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Can't beat Classic Cute

Captain Unstoppable here again with another MacDash Writing Contest Update!

This time the update is about extending the due date of the contest, to make sure everyone has enough time to write the stories and not have to rush because of BronyCon! Due to this I am extending the contest due date to August 1st. Stories are to be submitted to the MacinDash Community page, under the contest file and to the Captain Unstoppable folder that can be found here. Now I also want to go over the rules again and the prize for winning this contest.

The 1st place prize for this contest will be $50 out of my own pocket! Now if you would like $50 worth of art, or credit on Steam I can see how to make that work, but no mater what you are getting something worth $50. Prizes for second and third have not been decided yet, but that will be known later on into the contest. But really, second place is just the first loser (I can be mean at times).

The judges of this contest will be Jake the Army Guy, Chief Maximus, and myself. We are kind of the three writing lords of MacDash so why not?

As for the rules, really the only rules are to follow the site rules when it comes to writing stories here, and submitting the story. The story can be human version, anthro, and I will even take clop (I have no morals). I will not be taking PM entries since I want the world to see more MacDash! I just love this ship! There are some promps, but you don't necessary have to go off any of them, they are just there to help get the story going.

Prompt Alpha: Use the line "You want me to what?!"

Prompt Bravo: Benefits of Dating an Apple or an Wonderbolt

Prompt Charlie: Meet the Parents

Prompt Delta: Apple Family Reunion

Prompt Echo: Do your own thing, have fun with it!

Now I am going to throw in some pics, just to help get more ideas going! Good luck and make sure to have them in August 1st!

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