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I've been mulling around some ideas for a crossover fanfiction that somewhat culminated in a different series of events of the later stages of the Great Crusade and eventually Horus Heresy, and it kind of led me to ask.

If the Primarchs could have children, what do you guys they'd be like?

A big inspiration for this was the Messages for Dad thing I found on the Spacebattles forums, which have been pretty fun to read, even if they can be a tad silly at times.

But I would personally think that it could open up a lot of potentially interesting storylines and personalities and not only them being clones of their powerful fathers.

I would think that some could be fairly obvious, like any children of Leman Russ would probably be quite the little savages, but also not be nearly as dimwitted as they let others think.

But I don't think that there could possibly be some interesting twists on some of them, but I don't want to do all the talking.

So what do you guys think?

If the Primarchs were able to have any children, what do you think they'd be like?

Any and all Primarchs are fair game.

It'd probably depend on how they interacted with them. Lets not forget both Loyal and Traitor did have parents and deep bonds with normal humans, siblings and friends. For example, Perturabo had a sister that gave him the what for on his behavior, and Vulkan loved his dad.

And we have seen them married, but those seemed to have mostly political ones. Fulgrim for example. And more then likely his relationship with any children he had would be an extension of that. Primarchs though, in general, seem very macro in their interpersonal relationships. Good with crowds, lousy on a one on one outside of ones within the realms of commander and subordinate, with the exception of course with Vulkan.

Hmm... I'd say perhaps the best one, aside from Vulkan, would have be Jaghati.

Yeah, I kind of thought some similar stuff about such things.

I had thought about having most of them be "clones" of sorts, as the technology of and such of even 40k is pretty crazy to the point where making some basic clones from the DNA of two people wouldn't that strange, but you know what I mean.

Though I was thinking of having only some of the primarchs have children. Ones that might make for an wholesome or even contrasting relationship with their fathers.

Like I had thought of having Perturabo have a son who butts heads with his father in terms of tactics and such and is actually a fairly nice guy all things considered, though still pretty freaking ruthless and all that. Think along the lines of a good Imperial Guard commander in a lot of ways.

Though I know you'll laugh at the next one.

I was kind of toying around with the idea of Lorgar somehow having twin children, a boy and a girl who end up having similar but ultimately different religious beliefs to their father.

I think though they'd be different then how they'd see them then how the Emperor saw his Primarchs. Lets remember he never saw the Primarchs as his children as such, or even for that matter his actual children as such.

I honestly prefer the idea that he views the primarchs as he sons of sorts, but obviously still keeps a view of the big picture and all.

But the way I was working on it in my story was going to at least not be as poorly written as he has been in the past at times, like not being a complete Ahole and not helping Angron and such stupid things.

I was thinking of even having the person who brings the existence of these children up to him actually do so in a slightly humorous way, with him being told "Well my lord, if the rumors we've recently heard are to be believed, you might be a grandfather of sorts." and Big E doesn't quite believe him.

I was going to have him actually be pretty shocked at that, as he thought that it was impossible for the primarchs to have children of their own, at least beyond space marines and all anyway.

If I was going to have the Emperor do anything really "out of character", it was only going to be a brief moment or two where he sees a couple of the youngest of his grandchildren interacting and kind of just being kids, and he sort of chuckles to himself. Because despite all his grand plans and so on, he recalls how simple things seemed to be even when he was a child, so long ago.

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