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Diokno44 #1 · 4 weeks ago · · 15 ·

Let's go people! Whoo! People get more rep in 40K! And the horny people get canon Custodes Muscle Mommies

No dude just no.

None of that stuff fits the setting of 40k

There's already a bad ass female characters in W40K

Diokno44 #5 · 4 weeks ago · · 7 ·


I mean, it was a minor mention of gender reassignment. I mean we have canon gay folk and the like

Diokno44 #6 · 4 weeks ago · · 7 ·

True, but now we have more

I'm sorry, but all this sort of crap is just a bunch of BS that doesn't actually improve anything in the setting at all.

Because let's be real, those "progressive" hypocrites don't really care about the setting of 40k, they just want to shove their BS into everything to try to force their views onto other people. It's all about their pathetic desire to control others.

And as others have already said, this crap flies in the face of the fact that there are plenty of badass women in 40k long before all this woke crap came along, and all this BS just undermines existing women in the setting.

So I will say, don't try to defend this stupid crap, even in a joking way. As such thinking only encourages the idiots at GW to give more and more to the "progressive" types, until 40k in a shadow of its former self.

More is good, as long it's not Adeptus Custodes or/and Adeptus Astartes

give it some thought dose the Imperium really have the resources to do that while there is a galaxy spanning war going on and is desperately trying to survive?

Gay folk in the lore is fine because its fits when you add stuff that doesn't fit the setting it ruins it's, like changing a beloved character into something they're not.

I also don't like political propaganda in my games, adding real world politics to fantasy setting ruins it more. More maybe good sometimes but only if it fits, this "new lore" doesn't fit.

I mean, not every part of the Imperium is at war, there are countless worlds just doing their own thing and vibing

Oh joy, someone using woke as a negative term. But still, is it so bad that trans people and such exist in the world of 40K? There have been LGBTQ characters before

Oh joy someone praising them "adding" representation for groups already represented or for groups who don't fit the setting, lore or style of the universe for no other reason than representation for representation sake which is at this point a modern day version of "the token black guy" in moves and stories of the past.

You want female representation?
Buy and encourage more people to buy Sisters of Battle/Silence.
Encourage GW to make female models or even more female heads for IG.

You want Gay/Lesbian/Bi representation?
Make well written characters that become endearing to readers through them being interesting characters and not just either saying "X character was gay all along" or making being Gay/Lesbian/Bi the entirety of their personality.

On the parts of the Imperium being shall we say "peaceful". Those regions will be the ones focusing the MOST on providing what the Imperium demands they provide for the Tithe and if the region was "peaceful" for a extended period the tithes would be increased. No worlds just vibe, every single world is toiling away to meet the tithes in one way or another. Even "paradise" worlds have to provide the tithe and lets be honest, what 40K calls a paradise world is most likely a lot different to what we today would call a paradise. For example having even basic private plumbing would be a massive step up in quality of life from what the VAST majority of the Imperium lives in.

Fair, just saying relatively speaking, there are decent worlds where most people tend to just live their lives and aren't living in constant suck. And true, granted in most cases, we get like, offhand mentions of LGBTQ characters, and in some cases, they do give them more to their personality. I'm just saying its nice to see it, and how the characters can be fleshed out

Oh, quit trying to act like those people are the victims, because at this point, they're really not.

But I used both woke or the rightfully mocking "progressive" types, as I have no respect for those hypocrites.

But yes, it is bad. Because it doesn't actually add anything of real value to the setting. It's basically just another example of how "progressive" types, including alphabet people, ruining things by constantly pushing their BS into everything they can.

Because like it or not, all they're really dong is saying "We have alphabet stuff! Why? Because diversity!"

It's just hilarious in a way because they still try to act like forcing in all that BS is "stunning and brave" when it's really just stupid and incredibly overdone at this point. As if any of that crap would really matter in the war torn galaxy of 40k.

It's all about their desperate need for attention.

No problem.

To put it fairly simply, I'm just not someone who tries to say that a spoon is a knife. And I'm going to call out blatant BS and hypocrisy.

I sort of agree with you about the whole alphabet characters and such.

Maybe more people wouldn't mind there being such characters if they were actually decently written and not just "Hey I'm X and I'm gay or whatever!" and that was all there was to their token character.

Because that's really what most of these sorts of characters are, just the token ____ character that are just shoved in to try to make the story or whatever seem more "diverse" by force.

And if I'm going to be 100% honest. At this point, they should just revert to using old stereotypes of characters, as they've done little more than just create "new" stereotypes for many of them, but ones that aren't even funny with how ridiculous they are.

I mean including LGBTQ characters doesn't hurt. Like how Ciaphas Cain had two lesbian Guardswomen, and nobody made a big fuss over it. Representation as a whole isn't a bad thing, and can draw more people to the setting

Well, I highly doubt that those two women being lesbians was the sole focus of the story, so that's a terrible example.

And it is bad, mainly because the vast majority of such stuff is obviously incredibly forced, as most of "progressive" idiots don't understand how to write even decent characters.

It's like I said before, the vast majority of these sorts of characters are pretty much just like "I'm So and so and I'm X thing!" and that's all there is to them. And the "writers" stupidly think that just trying to make a character an alphabet person or whatever other stupid crap will magically make them a good character. Well, spoiler, it doesn't.

And I, like so many others, am just fed up with all those "progressive" morons trying to constantly force their BS into all of our faces and lives.

And like it or not, it's that sort of stuff that exposes all of them as disgusting hypocrites.

Fair, but sometimes, not making it much of a fuss in universe can be good, cause it shows it as not being their sole thing, like say, Saphron and Terra Cotta from RWBY. Terra is casually introduced as Saphron's wife, and is also shown to be a technician at a local transmission tower.

Please don't try to lie and act as if all the forced alphabet characters and such are handled in such a way, because they're not and you know it.

Again, in 40k, humans have a LOT more to worry about then if one man is into men or any of that crap. They'd have to worry about simply fighting to survive and all. But that's what all those "progressive" "writers" don't get, and they never will.

And I'm going to be blunt. The whole idea of "representation" is a freaking joke. Mainly because it's all based on a bunch of BS.

Because none of that stuff really matters, and it doesn't makes anyone special, and it certainly doesn't make any of them "stunning and brave" either.

I won't go into all of it, but I will say that the reason the alphabet people are constantly trying to force their lifestyle choices and all that crap into seemingly every form of media is because they're desperate for validation and attention. And despite what many of them will say, it's not just the "activists" pushing it.

And I've come to realize that I can not simply kick out the alphabet community's reasonings and excuses out from under them, but basically nuke it from orbit, with one simple statement.

"I should be get special treatment because of who I choose to sleep with or what I choose to do with my body."

And really stop and think about that for a bit.

Again, they think that any of that really makes them special, and that they should be praised for it. Not simply accepted, but praised for it.

As long as people don't do illegal things or hurt people, for the most part, I could care less what people choose to do with their lives. But that's the problem for the alphabet people. They think that I have to care about them and their problems, that I have to pay attention to them.

And that just exposes them for the colossal hypocrites they are.

To put it simply.

We, the vast majority of people, are sick and tired of hearing the alphabet people constantly whine and cry victim, all while they demand that we pay attention to them.

I mean, I can get a desire for representation and the like, if only cause for a vast majority of the LGBTQ community's existence, they've been vilified, thought of as deviants who fuck kids, criminialized, jailed, sent to psychiatric wards, etc. Same with any minority group that wants even some small amount of their culture, their people, shown in media aside from possible stereotyping

:facehoof: *sigh*
Ok. If you want to get into all that other crap, fine then. I didn't want to, but now you have made a terrible strategic mistake.

Though I'm not going to get into any of the other groups of idiots that are part of all the "progressive" minded crap, as I'm just going to stick to the topic at hand.

But seriously Diokno. Quit trying to lie and act like all alphabet people are saints who never do anything wrong. Because they're not the victims anymore, not really anyway.

Because guess what?

All those "teachers" who are trying to push all that sexuality and gender crap into the minds of little kids are part of the alphabet community, and not just "activists". But what's worse is the fact that the rest of them could easily do more than pay lip service to supposedly opposing such disgusting behavior.

Yeah, they could absolutely go on do all manner of things and show that they stand against such disgusting things, like actually joining the parents in the actual protests and such and letting it be incredibly obvious that they're gay or whatever while doing so, or otherwise speaking in the public square as it were. But they don't, and that's the whole problem.

They know that trying to brainwash or any form of pressuring little kids to go this way or that is wrong, but they don't say much, if anything, against it, because it would completely destroy all the shoddily put together masks or whatever you want to call it that they've put up over the years to cover up their agendas and such.

And one of the biggest ironies of all this crap is that the alphabet people will go on and on with all that "born that way" stuff, but then they will just try to look the other way when people from their community will try to pressure little kids to say they're this or that lifestyle choice or whatever.

And I'm pretty sure that it was people from the alphabet community that said things like "Don't try to force the kids to be straight!" or whatever some years ago when they started all that "born that way" stuff.

What a truly COLOSSAL amount of hypocrisy.

It'd all be truly hilariously if it wasn't so disgusting.

The Sons of the Emperor will never be female. It is merely another plot to put modern day politics into another franchise to ruin it and run out the fans that brought them to this point. With geneseed being the most precious resource in the galaxy why would they waste it on creating inferior Custodes, and due to biological differences between men and women they would be. On the topic of "trans" representation it doesn't belong in the Imperium as the Imperium has better things to do with those resources, not to mention no one would even think like that in the Imperium. Gatekeep Always

They're not? They're letting them know it's normal and helping them if they're questionong themselves. Like it's normal for say, Billy to have two moms, or someone in HS who thinks they may be trans

I wouldn't say they'd be inferior just by being female. And the Custodes aren't made by geneseed

Agreed. We need to keep these hypocrites and such out of the hobby simply because they want to twist and change it to be what they want it to be.

If someone wants to actually enjoy the setting and game for what it is we'll be more than welcoming. But if they try to force their BS into it, then we won't be welcoming to them.

Because there are plenty of women in 40k, so it's incredibly clear that all this most recent crap is only being done to push a BS agenda.

I think you mean "They're not!" as in you're trying to refute what I said, not ask a question.

But I do love how you try to ignore all of what I explained to try to make excuses justify the disgusting crap the alphabet people try to get away with.

And I'm done being overly nice about all this.

It's not normal to try to talk to little kids, ages 5-12 or so, about sexuality and gender in the way those people are doing. And it's incredibly clear that they're trying to brainwash and otherwise pressure those little kids into saying they're this or that, in a truly pathetic attempt to say "See, see! The little kids are coming out as gay or whatever, so it is completely natural!" when it's not in any way natural.

And like I said before, the irony is that it flies in the face of all that "born that way" crap.

Because like it or not, if those people force those kids to say they're this or that, it's not natural, and thus they one again expose themselves as total hypocrites to all they supposedly stand for.

They would be, because like it or not, women are biologically inferior to men when it comes to strength and such.

That's why the VAST majority of of fighters throughout history have been men.

And you also try to leave out the SoS, which exposes your true loyalties.

My mistake, they may not use geneseed but they have still always been male. The best Female Candidates are still wholly inadequate compared to the best male candidates as the Custodes are. Since you want to bring modern politics into 40k even in western militaries standards have been lowered for. Female recruits in order to let them in, instead of just accepting the small amount that would be able to do the higher standard training all the men do like they should.

I like them too, but still, there have been a fair few number of female fighters in history, even in the ancient and early modern world

Sure you do, that's why you're completely ok with the SoS and SoB being sidelined.

Yeah, you're their biggest fan. :rainbowlaugh:

And I do love how you try to so casually ignore the things I brought up in my bigger comment. Which is the typical response of all "progressive" types when they're faced with facts they can't pretend away.

And don't try to treat a lie as if it's truth just to try to keep living in a made up fairytale land.

There haven't been even a decent number of women warriors in history, and I am of course talking about groups of women, not the odd queen or female general like Boudica and Joan of Arc, the former of which may not have even actually fought in combat.

But you simply want to push all this modern BS into everything in a sad attempt to seem like your side is magically right, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

But the irony to all of it is that all of these stupid "progressive minded" types is that they are so delusional that they really don't see how hypocritical they are to all they supposedly stand for.

I mean we had the Onnabugeisha, and I have read that some women did take up arms during the Hundred Years War, usually to avenge their husbands. Plus female Vikings. Plus, while in theory men are stronger than women, a well trained and fit woman could take down say, an average, untrained guy.

Also, its just one example of a female Custodes, its not going to be the end of the world, hell, the only reason it wasn't a thing a decade ago is that they didn't have models to sell

Oooo, you managed to google and find 2 whole small groups of women who sometimes fought in battle. Good job. :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

I laugh at your examples because you no doubt blindly buy into the more stupid ideas that some people try to attribute to them, as if there were really tens of thousands of women warriors in those cultures, when it was more like maybe several thousand at most.

And I am of course talking about properly trained women warriors, not just women who formed a basic militia.

And like it or not Diokno, it's not a theory that men are physically stronger than women, it's simple biological fact. And there are tons of videos that show that too. Just go looking for them on YouTube alone and you'll find dozens of them very quickly.

Here's one such example.
Specifically go to 2:17 to 2:40 in the video.

That woman is trying to act as if she's so much stronger than the men around her, and acts as if lifting 255 is some kind impressive weight. All while that skinny boy was able to do the same thing without too much effort either.

But I also remember seeing a couple other videos awhile back that mentioned how the world's strongest woman could only beat like 3 or 4 average men in arm wrestling before she lost, where as one of the world's strong men could beat something like 8 to 10 average guys before he struggled to win the 11th.

So guess what Diokno?

It's time to wake up from your ridiculous fairytale world and face the truths of reality.

Still, just saying, women warriors did exist, and just because technically women may be biologically weaker, likely due to not being the hunters and such of a majority of cultures, it doesn't mean that, at least for the Custodes, its not infeasible for women to be possible, especially as the genetic fuckery for Custodes means it could turn even the weakest person, male or female, into a perfect soldier.

Also, 255 is impressive weight

Oh, your desperation to avoid admitting to the truth of the matter is truly hilarious to watch Diokno. It really is! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

And it was the men who were the hunters dude. Get it right for once.

And don't try to twist the lore to suit your own incredibly flawed "arguments", be cause that's sad.

And as others have pointed out, if baby girls were chosen to be Custodes, they'd pretty much always fail in comparison to the boys, simply because they couldn't keep up with the truly insane training and such that goes into creating a Custodes.

And no, 225 isn't nearly as impressive as you think, as I'm pretty sure that the strongest men in the world can lift like 1,000 lbs., so 225 isn't really that impressive.

But just quit trying to make such pathetic excuses to try to justify all this bullshit, especially when you know that it's all bullshit.

What I find funny about the femstodes discourse
The most people I’ve seen so far who are in support of female custodes, are coomers (gooners, or porn addicts. Also, remember New Vegas the Frontier?) while under the guise of activism. But when a woman or a trans person who’s been in the hobby disagrees on it and saying for what it is, they get bombarded with “pick me” insults and slurs. From people who claims they care about women and trans, as long they agree with them and not think for themselves. Plus the same type of people who bullied and harassed women and trans people for playing a goddamn Harry Potter game, I might add.

What is a “pick me”?: A "pick me" is a leftist term for women and sometimes trans people who think for themselves rather than being slaves for their ideological dogma. Popular among male feminists.


the horny people get canon Custodes Muscle Mommies

Hmmm... Coomers ruining something or ruining a project that shows promise by shoving their fetishes in. Where have I heard that one before? Oh yeah....

Well, I've just seen far too much hypocrisy come from these types of "progressive" minded groups to rule out that they're not just lying or at most only paying lip service to opposing this or that. And not to mention that most of those "progressive" minded morons who supposedly support "the cause", don't actually know what they're supporting or even really care at all.

But I'm not going to get too into all of it, but I will say that from what I've seen over the years, far too many alphabet people (in this case) will say "I'm X lifestyle and I don't support the grooming and brainwashing of little kids", but then that's all they do. They only say they don't support such things in a YouTube comment or whatever but never go beyond that.

They don't actually go onto shows or anything or make videos denouncing that sort of disgusting crap, they do nothing but pay lip service to supposedly opposing it. It's the same kind of thing as how so many people think that simply saying "I/we send you our thoughts and prayers" to someone they know, but take no real action to actually help them.

So, it understandable makes the rest of us raise an eyebrow at their inaction and makes us understandably question their supposed views on such matters.

And I will just say, that people as a whole shouldn't pander to any of these sorts of "progressive" groups, as the vast majority of them really just want to get told that they're special for simply existing.

This’ll it getting us nowhere with diokno44 guys, let’s us just block this troll and be done with this.

I know men were the hunters, still, a well trained women can still do things in the military as much as a man can
I'm not a troll.

But not as effectively, and you know it.

And you're worse than a troll Diokno, far worse. You're a blind sheep, a hypocrite, and a coward.

You're either so blind that you only think and feel how your "professors" and overlords in the mainstream media and such tell you think and feel, or you're someone who will stoop to any level and make any excuse to try to justify the BS the various "progressive" minded groups want to push, no matter how disgustingly wrong or hypocritical.

Because again, in the case of the alphabet people, it's really all about them wanting to be get special treatment for the stupidest of reasons. All because, at the end of the day, they can't accept themselves.

And the funniest thing about all this "progressive" BS you blindly buy into is that it's all just a bunch of delusional idiots trying to lie to themselves about a bunch of things and then try to force everyone else to believe their lies and delusions, and play the victims the whole way.

You're probably right.

But he's not a troll, he's far worse.

He's a blind sheep of a person, a hypocrite, and a coward.

I mean, he's literally tried to avoid all the points I've brought up, which is typical of these "progressive" types, all because he doesn't want to admit that all of this "progressive" crap is just that, complete crap.

I'm just simply not the kind of person who excuses such cowardly BS, that's all.

I mean, they're trying to get equal treatment, especially as there's a LOT of bigotry against them, even now. Still, while it may not be as effective, there are ways to work around that, IE modifications, weapons, etc. Still, gender reassignment existing in 40K isn't by itself bad. It makes total sense they could do it on a number of non Feudal planets. Plus it was only one brief mention

Equal treatment? Don't make me laugh.

And quit trying to justify all this "progressive" BS Diokno, because no one's buying it. We can all see through your crap.

And at this point, the alphabet people are absolutely demanding special treatment, but cowardly hypocrites like you just don't want to admit that, because it would be showing your and theirs true colors about it.

And frankly, I don't care what happened to any of them in the past, because there's no excuses to start vastly overstepping their rights and trying to force everyone to agree with them and their lifestyle choices. Because it's pretty much to the point where if someone doesn't all but bow down and praise them, the alphabet people will more than likely try to ruin your life in various ways, all while trying to play the victims.

They might as well throw a Nazi swastika on their rainbow or whatever stupid version of a pride flag they're using now, because it'd be incredibly fitting.

...this is getting intense... :rainbowderp:

My take: massive faux pas by GW... an even worse shoehorn than primaris... And while personally don't care that much about the custodian issue, i find it yet worrying because this may become (i hope not) the tip of a very very nasty iceberg. I find hilarious the wave of overreaction certain youtubers got to it you cerrtainly don't know if they are offended by lore change or that they fav factions may stop being a sausage fest...

I mean there are still bigots who basically still shit on them just for existing

Honestly , that kinda sounds like a bit of an excuses to me.

I mean, all the people are justifiably upset and calling out GW's stupid bullshit because anyone with half a brain can see right through any and all excuses they might make and see what their real reasons really are.

They're not adding female "Custodes" because it actually improves the lore or TT game any, it's just to try to virtue signal to a handful of morons who are not only never satisfied with anything they get or more likely take, but they also won't actually support GW with money, as most of these sorts of morons are drinking the commie kool aid and don't believe in supporting capitalist systems, so they just pirate or otherwise steal things to get their entertainment.

So please, don't try to even slightly defend GW's BS.

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