A/B Testing 143 members · 0 stories
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I'm having trouble thinking of a good title for a story. This is the story's summary: "Discord's maze has left the Mane 6 emotionally scarred. So scarred that the group disbands and go on to live separate lives. 13 years later, a lone Rainbow Dash returns to Ponyville and witnesses the changes that befell her former friends."

It will be tagged as AU/Sad (tags might be changed or added later on). Does anyone have any ideas for a title?

Group Admin

Well, what's going to be a recurring theme of the story? And what's going to be its message? (If it has any.)

I guess the theme would be whether or not old friendships can be restored. I'm not good with themes.

Group Admin

Well, what's going to be the driving conflict of the story? The thing that makes the story move forward?

Well, the main conflict starts when Rainbow Dash receives a letter saying that Scootaloo has gone missing so she returns to Ponyville to get help from the girls to try and find her. But it's not easy since everyone is busy with their own lives and are still holding onto old grudges.

Group Admin

And what happens then?

It's later revealed that Scootaloo ran away and is now being mentored by Gilda (Rainbow and Gilda don't make up in this universe by the way). She's angry with Rainbow Dash for not responding to any of her letters and abandoning her. She tells her that she can't just disappear for years and show up again whenever she wants with no warning and expect ponies to be happy. This will be during the stories dark moment when the Mane 6 believe that going back to how things were was impossible and once go their separate ways, leaving Rainbow Dash to her lonesome.

It's also revealed that before all this happened, Rainbow Dash left because Applejack blamed her for Equestria almost falling into the claws of Discord.

Group Admin

Sorry for not responding earlier. I have to admit that there's a lot going on (enough so that this could possibly make for two separate stories, as far as I can tell), and the snippets don't give me much to work on. It'd be kinda nice to have the word maze/labyrinth in the title, as in "Maze of (...)", though something like "Maze of Emotions/Despair" sounds a bit too cheesy and not really unique. Though I think you could work from there.

It's fine. I actually came up with a title. "My Little Pony: Broken Bonds. I even made a cover for it.

Group Admin

The cover is really nice! However, I'd suggest refraining from such generic titles, since you'll end up with calling your story the same thing as many before you.

That's okay. As long as the story is my own, I don't mind if I have a similar title.

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