general.

Yes she managed to managed to manipulate everyone into turning against Neighsay, outsmart Celestia and Luna to steal her magic, and take advantage of Chrysalis and Tirek to steal Discord's magic and become the single most powerful being in existence.

But you know what this reminds me of? A bad OC. Think about it.

She's a nobody with no magic and no powers and is a little kid who manages to outsmart and beat beings with dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of years of experience and become a super mega powerful alicorn that's stronger than everyone else. If Cozy Glow were someone's OC, she (and the person who made her) would be laughed off the face of the earth. That's how bad she's written. I've seen actual OCs written far better than she was.

In short, she was a very disappointing character to end the series with, and I hope to god they don't repeat the same mistake in G5.

The only positive is that her poorly written character leaves a lot of room for interpretation so the fandom can spend time and write out better, more convincing arcs for Cozy for fun compared to the people who were paid to write what's canon. Imagine that.

Yeah and if Cozy didn’t have any magic enhancements, and everyone knows who she really is. She won’t be a threat.

That is what I meant in my first reply. If Family Guy would have had a skit where a child got sentanced to death after being disarmed and rendered completely useless, it would be funny because of how over the top it is.

Here the writers played it completely straight and leaned over expecting a high five.

Hey do you think Cozy should just be thrown in jail. The show doesn’t have to reform her.

I do not believe children should be judged by adult standards. As such, I feel even jail would be too harsh for her.
Cozy is a tiny filly without any specialy powers beyond powered flight. She really poses no threat to anyone beyond other children and those stupid enought to take her attempts at manipulation seriously.

If it were up to me, I'd find her parents or failing that, find her a new family.
Shoutout to the story I posted two days ago.

Never watched Family Guy. I get a bit confused with stuff like that.

Pretty much. That's where she is in the fic I'm currently writing. A powerless, helpless individual who needs guidance.

I would actually be find if they just throw her in jail. It’s not like they killed or reformed Darla Dimple. In Cats Don’t Dance. Also Gideon, another kid villain went to jail in Gravity Falls.

Hey did you know that they are real life kids who kill. Also I still think Cozy sucks.

Ofcourse there is. And they get the help and support they need to become active members of socierty. They don't get sentanced to death or locked up indefinately (atleast not in <current year> western world).
And I've told you already that I agree with you. Cozy does suck! But since the writers are dead set to treat her situation seriously, I'll do the same.

From how bad Cozy is as a character, and there being worse redemptions. I’m starting to respect Diamond Tiara’s redemption more. Which I always liked. But it still sucks that she never speaks again.

Jesus. Your comparing real life to a cartoon character in a child’s cartoon. Also unlike that other kid Cozy Glow is evil. As well as stone not being permanent. Unlike death. Look at Discord or other characters they were stoned, and changed back.

I have heard people like her for how evil, smart, and manipulative she is. Which in MLP FIM, I feel very creepy and uncomfortable. For a foal to be given that with no reason, and backstory. Heck at least most other evil kids in kid cartoons. Are given reasons for why they are like that.

Sorry I agree with most of your points but this isn’t about starlight (who I feel was sucky but became great) so don’t cause that argument to show up on a thread about cozy glow

I’d say she’s a character who had potential that they squandered

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