A Thousand Words 234 members · 607 stories
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Group Admin

Wow, what a turnout! The final two entries (Adult Education and A Foal's Errand) by first-time authors are now out of the mod queue. We can now announce that, contrary to all expectations, we somehow have 168 entries this year, blowing last year's number of 106 entries out of the water. After discussion amongst the judges, we are setting a goal of getting the results out by no later than 2023 Sep 17, which is six weeks from today. It is a bit of a wait, but I hope you all can understand!

But while you are waiting, here are some currently-running contests to check out:

While it makes me sad to wait on (expectantly) overwhelmingly positive comments lavishing me with praise :D. Understandable. At three days left we had three books entered, and now it's four books at the ending total!

RB_ #3 · Aug 6th, 2023 · · ·

168 entries means a total of 168,000 words written for the contest, which is a good sized novel. That’s pretty impressive! Looking forward to seeing who won.

(Also, thank you for promoting my contest!)


Take it easy...

So excited!

Holy cow, I knew there were a lot but I didn't realize how many! I've only read a fraction of these myself. Don't overwork yourselves.

And good luck to everyone who entered!

I feel like all my entries were pretty solid (besides my comedy entry), so I'm looking forward to the feedback. Tried to read as many others entries as I could, and I feel like there's a lot of great work in those 168k words. I'd call the contest a success already :twilightsmile:

Don’t expect much from mine but I eagerly await the results regardless

Best of luck to everyone. 168 entries is quite a handful. I have to go see some of these myself

Fantastic total! I have to wonder, might this be the largest ever entry for a Fimfiction-hosted* contest? Even in the fandom's heyday, getting into three figures was uncommon. Very glad I managed to get something out to be a part of this. The very best of luck to everyone! :twilightsmile:

* So not counting Write-offs.

Honestly I don't think mine will win but I was happy to publish my story regardless, I love watamote and I think more people should include emiri uchi

I never win but these contests help me develop ideas for original short novels, so in that sense, I have already won. As long as you get a positive experience from it, that's all that matters.

But winning would be fun tho.

Ah, it's a hard wait for these last few days. I'm curious to see the nice comments the judges are going to leave on the submissions. The actual ranking is obviously very exciting too, but it's just so nice to see the insight and enthusiasm in them.

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