NON-royal Alicorn 120 members · 63 stories
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Please put the Bio of your Alicorn O.C. that isN'T royal

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Nature Breeze (F)

Nature Breeze


Nature Breeze was born as an Earth-pony, who lives with the animals and pants in the forest that she called home

she has has and stell is a sort of Urban Legend in her part of Equestria, of a mare that would guide lost foles back to the town next to her forest, of a mare the could not only talk but get the animals to do things for her, she was also the mare that was said to have planted all of the flowers that borders the path-way, who would water your plants when you forgot, and many things more.

she would normally sleep in the soft grass, but ever since she get her Wings, and horn, she now brings down a cloud to sleep, just a hoof of the ground

the day that she got her new alicorn part was the day that she managed to talk down a Wolf and Loin for fighting each other and not to destroy the plants, not by over powering them but by talking them down, (fell free to change or edit this) and then the same thing that happened to Light Heart, but this time she didn't have any pony to hide for, the only thing that changed for her was now she could fly up into a tree (which she was tote by the bird friends) instead of climbing, and now her bird and other little animal friends have an other place that can rest on her. and she can now give some of her energy to both hurt animals or plants

Falling Gift (F)

Falling Gift Unicron that was born can’t so magic

diss pite being homeless and living on the street she stell goes out of her way to help out in her community

became an Alicorn after gilving shelter to a kis that ran away form home

Night Nap (S)

Night Nap Pegasus

a single (pegasus) father that, adopted amy kids, including, but not limited to, Drgon and Griffin(s)

became an Alicorn after tocking his kids in bed, the fist night that he was legally there legal guardian

Front Paw (buffalo) (F)

Front Paw Buffalo

a (buffalo) school teacher in a underpaid District

She become an Alicorn, after watching the first class that she tote, graduating.

Leath Heart (F)

Leath Heart Zebra

a doctor with no border, only asks to be paid with a warm meal

became an Alicorn after saving the life of a other docter that wanted to stop her

Camp Fire (dragon) (S)

Camp Fire Dragon

a Dragon that was born smallest, never molded (what Spike went throw when he got his Wings) and couldn't make fire. Protecked a small town, almost govring his life for it snd then ...

became an Alicorn after being accepted into the village

p.s. maybe we should chsnge the town to Sheep or ...

Tinker Tock (S?)

Tinker Tock Earth-pony

a Stallion that was born an Earth-pony, Fix, Trade, and give old things he finds to ponies, and none-ponies that relly needs it

he is like the Red PaperClip, but this time he gived the house to somepony esle, and that's hoe he got his wings and horn

became an Alicorn after getting an other pony a House and Job

Red Cordon (S)

Red Cordon (Pegasus?)

a old restaurant owner that now feeds other's at a "soup kitchen"

became an Alicorn after watching the frist family that he feed, being able to feed them self

Harvest Land (S)

Harvest Land (Unicorn?)

a Farmer that gives away his vegetables to family that can’t put food on the table.

became an Alicorn after non pony in his town want to bed hungry for the first night.

Group Admin

from my friend Light Heart101

Light Heart became an alicorn when he least expected it. It happened at one of his lowest moments when he was alone and trying to understand why he was made so foolish, only to be ascended for seemingly no reason. He's only a teddybear alicorn, but he wants to try and understand why he was given this gift and what to do with it.

Sparkling Medley

Likes: Hanging out with friends, music, singing, helping others, her pet parrot

Dislikes: Bullies, bad guys, basically anything a normal person wouldn't like

What is defined as royal?

Group Admin

is your O.C. call Princess or majesty ?

do they knell to her... ?

What's your O.C.'s BackStory ?

Can my OC be related to other princesses but is not technically a princess?

Group Admin

Emerald Evergreen:

Born an alicorn in an isolated village of earth ponies somewhere in the Everfree. Learnt how to use revert her wings and horn into pure magic and used emeralds to store that magic, rendering herself an earth pony. While storing her alicorn magic in emerald gemstones does render her an earth-pony, she can still call on that magic and often carries around an emerald pendant containing some of her magic which she only uses in emergencies.

Oceanna Breeze:

Born an alicorn, but seemingly with no magic. Unable to fly, get more than a few sparks from her horn or pull anywhere near the amount of an earth pony, let alone one of the other tribes. She lives in a fairly isolated town near the sea. The majority of ponies mock her for being 'useless' and the others can't see past her horn and wings, regarding her as special and always coming her for help or advice, despite failing time and time again. She is very frustrated at all this, having wings and a horn which never seem to work. One day she runs out of town and comes across a small, quiet lake where she is calmed by its ambience and finally comes to truly relax. After that, she is surprised to find her horn working fine and earns her CutieMark™.
Her powers are strongly linked to emotion. When she was always frustrated at herself, her magic never had the chance to stabilise properly, rendering it pretty useless. But once she learnt to relax and stay calm, her magic reached potential. Her magic is strongest when she is calm and confident. It may surge and malfunction uncontrollably with emotions such as excitement or directed anger. It will become weakened and stop working from frustration, fear or neutral emotion.


An earth pony who walked into a shop. The unicorn shop keeper had recently aquired a pretty necklace and insisted her earth-pony friend try it on. However, the earth-pony decided it was two much for her simple tastes. But when the unicorn went to remove it, the clasp remained stuck. The amulet is inspired by the alicorn amulet shown in the show, but not corrupting. Only the wearer can remove it, but the earth-pony couldn't reach the clasp round the back of her neck, so the amulet couldn't be removed. The amulet works by boosting a pony's magic, working best on unicorns. However, with an earth-pony who uses magic in low concentrations, the amulet's buildup caused wings and/or a horn to begin to manifest (at first transparent). The earth-pony was then able to learn to use these as their power began to build up. However, any time she would try to use her new magic to open the necklace clasp, the magic would cut out completely and the clasp to fall back closed before it could be opened. By the time the magic radiated into her from the amulet grew strong enough that she could remove the necklace, it also lingered with her after its removal for some time before fading. Although her now solidified horn and wings wouldn't fade away anymore no matter how long she went without it.

Group Admin



An earth pony who walked into a shop. The unicorn shop keeper had recently aquired a pretty necklace and insisted her earth-pony friend try it on. However, the earth-pony decided it was two much for her simple tastes. But when the unicorn went to remove it, the clasp remained stuck. The amulet is inspired by the alicorn amulet shown in the show, but not corrupting. Only the wearer can remove it, but the earth-pony couldn't reach the clasp round the back of her neck, so the amulet couldn't be removed. The amulet works by boosting a pony's magic, working best on unicorns. However, with an earth-pony who uses magic in low concentrations, the amulet's buildup caused wings and/or a horn to begin to manifest (at first transparent). The earth-pony was then able to learn to use these as their power began to build up. However, any time she would try to use her new magic to open the necklace clasp, the magic would cut out completely and the clasp to fall back closed before it could be opened. By the time the magic radiated into her from the amulet grew strong enough that she could remove the necklace, it also lingered with her after its removal for some time before fading. Although her now solidified horn and wings wouldn't fade away anymore no matter how long she went without it.

She should go here

Probably, but as I said before in another post in another group, I wasn't really aware of all the different groups and likely wouldn't have been invested enough to bother checking. I tagged these three ideas together in relevance to this thread. I was newer to groups and fimfiction at the time I think, and likely didn't know much about how to find and navigate between groups, or have the confidence and investment to make a new post/thread alongside this original one. Its what I was saying about everything being split into separate groups rather than one group with categories. I don't know where I'm going with this really. The current setup is how it is. It's just a lot of work to figure out what goes where and have the patience to split up a single train of thought, look through every group and category and sort it per one. I think I've posted story links in a forum comments of the wrong group before, but I was just going off mismatched memories of the recent history of my 'read' library. I didn't bother to go into each story and figure out what category it was, only that they contains winged horn pony OC or AUified regular?

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