void trials series 0 members · 4 stories

void trials

for both the main fics

  • TVoid Trials 2: Horizon
    Shocked by the raid on Equestrias colony on the planet of Horizon, Shetland Sparkle must learn to live with those she lost. But when investigators of the Hyena Empire arrive, it seems that something sinister is happening behind the scenes.
    Obsi · 129k words  ·  27  0 · 667 views
  • TVoid Trials
    In a futuristic Equestria, a young earth pony struggles to get herself a job within a space colony. Can Shetland surpass dangers and her own mothers disapproval to join the Voidmarines?
    Obsi · 34k words  ·  49  1 · 1.2k views