Fixing the Finale 172 members · 186 stories
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Well, season issue 102 synopsis has been published.
Up to this point problems we had have not been addressed and in some cases complete disregard and sput upon (They wont even mention TEOTE discord's fuckery in that issue).

And now. Here is the replacement

So do you think G5 will pick up the travesties of the finale and fix them? what are your thoughts?
Happy 4th of July friends from the USA!


I highly doubt G5 will pick up on it at all. G5 is set far in the future and all we have seen in leaded images is Sunny Starscout having figures of the Mane Six, minus Twilight surprisingly. That alone almost makes me wonder if Twi didn't screw up big time at some point and she is the reason harmony died and the tribes are fractured.


Ok, I missed one image but I still can't help but wonder if Twilight didn't have something to do with the death of harmony and the fracturing of the tribes.

Never read the comics but i heard some people saying no one actually forgave Discord until one of the comics or something.
Many people say they hope the trio will appear in G5. But honestly? I think it would be better if they did not because that would mean our so called "heroes" gave up leaving them in stone and no one remembered until centuries later (if not millenniums).

We deserve at least a mention of them. Some closure at least. If they will not appear at all in G5 then know their fate.
As for the forgave part everyone in the comics seems to have forgotten teote. Check issue 96. Flutterhsy apparently forgot about teote....

They might address it eventually since the new comic sees to be still focusing on Gen 4 and such.

Though I am disappointed big time that they were ignoring the issues such as the Grogar plan and how Luna and Celestia should be having major issues due to Discord's plan caused them to have awful sendoff.

its interesting Generations is having a crossover between Gen 1 and Gen 4 I think, but I really hate it looks like Spike is going to be excluded hard there..

Damn shame that they did not address the trio. Still, were those comics any good?

It could make for a lesson of how even the greatest of heroes weren't perfect and could make sometimes even horrible mistakes and add some potentially nice drama. I just want to see those three get a happy ending so badly, that I'd be willing to sit through the acknowledgement and possible scorning of what the heroes did to them. If nothing else, some flashback or old drawing depicting their reformation could also be shown. I could forgive a lot of fuckups in G5 if something like that were to happen in it.

Some good some really really bad like 96.
Maybe In G5 I hope. There is a lot of potential here that for some reason gets thrown in the trash consistently...

How bad was issue 96?

Lets forget TEOTE happened....
And what exactly did they try to justify there? That you can horrendous and amoral as long as you care for someone?

I remember feeling so frustrated about that.

That and how Discord ruined the cats' threats instantly.
And having to rely on the lazy "completely shut off magic" solution, which doesn't solve the problem since the moment Discord can use his magic again, the cats instantly lose.
Reality-warpers like Discord can be really bad for the story if they don't put in weaknesses to those powers without relying on outright power-negation. With no proper weaknesses for Discord's chaos magic to balance it out, he breaks the story in two and outright ruins the threats of other villains by existing.


Considering any story arc involving the LoD would unavoidably point out how morally bankrupt the protagonist's treatment of the LoD was

It really doesn't have to, actually. Hell less than a week after the finale came out I came up with an extremely quick scene that could actually avoid most if not all of the problems:

Our scene is in Canterlot gardens, with Twilight and Starlight taking tea:

Starlight: [on noticing the statue of the Trio] "'s been about a week. What are we gonna do with those three?"
Twilight: "The spell sealing them is all-or-nothing, so they have to be released at once, and I want to know where we're sending them, Chrysalis is the easiest - Thorax has asked for her to be remanded into changeling custody. Tirek was the hardest...I needed to get in contact with the Centaur Kingdom, took longer than I expected but they are open to him being returned. So that just leaves Cozy Glow...and I was hoping to talk to you about that..."

1) Establishes it's only been one week with them in stone while giving a good reason for them to have remained in stone.
2) Starlight asks "what are we gonna do", not "are we gonna do". She accepts it as fact that leaving them as stone isn't an option.
3) Twilight had an immediate set of answers, meaning that even though it's only been a week she has already been thinking things through, meaning that like Starlight, leaving them in stone was never actually something she considered.

Wow i mean that fixes both the moral issues and keeps up with the lessons of the show. Nice work there.

I feel like Twilight should acknowledge that what Discord did was wrong too.
Like another reason to what she will do , like her saying "Discord was the one who ultimately decided their fates, which was wrong due to its his fault they ended up worse. He planned on sacrificing them for my ego, if he kept his claws off of them they wouldn't have ended up like this. Ultimately he disposed his pawns in the end here, I won't let that stand."

I think that’s a separate thing that would need it’s own focus story - it’s not something that could be brushed aside and solved with a few good lines of dialogue like what I did upthread.

And I don’t think it should be Twilight confronting Discord about it, either. Twilight’s not a villain, and she’s never been a villain. She doesn’t have the perspective needed to really zero in on why what Discord did to those three is wrong.

Instead I think it should be Starlight, or Stygian, or Tempest, or Trixie, or Pharynx, or Luna (after a bout of doubt and having time to more think through the events). But in particular Starlight because, well, her story so closely mirrors Chrysalis’.

And also she’s got the magical power and know-how to spare needed to kick off the narrative I have in my head, which is she starts thinking through how the Trio only came together because of Discord, and how Chrysalis was alone i by he woods scheming revenge before that…just like she had been.

So I have in my mind an idea that she’s using magic to just look at different timelines. She isn’t creating anything, just looking at the timelines and possibilities, namely, “what if X had been part of the Legion of Doom? And what if one of the Legionnaires hadn’t been part of it - what would happen if they had been left to their own devices?”

And she keeps coming back to, no matter who you add to the Legion of Doom, the end result is the same: they’re defeated and petrified in the end, apparently “beyond redemption”. But if they’re not in the legion, then their frequency of finding redemption increases dramatically. Not all of the time, not even necessarily most of the time, but…enough that it’s notably different from their chances in the Legion.

So Starlight slowly comes to realize that the main reason why Canterlot has a new statue is not because of the villains, but rather, the opportunities - or lack thereof - that they received. And the key reason they didn’t get opportunities, is Discord.

I feel like Twilight would too since Discord essentially screwed them over for her ego.
So she would feel responsible too for allowing Discord to have his way with deciding the trio's fates like that.
For standing on the sidelines and allowing even more wrongs of Discord's plan to happen.
Discord treated other living beings as disposable pawns to sacrifice to boost Twilight's confidence. Even if a character isn't a villain, they would most likely realize if Discord kept his claws off of them then they wouldn't be threats once they find out how the trio were essentially down and out prior to Discord plucking them up.

I feel like Luna would really be furious at Discord.
Since I feel like Luna and Celestia were too clouded with anger, due to how on their last days as rulers they ended up looking like massive failures while its rubbed in that they are NOTHING due to losing connection to the Elements since they weren't included in firing the final rainbow laser, to realize Discord shouldn't have the right to decide the trio's fates there. Like Discord basically took advantage of that so he was able to add that suggestion in. Really I can see Luna being horrified once she thinks about it and furious at Discord for taking advantage of her and Celestia's anger to inflict such a horrible fate to the trio since its ultimately Discord's fault the trio is even worse. Like realizing Discord was ultimately disposing of his "pawns" there.
So I can really see Luna having major issues about what Discord and his plan had done, more ways than one.

🙄More like “ruining”, if you ask me.

Frankly, G5 has proven to be nothing more than a mediocre successor.

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