Project Derpy Hooves 357 members · 215 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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What was your reaction when you saw Derpy return?:derpyderp2::derpytongue2::derpyderp1:


And the holy army rejoiced and prayed in prostration, "The Ori are our refuge and strength. They walk amongst us and they laid our enemies unto dust. They held us high and delivered us from evil. O, blessed creators you are perfection and the beacons of eternal life".

"Hallowed are the Ori"
-Book of Origin.

2856187 I missed the hype, but I'm still glad she's with us.

I've enjoyed playing around with her in a few stories too.
I'll still keep her in her gloious place.


2856187 I had to pause the episode and take a moment, because I was so shocked and happy.

2856187 I was just kinda like, "Oh, cool, Ditzy's back."
But I have to admit, I squeed a little when she did her little shrug later on.

I was spoiled by some jerk posting a thread with "OMG Derpy is back" a day before I got to see the episode. So instead of getting totally floored by the appearance of Derpy in an actual active role, I watched the episode like "Yeah, apparently Derpy is in this... oh, huh, there she is, cool".

Evidently some people can't realize not everyone gets the episodes at the same time.

TL;DR version: :pinkiehappy:

I was very happy, to say the least! I'd missed her from the first few episodes and started thinking she wasn't coming back at all, so seeing her again gave me that warm and fuzzy feeling in my gut and a smile that lasted for the whole day. Her chocolate fountain scene later on, though, made me jump up from my chair and I had to stop myself from maniacally laughing so other people wouldn't wander into the room. I still can't get enough of that scene! It's just so... perfect.

2859443 I'm sorry that person had to ruin the episode for you

2861041 It's not as though the episode was ruined. It was still really fun to see her show up, particularly in an active role (as I had expected her to just stand in the background as usual), but it wasn't the knock-your-socks-off surprise the writers clearly had planned for. Kinda like finding out what your birthday present is going to be. You still get the present, but...

2861150 I see what you mean but I wish you had gotten the same feeling a lot of other people had

2861189 Thank you. Sadly I don't get the episodes until monday morning.

2861504 I don't live in the States, and I'd rather not watch horrible resolution screengrabs on Youtube. Yayponies provides better quality, and they put their episodes up around that time.

It works out pretty fine, I just have to avoid spoiler-heavy sites during the weekends.

2861708 That makes sense I can agree with you there just do your best to avoid spoilers:twilightsmile:

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