Fallout Equestria 5,399 members · 2,623 stories
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Hey guys, Overstallion Interloper here.

Happy New Year! With 2016 now in our sights, the other admins and I are planning to host a monthly collab throughout this new year!

This is no contest - nobody will win a Littlepip plush, or a printed copy of Fo:E, or some Fo:E-themed Bad Dragon toy, so don't feel pressured to write some extravagant masterpiece. It is but a friendly collaboration for us all to come together and share our stories with the Fo:E community on FimFiction. Everyone and anyone can - and should participate!

Yes. This also means admins!

Here's how it'll work:

Voting for Prompts

Every month the admins will come together and write several prompts (this may be subject to change). For the first week (or for a few days) of the month, we will create a thread announcing the start of a new collab, and in that thread users will get to vote for the prompts they want to write to. The prompt with the most votes will be the prompt of the month!

After that first week (or few days) of voting, we will begin accepting submissions throughout the month.

(Voting for January 2016 has closed)

Submissions + Word Count

Submissions will be collected by the FOEAdminBot, the account all the group admins share and have access to.

You will need to use Google Docs to write your submission. When you're finished, PM the FOEAdminBot a link to your submission's google docs document (this method is preferred).

However, if you somehow can't use Google Docs, you can just PM us a copy and paste job of your submission. These submissions will be added as individual chapters to single collection (story), and, at the end of the month, we will post the story for everyone to read!

The word count minimum is two thousand words. Two thousand is easy, and I'm sure you all could write that in your sleep.

Honorable Mentions

Stories that are notably unique will also be given honorable mentions in a thread at the conclusion of that month's collaboration. The number of stories that will be chosen will vary depending on the number of submissions we get, but we will be choosing them not particularly based on quality, but on how unique a story is. So try to surprise us!

Rules: TL;DR Version

1. You must write a short story submission that must follow the given prompt. (obviously)
- Double obviously, your short story must also take place in the Fallout: Equestria universe (whether in your own little slice of the Fo:E wasteland, or a setting you've created in the Fo:E universe)
2. Submissions must be a minimum of 2,000 words long
3. Submissions must be PM'd to the FOEAdminBot
- Stories will be collected and published in an anthology at the collaboration's conclusion in the order the stories were submitted
4. We prefer that you write your submission in Google Docs, and PM FOEAdminBot the link to your document.
- If this is not possible, you may also write it in your chosen word processor (Microsoft Word, etc), and copy and paste your submission into a private message and send that instead.

Please take note that there is not a single rule against story ratings. Your story can be as tame or as gratuitously violent as you want. Yes. You can also write clop.

Sounds good? :derpytongue2: Additionally, we may or may not add other little rules/features to the collab. Additionally-additionally, this monthly collab thing is partly an experiment to see if we as a group have what it takes to host an actual contest with prizes in the future, so please participate!

Remember, this will be a monthly thing, so expect a collab every month!

Click here to see the prompt for and information about this month's collab!

4955837 Sounds like fun! Can't wait to see what kind of fabulous prompts everyone will vote for.
I'm guessing the prompts would range from anything expected and unexpected within the FO:E universe and should make for some interesting works especially when democracy kicks in and there's enough votes to enact something silly like I dunno: "Pool Party in Fallout Equestria" with a subsequent "Enclave vs BoS Gladiator Death Match: Wet Power Noodle addition" submission I totally wasn't planning for anything.

Well good luck to everyone maybe this will actually drive me out from my hiatus hole... and if not then maybe it'll help other people out. It's definitely a fun way to git gud at writing while subsequently exercising one's ability to vote.
See? it's a win-win! Democracy always wins! Do it for Liberty Prime! Do it for my totally not lame Power Noodle example!

4955837 Back during the Halloween contest it was met with an awkward response. Every time there was a post, no one seemed interested. I remember that I was a judge, and I was kind of embarrassed knowing that the only reason I became judge was because everyone did. I can honestly see that the collaborations will be different.

This sounds like a fun idea, and it will for sure impact the quality of FO:E stories. I gotta say, I already can't wait.

4955837 I'd ask questions, but honestly I expect this to go the same way that most of the things run by the administers of this group go. That is to say, I fully expect dozens of people to pledge to do them each month and then for you guys to be lucky to get three inputs.

But blah. Best of luck to y'all (minus Interloper) with running these. Hopefully they'll be different than the other collabs.


This time the collab is being managed by people who know what the hell they're doing doing (namely Plum, who has done stuff like this in the past).

We added in the whole voting thing so that people will be able to write what they want to write, and not be constrained to something that the OP wants them to write. Hopefully that'll make the submission turnout much better, in comparison to the past.

Group Admin


Submissions will be collected by the FOEAdminBot

How will this work exactly? PM? Link to some place with the original BBcode?


Riiiiiiiiiiiight I forgot to mention that hehe

I added to my OP that submissions can be PM'd over FimFiction via a copy and paste job, or by giving us a link to the submission's google docs document (which is preferred).

Group Admin

Beep boop.

PM me (a link to, or a copy paste job of) your submissions, and I will get them sorted out.

Thank you!

What is the prompt for March?

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