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Comments ( 18 )
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Wrong kind of sad. Shitposting is pathetic, not tear-jerker sad.

7115447 I wonder... If one were to rape demented Twilight, would she forget all about it?

What could have possibly possessed you to come up with such a horrid thought

7115630 It's a natural, self-leading train of thought:
1. Dementia means she forgets incriminating information.
2. If she forgets incriminating information, there is no consequence to rape.
3. If there is no consequence to rape, there are no breaks on the rape train.

The consequence for rape is that it's a horrible thing to do to anybody, regardless of whether or not you could get away with it.

7115664 But you don't understand. She'll forget all about it, so it's okay. It's a victimless crime.

That doesn't matter. It's a horrible thing to take advantage of someone like that.

7115851 I know. It's horrible. It can destroy a person.

That's when dementia comes to the rescue.

It can't be horrible if it doesn't exist. If there is no memory of it, how do you even validate its existence? It's as if nothing happened at all.

Did you really have a nightmare if you can't even remember it?

Or you know, not rape and just take her as a girlfriend, but hey your a nutcase so yea, forget I said anything

7120519 Yes, you're right. Take her as a girlfriend.

She might not want that, but that's where her dementia comes to the rescue. I catch your drift. I know where you're going with this.

That's what you meant, right?

I meant builld up and all that, not walking up to a high ranking official and asking them for sex, but sure

7120549 So, you mean like foreplay to get her moist?

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to side with Shining Armor on this one.

7120578 Come on. Just look into her eyes.

Foreplay is not on her mind. I think we can skip foreplay.

Dragon, you're not thinking.
You got an uber powerful magic horse here.
With a brain disease.
Use some patented CIA mental programing.
With a little bit LSD and some CIA truth serum for extra kick.
You got yourself a secret horse assassin with world ending power.
C'mon. Get it together.

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