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Please tell me you're joking.

Don't think that way. Why commit such a foolish action? Surely your problems can't be that bad.

Killing yourself isn’t the answer.

Group Contributor

What is wrong are you upset about something


Is it your parents? People from work? Strangers?

We're always kind to you.

Your father is not the caring and teaching sort, I presume?

No, we were in an argument about something, and his recent stern words have done all the harm in me. I practically punished myself for my selfishness.

Fimfiction community general gets me always out of any bad mood. So many whole or deep emotional stories. Otherwise youtube has so mutch to offer in MLP or non mlp stuff.
Life is to short to throw it away. Kinda hoping a get a extension on mine :duck:

Familie trouble come and go, but Fimfiction sure makes it better trough stories or the community :twilightsmile:

What was the argument about?

I’d rather not say.

Don’t think like that. You have a lot to live for in life. In fact, talk to a friend or another family member and they’ll help you.

Families can be tough. Some words they say may be harsh. Believe me. But mostly that means they care about you and are worried about you. It doesn't mean they're always right about certain things, but they do care how overreactive and extreme they may be in their words. It's a common thing to argue with family and friends about things you don't always agree on. Try talking with another family member and then try to have a decent conversation with your father. Pick a right moment and tell him how you feel. He could possibly have a hard time too that caused him to act like that.

How? I just can’t look him in the eyes anymore.

Killing yourself will just make your dad feel even worse than he probably already does. He'll never forgive himself if he pushed you towards suicide. No parent should have to bury their own child, regardless of cause. Give it some time, wait for things to settle down, it may take a while, but your dad still loves you. I have fights with my family all the time, and even though we fight, we still love each other at the end of the day.

Don't think about committing suicide.


You're a great person who deserves to live. :heart:

No shame, no shame he says. Not once was there any ounce of compassion or concern on his face, just utter disappointment and loathing for me in my state. Am I that horrible of a son? Or did this world just curse me with the most rotten luck ever?

Time will pass. Your father probably was just upset and lashed out at you in the wrong way. It’s not okay but you should really give him a chance to make up with him. But even if you can’t do so now, you should never commit suicide, it’s never the answer.


Don't let this argument, or any argument, lead you to self destruction. This will pass, and you'll be glad you didn't do something drastic.


Not once was there any ounce of compassion or concern on his face, just utter disappointment and loathing for me in my state. Am I that horrible of a son?

There are no bad things, we just interpret them as bad; sometimes correctly, sometimes false.

Perhaps your father sees more than just who you are. He sees your good potential that you can't seem to see yourself. Perhaps he's trying to push you on the path to greatness the best way he knows.

What you interpret as bad, might actually be good.

Any experience that you walk out stronger, is a good experience. Sometimes we need a sledgehammer to get unstuck from the mud. Try seeing the good side of it.

Group Admin

Please, don't do something awful! You are a kind person, don't throw away your life!

Seriously man, don't do this to yourself.

Group Admin

You don't have to do this! I know life can be very painful at times, but it's not entirely made up of misery. It also has moments full of joy and if you end your existence now, you may never get to see and experience those moments. So, please, give life and yourself another chance.

Don't do it, please. Whatever you may think right now, hope ALWAYS exists, and suicide is NEVER the answer. Just don't give up.

Please don't do it you have more strength than what you know and you have a lot of friends on this site

Please don’t! You matter!

Ok, not exactly what I was expecting to see on my feed at 6:45am as I eat my breakfast before school, but I'll try to be of some help.

I've read through the comments and I have a rough idea of what's going on. You've had an argument with your dad and now you're feeling down about it. Understandable, but it's not a reason to end your own life. I don't know if your relationship with your dad is generally friendly or toxic, but if it's usually quite friendly and relaxed, that doesn't mean that arguments will never happen. Sometimes we just need a moment away from all of those people around us in our daily lives so we can breathe. If it is a toxic father-son relationship, then I'll say this: everything and everyone changes over time. Just because things aren't great now, it doesn't mean they never will be. Things will improve, but you can't leave all of it to fate.

I'm assuming that you live with your dad in this scenario, and that you're under the age of being a legal adult in your country. Whether or not both of these assumptions of mine are true, try to start making small steps towards being independent. Save any money you have, find a small job, find out where you want to go with your education and what sort of a job you want, and do chores as if you were looking after your own home and lived alone. Little things like that will give you more independence and allow you to start to maneuver your life in the direction that you want to take it in.

Life is special; it's a gift. As far as anyone knows, we may only get that gift once. (My personal beliefs don't completely agree with this statement, but for the sake of simplicity I'm going with what modern science knows.) I think all of us are here to gain experience and knowledge, and everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is just to teach you something. If you can listen carefully to the lessons life is trying to teach you, you can find solutions to some, if not all, of your problems. I know what it's like to think life is pointless and be suicidal, but life has so many opportunities for you to be successful and a happy person. You just have to look at what's in front of you and figure out how you can use factors in your situation to your advantage.

Obviously, l'd suggest speaking to someone it you keep on feeling suicidal. A therapist will always be the best option, but if you can't access that for whatever reason, calling a hotline or even just speaking to a close friend or a different family member can help. And don't forget, the whole of Fimfiction is here for you. So many people willing to give advice and support are just a PM away. Just look after yourself, ok?

Also, I don't know if you're already in any of these groups, but you might want to take a look and see if there's anything there that can help you:

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