A/B Testing 143 members · 0 stories
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Hey y'all. Working on a new story, and I'm getting close to having enough of it finalised to start publishing. My only issue is the bane of every author: synopses.

Bit of context, first. It takes place in a fully original setting (marginally inspired by Fo:E, but not actually related to it), and it follows two protagonists as they face unlikely odds. I kinda wanted to have the short description from one PoV, and the long description from the other one, but I'm not married to the idea.

Short description:

Sometimes, decades of your life go by without a single pony noticing all your hard work. Sometimes, you fall into a hole in the ground, wind up trapped in a political plot, and meet a cute librarian in the middle of it all. That part's nice.


So hey, my name is Silverstring. I used to be an unremarkable knight apprentice. This is the story of how that changed.

Long description:

I used to dream of the world outside this Tower. I dreamed of seeing it all for myself, of frolicking under the open sky and chasing the sun beyond the horizon. Can you blame me? I would while away my days reading old books my family had safeguarded through the Great Calamity and imagine walking in the hoofsteps left across the pages. Modern literature was quite rare, after all, so why not experience what our archives offered? Why not fantasize? Why not dream?
But no matter how vivid the words, those days would blend together, the monotony that was my life broken only by the occasional exceptional tale.
Then, someone new came to The Tower...


The Tower. A place of horrors. Able to bend reality, life, and even the time itself. A place of nightmares and mythical monsters. My home. And, worst of all, a place where nothing ever happens.
That is, until somepony new came to The Tower…

Also, I have two options for cover art. One of them isn't fully finished, but all that's missing are the characters.

(I also haven't quite figured out whether I wanna go for Adventure or Mystery for my third blue tag, but I'm not sure if this is the best group to discuss that)

Huk #2 · Sep 4th, 2023 · · ·


Hmm, personally, I'm not a fan of having two completely different synopsis for a story, but that may be just me... In any case, I would go with A for the short and B for the long synopsis. My reasoning:


So hey, my name is Silverstring. I used to be an unremarkable knight apprentice. This is the story of how that changed.

Sounds too generic to me :unsuresweetie:. The long one:

I used to dream of the world outside this Tower. I dreamed of seeing it all for myself, of frolicking under the open sky and chasing the sun beyond the horizon. Can you blame me? I would while away my days reading old books my family had safeguarded through the Great Calamity and imagine walking in the hoofsteps left across the pages. Modern literature was quite rare, after all, so why not experience what our archives offered? Why not fantasize? Why not dream?
But no matter how vivid the words, those days would blend together, the monotony that was my life broken only by the occasional exceptional tale.
Then, someone new came to The Tower...

Is better, but a bit too long for my taste. That said, the last sentence - "Then, someone new came to The Tower..." - seems like a nice hook. Maybe consider incorporating it into the other description, like:

The Tower. A place of wonders. Able to bend reality, life, and even the time itself. A place of dreams and mythical monsters. It's been my home for ages, and I want to get out. Maybe with the newcomer's help, I'll finally be able to...

Of course, since I don't know the story the above synopsis is a shot in the dark, but maybe you'll find it useful :twilightsheepish:

As for the cover... since the synopsis mentions a tower, the first one seems more related (both look nice, though).

Oh, thanks! That definitely helps. Gonna change that a bit to fit the story, but I love the ideas

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