Twixie! 955 members · 212 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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From this week's episode, it's clear that Twilight and Trixie just flat out don't like each other (there's a difference between forgiving someone and liking them, btw.) On the other hand, Twilight DID pay Trixie a genuine compliment in the last part, they've never had that sort of interaction before.
Does anyone have any plans for writing a Trixie/Twilight/Starlight love triangle? I would, but I have too much on my plate at the moment. (Also, I really enjoyed the episode).

I'm a little suprised at this episode. I know that Twilight has had a difficult history with Trixie, but I thought that they left on good terms. She even commented in Magic Dual that while she thinks Trixie has a big ego, she doesn't think of her as mean and nasty. But in this episode, I don't know. While I could see early still learning Twilight making this mistake, this seems out of character for the more experienced princess of friendship. That's just my two cents on the episode in general. As for the ship in general, I will still ship the hell out of them.

Twixie will always stay plus S6 is having much lower view rates so the chance of this new ship truly gaining traction is very low so no it won't end the ship

Let's be honest - all romantic ships, except those confirmed by canon, are non-canon. Including Twixie. The theme is friendship, so there's no way they'll introduce romantic coupling between any characters except those written explicitly for that. (Shining Armor/Cadence, Cranky/Mathilda, etc.) And a female/female pairing? On a children's show? No. Not happening.

...But we're doing fiction, and so we're not bound by their rules. If we want bookhorse and showhorse to make sweet, sweet magic together, we can definitely make stories about that, and they're only limited by our ability to write them. If we want farmhorse and fashionhorse together, hey, nobody can stop us. Mailhorse and timehorse fighting evil in pre-Equestrian times? Shyhorse getting stranded on alien shores and struggling to survive alone? Flyhorse crashing into a tree and getting nursed back to health by an OC? Princesshorse introducing the fresh new guard recruit to his special after-hours duties?

Go for it. Don't let a piddly thing like canon get in the way of your creativity.

"It's not like I like you, Trixie... b-baka!"

Of course, I always saw Trixie as the tsundere one. :eeyup:

5208320 This. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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