RainbowPie 865 members · 362 stories
Comments ( 38 )
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Why is this group so devoid of life? Why all the other ships can have a group collab and not the glorious RainbowPie?

We should have another one, then. Maybe found a whole new group and have a visible banner.

We do have a visible banner... but I'm up for a new group if it means it won't be so dead


Great! Who shall we talk to? Anyone has a way to contact all the old members and maybe have some new ones?

Dunno. You could post huge announcement somewhere or go through shamelessly advertising in a load of group. That, or you could go through and PM all of the members. :ajsleepy:


The only problem is the name. If I call it RainbowPie wouldn't be there confusion? Is it allowed? Also, yes: for the group I would PM all of them!

Well, there can be two groups with one name, but you could just call it something like Rainbow DashxPinkie Pie


How about Rainbow Pie with the space?

That would also work. Are you creating this new group then?


Yes, I think I will. I'll post something all around the forums. Can I count on you as a member?

Of course! :pinkiehappy:
Leave a link when it's ready


Working on it right now! I'll need some admins and some users who could help me rounding up stories an setting up contests :pinkiehappy:

Cool! The best part is we can just steal all the stories from this group :twilightblush:


And the shipping folder for the pairing in the shipping group. And, you know, having contest and writing other stories!


And here it is! I'll post something on the shameless self promotion thing to find some admins...unless you are interested?


Cool. Just the time of creating a couple of folders and I'll add you. Any suggestion for that?

Friendshipping, Clop, Normal, Side Pairing, Adventure? There are quite a few possibilites


We'll think about it.

So what should we do for now?


Add some stories, find admins, the usual stuff.

Rainbow Pie group Colab? I'm in. :pinkiehappy:

Yay, a new group! I, too, was wondering why everything was so dead around here. Hopefully the reboot will draw in some new blood. You have my support, anyway. :twilightsmile:

If you started a new group, you could call it PinkieDash. Anyway, good luck, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. RainbowPie fans just aren't as active as they used to be, or maybe there are just less of them.


Join us on the new group and we'll talk about it.


Oh, they will be. They will be...

Group Admin

I'm not so insane or possessive that I'm opposed to the idea of creating a new group with the same stories in it but...Wouldn't it just be a lot easier to draw attention to this, already existing group? :rainbowhuh:

This group already has the members, I already spent a lot of time tracking down the fics that are here (with some much appreciated help, of course!), and even though it doesn't have as much activity as some groups, most groups on Fimfic, unless I'm much mistaken, don't have a ton of interaction going on, so I don't think it's that unusual. As you've probably noticed, I've been trying to create more interaction by making new threads, including the collab thread, but interaction is not something that can be forced, and it looks weird if I'm the only one creating the threads (that being said, go contribute to the collab thread! :rainbowlaugh:). Just getting people aware of the group is a big thing, but not necessarily the biggest factor. The AppleDash group has a LOT of members and interaction, and though I'm not totally sure why that is, they probably started interest and interaction in the forum early on, for one thing. I dunno, maybe the members there just felt more like posting in the forum? The forum does seem to have a LOT to do with why they have so many users though. I'll have to look into that more, because even if you don't like AppleDash, they have a great group (of course, there are other groups with a lot of interaction, but that one struck me as probably the best shipping group in terms of member involvement). I think a big thing is just how the users SEE the group, even if it's inherently not that different from this one.

I was also seriously thinking of starting up some competitions, which I think would raise interest a lot. For that, mostly what we need is people to contribute prizes. This could be art prizes, but it could also be something else, like writing prizes.

This group is YOUR, the members, group. Just because I created it doesn't give me any special right over it, so feel free to start threads, collabs, competitions, etc, whenever you want! Unless I'm much mistaken, I don't think I can set specific users as admins, or I certainly would. Nevermind, I just found out how to set users as Admins and Contributers. :twilightsheepish: Now just to figure out who to add, and/or the protocol for doing so.

As the creator of the group, pretty much the only power that I have that the average user doesn't is to delete things anyways. If you want a change to the group in the folders, the name, the description, whatever, please say so, either in a PM or the the forum.

The main purpose of this group is still to collect all the RainbowPie/PinkieDash fics in one place for crazy pink pone/blue pone shippers like us to access easily. The group interaction is a secondary thing, but would absolutely be a fantastic thing to have more of. That's totally up to all of you though! If you want more interaction, contribute: start a thread, write in a thread, write a fic, add a fic, start a competition, tell a friend about the group, link to it somewhere (in a blog post, a comment, a fic, tumblr, derpibooru, are just some of the places that come to mind). Change your perspective from 'that dead group' to 'that up and coming group that has a lot of fics but is just getting off the ground in terms of community but shows a lot of promise in that area', and the way you think about contributing to the group will change. No one wants to contribute to something that they see as already dead, but creating life for the first time, from the ground up sounds like a much better proposition. Let's get this thing rolling! :pinkiehappy:

*Reads last paragraph* God that was cheesy. :moustache:

Also, this was in no way meant to try to dissuade anyone from creating their own group. By all means, do so (more power to ya, and I couldn't stop anyone even if I wanted to anyways), but this is, for better or worse, the biggest Pinkie/Dash group on Fimfic, and with that title comes a lot of potential, that is just waiting to be used.

I have to agree. I'm not going to join some new group. The reason this group is so dead is due to utter lack of interest by folks, not because people have forgotten about it. Make new threads, post in the prompt tag, whatever. Making a new group won't fix things.

Only if I can though, but I'll definitely join!

I don't really think this group is any more dead than most of the other shipping groups. They're all dead except for the Appledash group (at least, of the groups I'm in.) The main reason I think the Appledash group is so lively is because they've got a group of 6-10 core users who are constantly posting in their socializing thread, and therefore people are encouraged to post over there because there's constant, viewable activity. Maybe I'm wrong, but if I had to guess, a social thread (that people actually used) would massively increase the activity in any shipping group.

Group Admin

This is pretty much what I was thinking. I admit, I don't hang out in other groups often, but from what I've seen, other groups on Fimfic seem to mostly be about collecting fics, not socializing. It's great when you can have a group that's a little bit more, but certainly not usual if it isn't.

The first time I visited the AppleDash group, they had less than a dozen threads, but that 'socializing' thread was the main one, and seemed to be drawing a lot of attention. As a member of that group, thanks for sharing your insight...I didn't realize they had a few regular users posting there, I figured it was mostly the admins starting stuff up.

I have been wanting to start up a general discussion and socializing thread for some time now, but for that there HAS to be interest in it, and more people than just me posting. People actually have to care about posting, and be dedicated and optimistic enough to realize if they get the ball rolling, it'll keep rolling, and snowball, so to speak. That could be anyone though, it doesn't have to be someone with special permissions, just people who feel like talking about some RainbowPie (or whatever subject)! I guess it's just the whole image of the thing that matters a lot. If people see it as somewhere that's great to go talk about stuff and read stuff and actually get replies, then things are kept alive.

I think the best thing for people to do if they want this group to be more active socially, is to make it that way. As the group members, it's in your hands. Post more, even if it's just a little bit (but only if you want to; as I said, this sort of thing can't really be forced). Keep things active, keep visiting the forums, start up your own threads, and advertize the group a little bit by linking to it, if you wish. It's pretty much a blank slate. :pinkiehappy:

For anyone starting up a new group, most likely, you will have to face the exact same challenge of keeping interest high, and keeping the group active, so though you may be able to get going quicker in a new group, starting a new one certainly doesn't mean it'll 'fix' the issue of a slow community.

2348746 Well, it is mostly the admins/contributors who post stuff over there, but there's like 4 admins and 4 contributors. So... Yeah.

Group Admin

Huh. Well, I guess it works though...looking at the Socializing thread, lots of different people seem to participate.

Also, isn't it funny that the thread on this forum about how the forum is dead, is the one that gets the MOST posts and attention? :rainbowlaugh: See? You guys totally have it in you to make this an active group.

There is a PinkieDash group as well which I think highlights one issue is that we don't have one absolute name for the ship that everybody always use. Some prefer PinkieDash others like Rainbow Pie. While this is technically possible with some other ships in my experience ours is one of the more fractured in this regard. So there are chances that you might be in one but not the other.

I myself prefer pinkiedash but i go either way. Even if i don't actively ship this couple anymore i still like to see this group be just as active as every other shipping group.

Well for those of you that want to see a new thread that could get some discussion I just started one about stories that should get more recognition or are just not known but are better than you know.

A cult classics idea if you will.

Come and join in if you want to!

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