RainbowPie 865 members · 362 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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So over in the Twinkie group, Krizak started a thread where everyone could post their cute/adorable/amazing/etc. Twinkie pictures. And so now I am stealing that idea to bring it here, to share with the BEST ship. :pinkiehappy:

Here is some of my fave RainbowPie art:

Jack-a-Lynn's "Telling stories"

thedarklordkeisha's "SURPRISE WING BONER"

PaintedYoko's "A Beautiful Rainbow"

Jack-a-Lynn's "Caught"

Sorry for not including the actual pictures--I'm having troubles doing so at the moment, for some strange reason, though I had no problems earlier. Quite odd.

after scouring my DA page for like...30 minutes, I finally found the picture wrapped up in my ultimate love for PinkieDash


that was the scene that made logical side of me cry a bit

physics was destroyed so hard

Glad someone recognized this scene. It was one of my favorite moments ever in a fanfiction from one of my favorite fanfictions ever. even if it didn't make any sense, it was still beautiful

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