Friendship Is Awesomes 296 members · 14,230 stories
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This part is a bit dark.

So in this scenario you are the leader (an Alicorn, though your power is no where near Celestia's or Luna's level) of a race of Ponies that have adapted to be hunters, complete with things like razor-sharp fangs the protrude from the upper lips, retractable claws on all four hooves, very sharp hearing and smell, and camouflage patterns to better blend in with the terrain along with a potent venom that can be fired akin to a Spitting Cobra at short range.

Now the scenario starts before Luna turned into Nightmare, and Ponies of the time were much different then what we know;

Due to your kinds' (I'll leave the name up to you) appearance and capabilities regular Ponies feared and hated you, so you and your kind stayed away from their locations and all is well right... now so much. The Nobles of the time set in motion a series of events, ranging from lost of hunting grounds at the start to attacks on individuals and finally a sudden and brutal attack on your homeland (which happened at the same time Luna turned into Nightmare Moon), that almost resulted in your kind being wiped out. You lead the survivors into the one place where the enemy could not follow: The Everfree Forest.

After fleeing deep enough into the forest you take stock of the situation, and its not really good;

1: From that sudden attack only around eighteen thousand had survived and flee with you.

2: The vast majority of the survivors are Stallions, with one Mare to eight Stallions.

3: Your kind lost a lot of Foals, with only around four thousand making it and most of them are now orphans.

4: While the Earth Pony and Pegasus equivalents are in great numbers, the Unicorn equivalent makes up only 20% of the survivors with most of that being Foals.

5: Finally, the hostile Unicorns cast a spell that effectively rendered around 30% of the survivors unable to have Foals. But it would have been worse if not for the now lost adult Unicorn equivalents. When the spell was cast they stayed behind to try and keep the spell from spreading too much, and while they were successful in that regard their efforts had cost them their lives.

So now you're standing in front of the survivors who all look exhausted both mentally and physically holding the Foals close to them, and each of them are looking towards you for guidance. While revenge is certainly on your mind, you know full well that neither you or the survivors are in any condition for it.

You did however know one of those involved in casting that spell: Starswirl the Bearded.

So what would you say to your kind and what would be your next move?

Part 2 will involve the Mane Six after Luna returns and Part three is you coming face-to-face with Starswirl.

...... why this idea sound.... out of character of Starswirl (Is this a changeling?)

But anyway, my mind will fill with revenge and will do everything to kill him

Group Admin

My OC Shiva (and let's go ahead and call her kind 'wolves' for now) would not go for vengeance. She would make this speech:

"My pack! My brothers and sisters... what can I tell you? What words can describe the pain we have suffered? We have been hurt. We have been bled. We have been beaten down by the most evil creature in all of Equestria."

"Now, I know... some of you want to assume that creature is the ponies. I tell you now, that is only the work of the true evil manipulating your grief. The true evil that has led us to so much suffering is Fear. Fear; the first step in the cycle of hurt. I know you feel it's icy grip now. Believe me, I feel it in my heart too. It tells me to turn back and answer the pain we have suffered with the pain twice over. It pleads with me to burn them to the ground; to put them through every foul torture in the book before sending them off to Tartarus."

But before the wolves can get riled up, she'd shake her head.

"But I won't listen. I can't inflict more suffering upon us. Not to you; not to my family. I can't ask you to go back into battle; to risk your lives pointlessly when right now, it's a victory for us to be alive right now. The greatest insult an enemy can suffer is to be ignored. And I say this enemy has more than deserved that humiliation."

Though some wolves may mutter dissent, the rest will hopefully stay focused, as Shiva indicates the forest.

"First, we will make a home for ourselves here. Our numbers will be regrown. Our homes rebuilt. Our strength regained. We will adapt and re-prosper, just as every creature has done when beset by Mother Nature's wrath. And if or when the ponies come, fear having corrupted their hearts into thinking they can finish what they started... I promise you: they won't find quivering, malnourished pups. They will find REGRET!"

"REGRET!" they'll echo back.

"They will find DEATH!"

"DEATH!" they'll cry back.


And this will hopefully trigger a howl of assent.

From there, she will focus on rebuilding. She'll set up a breeding program to ensure that the 70% of stallions can still have children. Orphans will be matched to loving parents, and raised to be prepared for the ponies return. The pegasi and earth wolf equivalents will show the unicorns how to work without magic, and the unicorns will use spells to help the pegasi and earth wolves grow stronger. And they will make the Ever-Free Forest theirs.

But above all, they will be prepared to attack any pony that comes near their territory. Whether they will attack back or not is be a problem for another day. For now, all Shiva will care about is rebuilding and regaining the strength of her people.

What do you think?

Starswirl, at this time, thought he was dealing with a major threat thanks to the lies of the Nobles. This was a very different time as this was before Luna became Nightmare Moon.

Loved It!

That was well written King, the speech that Shiva gave sounds like something I would say as well, only worded differently but same meaning.

Really looking forward to what you have for the next two parts, though it might be a bit before I have them posted, depending on RL and all.

So two questions:
1: What would happen to those that could not have offspring? While they can't breed I think they could still be valuable members in other ways.

And 2: Let's say three or four years after the attack Shiva is out with a hunting party and sees a small group of Ponies a little past the edge into the forest, the one in front carrying a large bouquet of flowers of various kinds and each of them have looks of sadness and guilt in their eyes. The one with the flowers places them down on the path and whispers something before the group turns around and leaves, unaware of their watchers.

How would Shiva react to that scene?

Group Admin

I'm glad you enjoyed. :pinkiehappy: I'll certainly keep an eye out for the next parts, though I understand if it takes a while.

What would happen to those that could not have offspring? While they can't breed I think they could still be valuable members in other ways.

Just because they can't breed doesn't mean Shiva would deny them any place with the others. Shiva would find a way for them to be able to contribute, whether that's through rebuilding homes, hunting for food or coming up with plans, strategies and advice. Same would go for the mares that were capable of breeding; Shiva wouldn't just shuffle them off to some side to be constantly impregnated, but at the same time, she'd try to find work for them to do that wouldn't risk their health and also appealed to their personalities. Shiva would talk one-on-one with each of her people, and find jobs for them that they liked to do while also considering their skills, age and fertility.

If a non-fertile member fell in love with a fertile member, Shiva would make an arrangement where the fertile member agreed to briefly be matched up with someone else who was fertile while still having the non-fertile lover. This would go over very well if her own mate was rendered infertile by the spells, as she could take one of these 'breeding partners' on herself to show by example that it's not a bad thing when it's done in the name of repopulating the species, and as long as all party members are treated with respect and give consent.

And, of course, if a fertile mare doesn't want children or the three way pairs risked becoming love triangles, again, Shiva would talk to them one-on-one, and try to come to an arrangement that works out best for all party members.

Shiva's not a dictator, but she will stress that they are in a very trying time, and enforce the belief that everyone must contribute to the pack. She would not stand for petty differences like two stallions wanting to know who their lover wants more, or mares feeling they were being objectified, but she would still listen to their worries and would counter or allay them as best she could, while also reminding her people that they have to remember to worry about the community before they start worrying for themselves.

Let's say three or four years after the attack Shiva is out with a hunting party and sees a small group of Ponies a little past the edge into the forest, the one in front carrying a large bouquet of flowers of various kinds and each of them have looks of sadness and guilt in their eyes. The one with the flowers places them down on the path and whispers something before the group turns around and leaves, unaware of their watchers.

Shiva would be very cautious. She'd ask one of her herbal experts to analyze the flowers (without moving them) and check for any poisons. Then, she'd return and discuss it with the strategists and advisors. Some might claim that the ponies are tricking them and don't deserve forgiveness, and a few might say that maybe the ponies do regret their actions and maybe they should be given a chance. Ultimately, Shiva will decide that since the ponies left their territory, there's not really much they can do. Shiva would alter their patrols to be watching in case the ponies appear again, but she would order them to stay hidden and not to provoke any hostilities.

"The ponies left. However briefly they appeared, they still left, and that's good enough. I won't ask you to forgive them for the pain they put you through, but I also ask that you don't risk what we've built for a few regretful foals. We will be prepared for the ponies that do not regret their actions. But let's also remember that every creature is different. And fear is the true enemy."

She'd grin hopefully. "Our strength is returning, my brothers and sisters. The ponies couldn't kill us, and neither could the Ever-Free. Let's make sure it stays that way."

Great explanation King, looking forward to what you have for the next parts. Hopefully they (or at least the next one) will be up soon.

Also, have a follow. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Thank you very much. :pinkiehappy:

My OC, Lightning Chaser (Lightning Dust’s better version you can say XP) and her kind (I’d say Thestrals) are now mentally and physically exhausted.

LC thinks fast. She is worried. Then she gets an idea. She decides that she and her kind migrate to a different land to start over anew. A place where ponies wouldn’t usually visit. If you guessed Everfree, then you’re wrong. Close to the are where Daring Do adventures, but there’s no Daring here. They move about only during night. They finally reach after a week. (In my headcanon Tenochtitlan basin is about 50 km to their previous home.)

Later they all get organised. LC herself decided to send off some of the orphaned foals to others who offered to take very good care of them. Out of 20 orphans she herself adopted 3, namely Shadow Dusk, Stellar Eclipse and Dreamy Glow. Shadow and Stellar were twins. They got a bit more organised in the basin and built themselves new and cool homes.

Sorry for the late reply, wasn't alerted to you commenting. :twilightsheepish:

Interesting ideas, using the Everfree and the night as cover and moving into a basin with plenty of places to hid and strike back should further attacks come.

Now, say a few years after of the attack, one of the scout teams finds Ponies planting various kinds of flowers just past the border of the Everfree, the same path your kind had taken before. The team notices that all the Ponies there have looks of extreme guilt and a few are even openly letting tears fall.

What would your response be once the scouts report back?

Hmm.. I would probably think that the Everfree became a cemetery at first, but.. idk.. I’d probably go there myself, disguised, to investigate.

So say you do that, and find out that the Ponies involved in the attack have deeply regretted their actions and are now trying to repay for what they did, including a large monument towards your kind being built.

This is a little long… sorry. I kinda got hit by multiple boatloads(including the ships) of inspiration, and decided to roll with it. Not sure if I’ll write the story but… who knows. What do you think? 
My idea for this scenario would be: My race, the Kyra (Pronounced:kI-ra), would have an extra ability combined with all the extra traits above. My kyran would be able to pump/redirect their (primarily painful) venom from their venom glands located in their mouth down into their claws (or wing thumb claw for their pegasus equivalent). This action strengthens their venom to the point that any amount would lead to an instant death or (with the smallest amount injected) coma. This is actually based off of another race’s ability that can be found in the star wars universe. As with the race this ability is based on, my version causes the kyran activating the ability to die as well as their opponent. The venom spreads into the individual’s bloodstream and leads to a very painful end. This ability would act as a last ditch “I’m gonna take you down with me” move. This would influence their society to be a more peaceful but fierce people. “A wise king must not seek out war,…” and all that. 
In this scenario the Nobles start weakening my race by whittling them down with false rumors(AKA propaganda), “accidental” claiming of their lands, and instigating violence. This also made it hard to fight back against the nobles of Equestria at the time because to enact the vengeful swipe (I’ll workshop the name later) “One must first know for certain who their aggressor is.” My “Alicorn” ruler will of course be tied up with their politics and some of the more vocal of his people will take retribution into their own hands, etc… This helps along the spiral out of control to the point when they are brutally and mercilessly attacked on the night of a thousand tears. 
After my beaten and battered race makes it to the Everfree for respite. My leader comes to the realisation that his ponies need a new home far away from the corrupted kingdom that is ancient equestria. This means going beyond the eastern ocean. After they recuperate and prepare themselves for the long trek ahead (about a year’s time) they leave the everfree forest and head to a large unclaimed region of land bordering the ocean. It’s far from other settlements and covered in trees for boats. When they arrive they become the first race to discover the minotaurs, and after hearing their plight, the compassionate people of Minos help smuggle them to safety on their island nation(This takes about a month). The king of the Minos Isles offers them sanctuary, but Toran (My race’s leader: Tore-run) knows that if the minos people were to ever meet the equestrians and learn of his race's non-extinct status, there would be the danger of causing a war. So he decides to continue beyond the Minos Islands with supplies from King Midos(MI-dOs). Nothing is heard from him for a couple decades, until Toran comes back from a huge jungle subcontinent (slightly smaller than Australia) to repay the king for his help. The minotaurs carefully keep silent about the Kyra’s existence for the next millennium (could give rainbow dash lessons on loyalty) until the return of Nightmare Moon. 
As for the issues on population, I actually did some math, corrected some of it, and some more and some more, but was able to get a rough estimate of how many Kyran would be around in a thousand years. If each member lives up to 80 years old that would make around 12 generations being born and then dying until nightmare moon would come back. If the only order Toran would give concerning reproduction would be to have 5 foals per family, and they would be starting with ONLY the unaltered foal population, there would be almost 1,000,000,000 Kyran by the 10th generation. (Be advised that this is a rough estimate as my original numbers put the population count at over 300,000,000,000. This was with a start count of 700 couples. Also most,if not all of my numbers were rounded down. I also found out that you need around 200 individuals for a race to safely not go extinct.) If (and IF) my numbers are correct, my race will be fine and healthy by the time nightmare moon comes back. As a side note: this order will also promote family and family loyalty in my race. This disaster will bring them closer together and will also shine highly on those who help and give to others and compassion for when they need it. This also instills a feeling of purity towards family & family members. This makes them come to a conclusion that because family is so important, creating a family must also be a special and personal action. Love should be the main ingredient of having a family. Also shunning another of your own family will be highly frowned upon, unless proper reason has been given, and gives favor for those who have the betterment of others in their thoughts/actions. This also incidentally cuts down on a lot of crime/corruption for my civilization. 
Tyro hears about the return of his best friend Luna and decides to take a closer look at equestria after all this time. With the presumption that the nobles are still evil as hey, he decides to kidnap *cough cough* I mean rescue Luna before she can be “swept under the rug”. This brings his people back into the light(HA! Not really), but of course his news is a little outdated and it turns out that a couple months have passed since she was released from the moon and his “convenient” rescue saves her from the changeling invasion (hence why she doesn’t actually show up in the episode and shows who “tipped off” the guard that there was an enemy targeting equestria). She sees to her relief that her old friend is NOT dead and neither is his race! She wants to share but Toran is still (REASONABLY) scarred from the horrific and brutal murder of his people and wife/family. She swears to keep his ponies a secret but decides to travel to his home continent to visit. She informes celestia that she’s okay and wishes to “tour the country” since her absence(actually does that when she gets back to feel out the option of revealing his race’s survival). 
Part 2:
Little did he know, but Toran’s little rescue does not go unnoticed. A palace maid sees some mysterious figures sneak into Luna’s bedroom and not only notifies the guard of a mysterious group of not quite ponies, but also unintentionally alerts a small hidden faction of ponies. These are the descendants of the “great” purge that tried to wipe the Kyran out! They consist of a few nobles and some mid to high-ranking military ponies, but don’t have enough influence to openly lash out. They decide to bide their time, give false smiles, and hide daggers up their sleeves. Toran then (extremely)reluctantly agrees to travel to a small out of the way town bordering the Everfree to see for himself how Equestria has changed (Luna begs and begs and finally convinces him. Also canterlot sucks and doesn’t reflect Equestria as a whole at all!). He is pleasantly surprised at how nice they all are but with a disguise spell on he is still sure of the eventual mistrust followed by his rejection. Twilight actually figures out that he has a disguise on but asks Luna about it who explains a very brief version of his story. Others around them eavesdrop and cry out for Toran to show what he really looks like and show how accepting they are for others. The end result is that the party continues and the entire town shows up and Pinky Pie promises to not reveal him to anyone else… except for that one pony who sneaks away to tell his superiors that the Kyran for a sertanty survived their ancestor’s attack. Toran requests some time to think about if and how he would reveal his race to equestria and promises to visit soon. The timeline of the usual story diverts a little here when Twilight “accidentally” stumbles upon a journal that points to Starswirl's last known location (the evil group gives it to her). When news travels back to Toran that Starswirl is back, he immediately begins fortifying his country and readying for a possible war. Meanwhile Twilight AND Luna confronts Starswirl about his involvement in the extermination campaign. Now this is the part I’m unsure of. Either Starswirl was totally hoodwinked and was convinced that the Kyra were evil/a danger to equestria or He fully agrees that Toran and his people are a threat to not only equestria but the ideals of harmony itself. Either way he’s a prideful (The mighty Starswirl couldn’t possibly make a blunder THAT HUGE!) bigot, draws a line in the sand with Luna and Twilight, and hotily tries to turn them to his side but of course (is a complete jerk and full of himself) fails. He tries to restrain the both of them but only succeeds in trapping Luna who uses her magic to help Twilight escape to warn Toran. Twilight tries to go to Celestia but finds that much of the guard has been informed of her attempted attack on Princess Luna and needs to detain her for questioning. She finds her brother who hears her out and decides to help her escape the city. He stays behind to ast as a spy against the secret group. He is seen assisting Twilight, by none other than Blueblood! Twilight eventually makes it to the original town (now a small city) that the Kyran first stumbled on. She then tells them about what’s happening and they reveal that they’ve been preparing for war alongside the Kyra. She makes her way to Minos and stumbles into Toran who was visiting the king and tells them of Luna’s kidnapping. Enraged, Toran wants to rush the capital and rescue the Princesses, but is restrained by Midos (he’s the minotaurs “alicorn”) who cautions Toran to try for a more peaceful solution. Toran however is determined to save Luna and decides to lead a covert team to rescue her. It is during this mission that he finally comes face to face with the stallion who murdered his family and almost wiped out his entire race. Toran keeps the attention of Starswirl on him as his team sneaks around back and frees Luna. Starswirl realises this deception too late and is unable to stop Toran from escaping along with Luna and his squad. Starswirl uses this as a call to arms and Celestia is unable to find hard evidence against him and can only agree to the nobles demands. With all her ponies calling for blood she is unable to single out all of the members of the group behind it. She also needs to act in Equestria’s best interests (As they seem to be) and can only hope that her spy among the nobles can help her catch the true villains involved. 
Part 3:
“There is only WAR!” The true face of the Equestrian Protection Agency (public name of the evil organization) steps into the light. Prince Blueblood personally presents the lies of the EPA to the public and reveals the “sinister” Kyran revenge plot. Meanwhile, the Equestrian United Forces EUF (along with their Equestrian Armored Forces EAF, Equestrian Navy EN, and Equestrian Aerial Division EAD) begin marching to the eastern coast to prepare for the invasion of kyran home. They use information gleaned from Toran’s visit at canterlot and ponyville to figure out that The Kyran’s home is past the minotaur Isles and that the Minotaurs are in league with the enemy. One section of the EUF marches on the Minotaur territory, while the rest go and gather around the huge port city of Manehatten, and are met with a sizable force of both the minotaurs, Kyra, Toran himself, and Luna. The Equestrians are at first relieved that their princess is safe but their joy is short lived when one of their officers declares that Luna must be under some sort of spell and is being controlled by Toran. Another shouts out that they might be a Changeling. The EUF form up Starswirl demands for Luna’s return. Toran then proceeds to yell and rant at the enemy troops and reveals the truth behind his people’s tragic history with the ancient equestrians. Star Swirl still sees himself as the justified hero and doesn’t balk at the claims. The troops under his command then predictably turn on him (and his fellow EPA members) when he accepts the claims from Toran as it was necessary to remove the monstrous, barbaric, evil Kyran race in order to secure a safe and bright future for his country and fellow equestrians. The Equestrian soldier are justly enraged by Starswirl and try to subdue him, but are knocked aside. He decides to call out Toran and try to end him once and for all. Toran, not wanting to have anyone else hurt, agrees to the fight. It is fairly even but Starswirl has quite a few tricks up his sleeve and underhandedly knocks Toran off balance and is about to kill him when Twilight intervenes. She feels betrayed at how awful and nasty her hero figure turned out to be. “What’s next, Clover the clever is actually an evil, sea god worshiping, phantom?!” Luna also tries to even the odds but is immobilized with a spell Starswirl attached to her when she was first captured by him. Twilight along with Toran team battle Starswirl. During the battle she realises how potent and powerful the magic of friendship/comradery/companionship really is and tries to tap into said power so she can empower her newest friend Toran. This allows him to finish the final blow against Starswirl and triggers Twilight’s ascension into the newest “alicorn”. She becomes the alicorn of magic and the Alicorn of the newest race, The Draneigh (DRu-NA). (In my universe, there is an “alicorn” for each species on the planet. Also each one is not specifically an Alicorn like Celestia. Midos, Is a very tall, buff, and the most powerfully magical Minotaur etcetera… Celestia=replacement alicorn for the day ponies, Luna=the night ponies, Cadence=replacement for the remains of the crystal ponies, Toran=the hunter clans, etc…) Around her about 10 new Draneigh foals are poofed into existence. This will continue once every ten years for about 200 to 300 years. (Pst! Part dragon ponies!!!!! Also Twilight will obviously be freaking out about this. Toran and Luna will be able to help her with raising these kids and give her an ear or shoulder when she needs it. Twilight mother moments!) With Starswirl defeated (yeah, he’s dead. Best not to think about it) the remaining army stands down and all are unanimously ashamed for being deceived. They even capture the other EPA ponies/sympathisers. As they are all brought before Toran, Luna, and Midos they all collectively activate a rune inside their mouths with the intent to teleport wavy to safety. They instead combust into explosive fireballs. With this betrayal in mind the group realise that they need to be careful when confronting the EPA ponies within the rest of the armed forces gathered near Manehatten. Twilight remembers that her SON SPIKE (or unpaid intern either way) CAN SEND MESSAGES DIRECTLY TO CELESTIA! They send a small group to ponyville to retrieve him. They also combine their forces with the equestrian forces and march off towards Manehatten in hopes to reason with the Major general there. Iron Heart is known as a strong and wise leader who has had several joint operations with griffons against a raider cell in the north. The main problem with the plan for peaceful negotiations is the lieutenant general Swift Hammer. As the second in command of their armed forces he dictates what and who goes through him to Iron Heart. He also happens to be one of the major heads of the EPA. The plan instead turns into how they can meet with the Major general without anyone else knowing, and come up with a way to collectively capture the EPA’s (Ageny’s) members and stop them from inadvertently killing themselves. It is at this moment that Spike, the rest of the main six, Shining Armor, Prince Blueblood, Twilight’s parents (Night Light+Twilight Velvet), and the extraction team enter the camp. 
Part 4:
This next part of the story goes back to when Blueblood finds Shining is planning to act as a spy. After confronting Shining Armor, Blueblood reveals that he is also acting as a double agent but directly for Celestia. (yeah he’s secretly going to be a good guy in this story) They agree to help each other. As Blueblood joined the Agency after it had started, he was unable to discover who the true head actually is. However after he delivers the EPA’s propaganda to the citizens he is forced to give up Shining Armor as a final test to see if he will be allowed to meet the true head of the organization. The direct descendant of the original founder. Fancy Pants! BUM BUM BUM!!! He uses an outward veneer of kindness and love for his fellow Equestrians to disguise his hatred of the other races on Equis. Blueblood tries to get this information to Celestia but is found out just before he can tell her anything. Turns out, he was overheard telling Shining about his deception. The only problem was that Fancy pants was unable to find out who Blueblood’s parten was and forced him to reveal Shining’s true colors. They are both locked away in the canterlot Observatory’s basement along with Shining Armor to be hidden out of the way until the Kyra are wiped out for good. Twilight’s dad, as an astronomer, goes to work at the observatory but is suddenly and suspiciously denied access. He and Velvet receive a letter telling them that their son was kidnapped and locked in the observatory, hence the reason he was forced to return home. They both stage a rescue on the building and manage to rescue both Blueblood and Shining (Velvet is a former special forces operative to the utter surprise of Nightlight). Fearing that their house is being watched they decide to go to ponyville and hide out in Twilight’s tree/home/work… place(AND SPIKE CAN SEND LETTERS DIRECTLY TO THE PRINCESS!). The story continues when Spike picks up the mike and tells about how he was almost abducted by some members of the EPA who also come to the conclusion of HOW SPIK- *ahem* valuable the young dragon is. This happens coincidently when Blueblood and the others arrive at the library. Together they are all able to incapacitate (and burn) the abductors, but realise that they and the other bearers are in danger as more attempts will probably be made (if they haven’t already). They gather Twilight's friends up to the apple orchard and are discovered by the group who was sent out to get Spike. The rest of the main six decide to help out Toran and the others (in what ways they can) and travel back to the hero’s camp. Back to the present. Twilight comes up with the idea that Toran needs to be captured and brought before General Heart. Once there she would be able to lock on the hidden tracking spell with her magic and teleport Luna, the prince, Shining, and Applejack to his side. Applejack for her lie detecting abilities, Shining for his shielding, and Blueblood for his testimony. Oh! And Luna’s the powerhouse to, POWER though any soldiers who get in their way and proof that she is alive and well. The plan works out really well and Iron Heart turns out to be part Thestral, so seeing Luna plays a much bigger role on their appearance than expected. They capture the agency ponies with a couple special ops ponies they procured from the capitol. With the runes removed and their adversaries contained they break news with the rest of the camp. General Hearts has the true story of the Kyran written down and distributed around the camp. They then interrogate Swift Hammer and figure out who the higher ups in the Agency are. Celestia is contacted and is FINALLY made known of the situation. With her personal guard she proceeds to round up the ringleaders. A few come quietly but most give her guards a run for their bits. A few even escape to a safe house. At the bottom of the mountain. Only to find the building surrounded by mercenaries. When the hero group gets back to Canterlot they find out that the arrest was a complete success. The main reason that ALL the members were captured was because of Fancy Pants. Turns out, he had created the organization to gather together the corrupt and more extremist of the nobility to root them out at a later time. He was fairly close to betraying them all when the whole mess with the Kyra popped up. He then saw an opportunity to gather even more of the corrupt and bigoted scum of the city. As proof he provides lists of all the members of the agency, documents that he had forged to “prove he was evil”, and his adopted kids' identities. He has an 11 year old griffon son named Amo, a 13 year old felin (half griffon pegasus where the lion half is way more prominent) called Golden Fang, and an earth pony daughter named Starfall. He had to keep them secret and secluded away in his summer home to protect his appearance and protect them. (Double surprise! He’s actually a good guy again!) 
In the following days the public is informed on what happened and is told the entire unfiltered truth (Celestia’s a little ticked off about the reveal of all the horrific details). Closer relations are established between the Minotaurs and Equestria, trade agreements are being discussed, and Twilight, who’s still coming to grips with being an alicorn, agrees to stay for a few years on Tyro (the subcontinent). She’ll try to learn what she can about raising an omnivorous race *cough*Toran not Celestia*cough* and learn what she can about his home to send back in a book to further the relationship between their two people. Also there’s the fact that the whole continent is covered in strange ruins and a few ancient libraries filled with books that can’t be read and it would be nice if there was someone who could help translate them and………. But that’s an adventure for another day. 
Thoughts & suggestions please!

Also what is part 2 & 3 supposed to be?

I quite liked it, honestly wasn't expecting to see any more responses to this but I'm not complaining. :twilightsmile:

Part 3 focused more on the string that JNKing and I did, and Part 2 sort of had your race stay in the Everfree, but here's the link anyway. I think you pretty much covered everything of those parts here.

As for the story itself I found it to be well thought out (that twist with Fancy Pants was gold, same with Velvet), I don't really have any suggestions to give and I was pleasantly surprised at the math you did for your race (I know it's rough but still). I also like how you left the opening for a possible squeal.

The highlight for me though was Twilight not just becoming an Alicorn, but an Alicorn of an entire new race. :rainbowlaugh: That was awesome and funny in equal measure and if Velvet is the kind of mother that wants grandkids I can see her being absolutely giddy at being a grandmother for not just Twilight's Foals but also an entire race, not many can say that now can they. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks! I really appreciated your input! Do you have any suggestions for the title of my story?
Also about the different "Alicorns" for each species/groups of races in the world and the "replacement Alicorns" bit. What are your thoughts about that particular aspect of the world? For/against/neutral...? If you could Make a new race or main race + the different subspecies what would it/they be? And do you think a race could exist without their "Alicorn" ? (or maybe even kill their own "Alicorn"?!)
And finally, IF I were to do a sequel, what would you recommend I use for an ancient warrior race that reawakens from a deep slumber? I was thinking I could try bipedal Lions or Lizards, Make up one of my own, or maybe some sort of D&D race...

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't get any notifications and I rely rather heavily on those.

Thanks! I really appreciated your input!

You're welcome. :twilightsmile:

Do you have any suggestions for the title of my story?

How about... Rising from the Ashes?

Also about the different "Alicorns" for each species/groups of races in the world and the "replacement Alicorns" bit. What are your thoughts about that particular aspect of the world? For/against/neutral...?

I'm all for it, I've actually have a similar set-up in my own world where each Pony race that has three Tribes have their own names for their Earth Pony, Unicorn, and Pegasus equivalents. For example;

For Thestrals there are the Cave, Horned, and Winged while the Crystal Ponies are named after rocks like Quartz are their Earth Pony.

If you could Make a new race or main race + the different subspecies what would it/they be?

I do have my Kirin which come in three (with the show Kirin being the forth) races; Western, Eastern, Mountain (show Kirin), and Valley.

And do you think a race could exist without their "Alicorn" ? (or maybe even kill their own "Alicorn"?!)

It's possible, the race could going on without an Alicorn but there is the possibility that a member could ascend into one.

And finally, IF I were to do a sequel, what would you recommend I use for an ancient warrior race that reawakens from a deep slumber? I was thinking I could try bipedal Lions or Lizards, Make up one of my own, or maybe some sort of D&D race...

I like the idea of bipedal Lions, but making up your own works as well since in both cases you've got a lot of freedom to create the race.

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