A Cozy Redo 153 members · 98 stories
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True but let's be real. That's where most MLP villains end up anyways. XD

I think she wanted to rule Equestria. She can’t take over Equestria. If there is no Equestria to to take over.

How evil Cozy Glow really? Is she the most evil villain in the show? I have heard people say that Cozy already knows about friendship. Which makes her irredeemable evil.

I can't answer that since we don't know her whole background, sadly.

Can’t you tell what is already established in the show?

Hey I’m going ask a question. What do you think of Diamond Tiara? Well before her redemption, I was okay with her. Even though she is one of the most hated characters, on the show. Before her redemption. I still see people hating her redemption.

7358704 Honestly, Cozy Glow feels like if you were take to pre-reformed Diamond Tiara and make her a major villain. Because across the first four seasons Diamond TIara was just as one dimensional as Cozy Glow. And I think they kind of crossed a line with Diamond at times, to the point where some episodes made her feel like a G-rated pyscopath. I do like her redemption, it puts a lot of her previous actions into context without absolving her of blame since she still did everything prior willingly. But I don't think it would've hurt to have a few hints or off-hand mentions that she was under pressure at home and her mom wasn't helping matters.

I know some people will disagree with me. But I think they are hints to Diamond Tiara. Like in the episode ”One Bad Apple,” where she got scared when Babs Seed threatened to tell her mother. “Twilight Time,” where she acts nicer to the CMC, even though she was still a brat. Granted Diamond Tiara was a bully. While Cozy Glow is a villain. Hey SuperPink, Do you think Cozy feels like a G rated physocopath.

7358768 Cozy doesn't have enough development for me to say she's a G rated psychopath. And much like Diamond Tiara I feel like the only reason to believe that is because of the writing. But again, it's kind of hard for me to believe a child on the age level of Cozy or Diamond could be that messed up. It's usually not until they're teenagers that children can truly become unconcerned with others feelings and delight in causing others pain.

In the ending. They showed Cozy being delighted to kill the mane 6. Then tried to kill them again. It was also mentioned that she helped the pony races to separate, and that she liked it.

Also there are evil kids in real life. Just finding out about them. Disturbs me.

Ok I’m asking this. Do you think some fans are acting way too harshly on Jim Miller? I no it’s off topic. But I keep hearing VectorVito keep calling him Fat Jim. Just for running a show. Also do you visit Tv tropes.

7364991 Any attacks on Jim Miller are not warranted. He may have made bad writing decisions, but that doesn't make him a bad person. And harassing, bullying or otherwise attacking him isn't going to solve anything.

Comment posted by Splashtraveler47 deleted Nov 16th, 2020

Tone. It's all about Tone in the setting and how the characters are meant to resonate with both the audience and with the main characters in the show based off of queues in both their personality and behavior. Let me give you a few distinct examples of such characters and how they are dealt with in their respective series.

Beware of Spoilers for the following series:

Right out of the gates, we have Aquamarine from Steven Universe. Now like most of you Universe Fans out there might already know, Gems all serve a particular role within the regimented hierarchy of Homeworld, and many of their positions are indeed well known and talked about: Pearls are decorative servants for Elites, Lapis Lazulis' serve in Terraforming planets for Gem Colonization, Rubies are common grunts, that sort of thing. As described before there are Gems who are against this system in one way or another; mostly the low-level Gems who are tired of the menial work or are pushed too far by their superiors antics and actions. However Aquamarine is heavily-implied to be herself one of the High-Ranking Gems who is fiercely loyal to the system because of the benefits that it offers to her particular Gem Type.

We are known that she is trouble, and that we do not want to cross her ire, and that due to Era Three on Homeworld rendering most of the hierarchy system null and void because of Stevens' actions: who himself was found out to be of higher rank than Aquamarine; it basically left Aquamarine without a job since there was no longer a need for her position in the hierarchy and was encouraged to go find out her own purpose, despite already enjoying her privileged existence as one of the Elites serving Blue Diamonds' Court, and had decided to team up with the equally irritated Ruby-1F4 Cut-4ND, aka "Eyeball" to get back at Steven through way of Fusion into Bluebird Azurite. However due to the timeskip, Steven is already well-beyond in power of anything that the two of them can actually dish out at him in a direct fight, and their own ego leads to their undoing when the far more experienced Alexandrite takes the field and beats them.

The two of them leave the series forever afterwards, swearing that the two of them will go on to continue being out in the larger universe hating Steven for what he did to them. And it is apparent that the two of them are all bluster and no bite so defeating and bubbling them would just serve to prove their point, and again they are no longer able to pose any direct or indirect threat to Steven.

Barriss Offee, Jedi Padawan to Luminara Unduli. Unlike the relationship that was shared mutually between Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano due to her masters' world-weary ways and knowledge of how the larger galaxy can operate: Anakin was able to help prepare Ahsoka to handle the rigors of dangerous and hostile situations that comes with the Clone Wars, Barriss on the other hand was raised by the standards of the Jedi Order underneath the tutelage of Luminara Unduli due to traditions stipulating that Mirialan apprentices must be tutored by Mirialan Jedi.

Due to the constant horrors of war and fighting wearing their way at Barriss' mind and sanity, it gave her clarity of The Dark Side of the Force overwhelming the Jedi because of the near-endless conflict that The Republic is forcing them into fighting against The Confederacy of Independant Systems; turning who were once Peacekeepers into Generals and eventually leading them down the path of the Dark Side. She already witnessed how Pong Krell had fallen to the Dark Side at Umbara and knew that if he could fall; what would stop other Jedi from falling as well? So in order to showcase her beliefs she had orchestrated for the bombing on the Temple and to have the only relative of the bomber murdered while in prison when a Jedi was visiting to make it look like they had killed the only witness in order to implicate the Jedi as the real mastermind. all of Barriss' plans had hinged on so much to reveal how corrupt the Jedi Order could become with the cloud of the Dark Side overshadowing their thoughts, and it nearly succeeded were it not for the unexpected assistance of a fallen Dark Jedi.

Ultimately, with Order 66; these warnings by Barriss would be proven true as Anakin Skywalker now christened as Darth Vader marched his 501st Legion on the Jedi Temple and wiped out the Jedi stationed there.

Princess Morbucks doesn't need much explaining, she is essentially Diamond Tiara on an ego trip that desires only to be extremely popular due to her wealth; to become even more popular than that of The Powerpuff Girls. She is basically little difference from the rest of the Powerpuff Girls Rogues' Gallery in wanting to defeat the trio, only that her efforts aren't focused on committing any actual crimes, only in creating more ways to one-up the Girls or to humiliate them or their friends through elaborate means regardless of who gets caught in the crossfire. And before you can decry the "She's just a child" excuse like you are trying to make with Cozy, I must remind you that there is a difference of Tone between the two shows in that MLP is Slice-of-Life Adventure, whereas PPG is Slice-of-Life Superheroes.

Madame Margaret, now THIS is an unrepentant villain right here that deserved her punishment. Motivated by her complete and total hatred for Boys due to having several brothers, Margaret desires nothing short of creating a Boy-Free World by way of transforming every single Boy into a Girl against their will, and for the most part she was horrifically successful in that regard in one future dystopia where the only Boys left were a small resistance led by Numbuh 4 around 75 years into the future, and had decided to help foster her younger selves hatred of Boys by using time-travel technology to send back Girlifying Rifles and several of her soldiers to help in transforming the Boys of the past along with forcibly converting any Girls that managed to resist or pose a challenge to her ideals for a Girl World.

Due to the intervention of the future Numbuh 4 warning Sector V in the past about the threat pose by Madame Margaret, they launched Numbuh 3 in H.I.P.P.I.E.H.O.P. to destroy her time machine and cut off all communication with her future self, at the same time Numbuh 3s' descendant Sally Sanban destroyed the time machine in the future to prevent Madame Margaret from meddling any further and erasing herself and that future timeline altogether. Afterwards, the younger Margie is promptly arrested by the KND and taken to the Arctic Base to serve out her sentence for the attempted Omnicide of the Human species. And no, she isn't the only child villain imprisoned by the KND, she is just one of the most dangerous of them due to how successful she actually was with her plans and how grave of a threat they had posed to both Boys and Girls alike with her personal army that had easily rivaled and overran the KND that it took the initiative of a single elderly Operative to finally undo her machinations 75 years later.

Nena Trinity, one of the Trinity Siblings who piloted the Gundam Thrones in Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Nena was originally created alongside her siblings as part of a project being undertaken by Ribbons Almark to become the embodiment of his version of the Aeolia Plan where he would be left in control over Humans to shape them however he saw fit instead of leading them to greatness through the awakening of Innovation. To help solidify this, the Gundam Thrones were built with Pseudo GN Drives that had lacked the Topological Defect Blanket that helped true GN Drives produce limitless energy. Since they were classified as Gundams, most of the rest of Celestial Being thought that they were a part of the Aeolia Plan to begin with since most of the command structure of Celestial Being was compartmentalized to prevent information leakage to the greater public on who is exactly a part of their paramilitary organization.

Unlike the Gundam Meisters that were a part of Celestial Being aboard the Ptolemy who only went after active military targets that were already in the process of waging warfare or performing acts of terrorism with a clear goal of ending conflicts before they could escalate out of control, the Gundam Thrones had attacked civilian weapons facilities and factories, creating a more negative reputation among the civilian populace that had once sided with Celestial Beings mission to stop all conflict by force since their goals and intentions were noble and motivated by heroism as was shown in the case of Gundam Kyrios helping the HRL save an ejected block from the Orbital Elevator, or with Gundam Exia rescuing Rasa Massoud Rachmadi to de-escalate the rising tensions in Azadistan and safely returning him. Nena Trinity took it a step further during a routine mission where in route to their objective in Spain, she spotted a wedding reception being held in a castle from the air and decided to attack it for no reason other than not wanting them to be happy while she is out on a mission: cementing her place as a real monster for this in the eyes of the crew of the Ptolemy and the rest of the world for this wanton act of violence.

After the establishment of the new Earth Federation Government and the Autonomous peacekeeping forces known as the A-Laws, Nena Trinity found herself in the employ of Celestial Beings' informant Wang Liu Mei as a bodyguard; which she resented due to her not liking being told what to do. Eventually she kills Wang Liu Mei and was informed that retribution was at hand now, and found herself being attacked by an A-Laws Mobile Suit being piloted by Louise Halevy, the sole survivor of Nena Trinitys' attack all those years ago in Spain where she had killed the rest of Louise's family during a wedding reception, and managed to pay back Nena in spades for what she did and killed her.

My problem was if they give every villain a reason for that and twilight and company always try to redeem them but in this is was like oh this child is evil let’s pull a celestia and banish the problem so I can come back to bite us in our ass later but trust me the Tartarus one wasn’t as bad as the stoning

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