Twixie! 955 members · 212 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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I had an idea for a story, but as I'm not a writer i thought I'd post it here. Twilight and Trixie have been dating and/or married since shortly after boast busters. Trixie ans Starlight are friends like normal. One day Twilight becomes extremely distressed over the fact that she will outlive Trixie. Twilight discusses her concerns with the other 3 princesses. After Twilight leaves Trixie enters and reveals that she knew about Twilights concerns and has an idea that could help, but needs the other princesses help. The Alicorn amulet. Through meditation and constant vigilance Twilight and Trixie can fight the dark urges of the amulet and maby even conquer it. This would allow Trixie to live just as long as Twilight and lend her help and support for as long they can keep it under control. The other princesses would step in if necessary. Thats my idea, anyway. If you want to write it feel free to change any aspect you wish.

I wouldn't quit your day job if I were you.

Twilight immortality angst is a stupid idea, been done way more than it needs to be done, and everyone should have figured out by now to not do it.

You're a bad person for thinking this and should feel bad. Please just stop.

Please keep the negative comments coming. I thrive on them. There's nothing better than people being jerks on the internet.

Could be an interesting idea, I have wanted to write a Twixie story but haven't been able to come up with one of my own yet. If I do use this idea I'll let you know. Might be a while though.

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