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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I was playing with Stable Diffusion XL in ComfyUI with a styler widget (which I had set to sae-base, but I'm not sure if it was adding anything to the prompts), and I decided to see if it could generate pictures of the Tardis.

It could, as well as a number of Doctors, though some well, some barely, and some not at all. I lost track of the prompts, but the general format was:
The <x> Doctor in front of the Tardis in <y>, text that says "POLICE BOX".
(The latter was supposed to be for the top of the Tardis, but went elsewhere a lot.)

The first Doctor:

The second Doctor:

The third Doctor:

The fourth Doctor:

The fifth Doctor:

The sixth Doctor:

The seventh Doctor:

The eighth Doctor:
(It didn't really want to do him)

The War Doctor:

The ninth Doctor:

The tenth/fourteenth Doctor:
(It loves Tennant.)

The eleventh Doctor:

The twelfth Doctor:

The thirteenth Doctor:

It really didn't know the fifteenth Doctor. I tried Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor. This is as close as I got:

The Fugitive Doctor was even worse. I started trying to actually describe her, and got some interesting results, but...

And I did some misc other Doctor Who pictures...:

All in all, lots of fun, though it didn't manage several companions I tried, either...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Incidentally, I just chose to let it keep going with comic book images. It can do other styles.

--Sweetie Belle

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