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Celebrating 13 years of Friendship is Magic the Fallout Equestria way, killing raiders. Happy Birthday MLP with Pinkie and Rampage.


Rampage gazed in shock at the pink mare before, then bemused looked down at her hoof. Looking up, she yelped and took a step back as Pinkie had pressed her face as close as she could.


Snarling, Rampage swiped again at the mare.


Stumbling forward, the striped mare blinked, and Pinkie stood in front of her, the exact same distance. Bellowing in rage, the mind fractured mare let out a flurry of swipes, blows, and rear kicks.

"Missed. Missed again. So close, but no kewpie doll. Come on, just a bit more energy."

Rampage cries became screeches of desperation as all the souls in her cried out whats happening from deep within her as each increasingly desperate blow missed... all while the mare they were bent towards moved not an inch. Stumbling again, Rampage fell into the raised forelegs of the mare, and began to sob in her chest. Mouth stretching into a rictus grin of cruelty, Pinkies voice echoed in her ears.

"I can do this forever... can you?"

I’d argue that working together for betterment of the future is a much more central theme for Fallout: Equestria and its many offshoots, but yes, happy birthday, post-apocalypse-horse land!

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