A Cozy Redo 153 members · 98 stories
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I might be posting too much in this thread. But how could Cozy reform? Does she have redeeming qualities in the show. If she does tell me, and tell me the episode she shows it. How does she compare other villains in evilness. Don’t say because she is a child. Also how could a reformation work for her character? Could you tell me a real irredeemable villain. (Not Discord).

I also hear that she is too smart, and evil. That she is a masterminded physcopath.

TBH, We barely know her at all. She does have flashes of vulnerability (hiding behind Tirek.) We have no idea if she's redeemable or not.

In Marks for Effort, she does show some sympathy for the CMC when they get banned from Twilight's school (theres even a part where you can see her guilty look when no one's looking) and exposes herself to help them. She had no tactical logical reason to do this for her plan. There is also Frenemies where not only does she learn to properly work with Tirek and Chrysalis but also theres the famous almost revelation scene near the end where she grows a fondness for helping others and has to be snapped out of it by Chrysalis. On a lighter note, theres Ending of the End where she takes out the guards in pretty safe ways considering what she was capable of.

For evilness, her actions aren't any more evil then other villains and its not like other villains (i.e.: Discord) haven't shown remorse prior to their defeats. She's probably more evil then Stygion or Tempest but on-par with pre-"reformation" Discord and possibly even Starlight.

Reformation for her could work in many ways. First, there would actually have to be an attempt similar to what Discord got. For her, such a thing would be much easier. From there it would be a matter of giving the task to the right people. This video makes an exellent case for Diamond Tiara: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbG5mh4o8b8&t=2s but many others could work like Starlight, Twilight, Tempest or a combination of many. The process would most likely be long, but definitely possible with the right help. Perhaps whoever is reforming her could take notes from Fluttershy or Twilight.

Stories that show examples of what a reformed Cozy might look like:
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/479606/the-once-and-the-future-princess (not neccesarely reformed, but certainly not a villain anymore)

As for an irredeemable villain, maybe the windigoes? Their malitious magical creatures who's sentience is questionable. The Pony of Shadows (not Stygian) may fall into this catagory as well and perhaps even NMM if you believe that she was a seperate magical entity rather then Luna. Perhaps the mean clones as well, although I'd be skeptical of that considering that they were killed off after one day and had personalities. Sombra may also be irrideemable, although we haven't exactly got to see a lot of him when he isn't fighting or mind controlling or gloating (if you don't count the comics). I'm not sure if non-MLP characters count.

Cozy is smart, but certainly not an omnipotent genious. If you recall in Frenemies she was unable to get past Rusty Bucket despite her best efforts and she couldn't weasel herself out of trouble when she was caught. She's certainly fallable and her immaturity does tend to show up from time to time. There is also no definite proof that she is a psychopath.

I’m going to say thanks. For giving a detailed reason. I really appreciate it. I think she is more of a sociopath. Well so are Discord and Starlight before. Also she tried to killed our heroes. Even when they are defenceless. But then again a lot of villains tried to kill the heroes. Even in this show. Starlight Glimmer, Garble the dragon, Dr. Caballeron, and Ahuizotl.

Also do you visit tv tropes?

She doesn't. Cozy is an unreedmable twat that doesn't deserve it after everything she did to Equestria (same goes for Discord as well, but that's not for this forum.)

People only use her age and lack of backstory as an excuse to try and get her off. As it is, any redemption would require a complete and utter rewrite of Season 8 and Season 9.

Yea, every example of Cozy's evilness or deeds can be countered with a reformed villain who did something similar.

An do, I don't tend to visit tv tropes.

"... complete and utter rewrite of Season 8 and Season 9." You say that like it's a bad thing.


There are a lot of people who like seasons 8 and 9. For me, I will just have to accept them. Hey I thought “The Last Problem.” Is a great way to end the series.

I guess you are pissed that Cozy got turned into stone in the finale. But she could easily be turned back. Look at other characters, like Discord, Twilight, and Mudbrair for instance.

Nah, I'm pissed that seasons 8 and 9 were thoroughly unenjoyable due to horrible characterization, what they did to poor Scootaloo, and a villain that made zero sense and wrecking Discord's character.

I’m not here to be harsh. But can you please delete the link to Work of Fiction. I only had read the synopsis. But it seems too petty for me. Also I read what the author has commented. He seems to be overly grudge towards the show, the mane six, the other heroes, and the writers. Even calling them hacks. This is not an argument. It’s just one small task.

I feel she has too many soft or vulnerable moment in the background or subtly to make her a fully unredeemable villain

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