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Once again you try to ignore most of what I said and try to make excuses. Typical "progressive" response.

But you blindly walked into yet another trap Diokno.

And that's the irony of your own statement.

Yes, there are a handful of people who are actually bigoted and actually hateful toward them, but that's not everyone.

But the real irony of your statement, and really all of this, is the fact that all of these "progressive" minded morons don't realize that they're incredibly hypocritical and moronic actions are what will actually cause more people to be bigoted and hateful, especially toward their groups in particular.

Stop, get over yourself, and really think about that Diokno.

The alphabet people are only going to cause more and more people to hate them because they try to force everyone to not simply agree with their lifestyle choices and all that, but at this point, all but praise them and say things like "You're so stunning and brave!" for simply existing.

I'm going for the one two combo.

But this is all also made all the more funny by a little thing I realized made all too much sense in recent years.

And that is that the majority of people who claim to be this or that alphabet lifestyle or whatever, are most likely completely faking it.

I mean again, stop and really think about that.

Isn't it funny how so a lot more people happen to be coming out as bisexual in recent years, as in they "swing both ways".

But I came to realize that pretty much anyone can simply say they're bisexual in order to try to get attention, but not actually have to change anything about their lives. A man wouldn't have to break up with his girlfriend, nor a woman her boyfriend.

I could say I'm bisexual, and if you or anyone else dared to question if I was really bisexual or not, I can simply do what so many alphabet people do, and say "You have no right to question my sexuality! It's a part of who I am!" and there'd really be nothing they could really do about it.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

It's simply using their own logic and tactics against them.

I know that GW is likely doing this just for the sales, also TBF, Capitalism has harmed people. Communism is heavily flawed too, but well, if you fix Capitalism so, such as microfinancing, it helps lift people out of poverty, and also focus more on making the rich pay taxes as well and not have them get away with so many tax writeoffs, people wouldn't be so critical of it. And well, some people may be faking it ,some may not. But still, it would be kind of a dick move to assume someone is faking it, like assuming someone is faking being disabled, or the like. I remember there was one actress who was said to be fake for playing a wheelchair bound character when she was shown in pics standing and walking, though it turned out she was an ambulatory wheelchair user. IE she wasn't fully "confined" to a wheelchair. Plus, not everyone who is bi has to just go out and date every man or woman they see. Like asexuality, its apparently somewhat of a spectrum, IE you can in theory lean a bit more towards one gender or the other, while still finding both attractive.

What sales?

From all the blind fools who drink the commie kool aid? The ones who will just try to literally steal and otherwise leech off of others so they don't they don't have to work for anything?

Because like it or not, all this woke "progressive" crap has been proven to not work time and time again.

The "modern audience" is just another lie you guys try to create to prop up all your BS.

And despite how much you guys try to lie to yourselves, Capitalism has proven to be far superior to Communism every time. Yeah, it's not perfect, but here's a secret.

All the comforts you have in life, such as the computer or smart phone you're using the comment here, were made because a capitalistic system allowed for the enterprise and all which allowed people to create and improve those things to get to the point we're at now with them.

And there's also the fact that people like you are only allowed to live almost whatever lifestyle you want and all that because you live in a free country that has actually improved in a lot of ways. But of course, you'll just try to ignore that truth because it doesn't bend to your feelings.

And like it or not, that doesn't cease to be a fact just because you guys want to deny it.

Marxism had some good ideas, like people being paid the same based on the work they do, in an attempt to make sure everything is relatively equal. Capitalism CAN be made better. Look up Microfinancing by Muhammad Yunus. He modeled a form of banking that works first on helping to uplift the poor, and in turn, help the economy by helping them find/start up jobs, and then their money gets recycled back into the economy. Also, wow, using woke as a negative. You do realize the term meant to be awoken to social injustices which yes, do exist.

Just so you know, I'm simply breaking up what I have to say to cover multiple parts of what I'm saying, if for no other reason than to keep things fairly organized.

And I really don't care at this point, as you're just trying to make excuses to justify the the bad things the alphabet people do in fact do, or at least look the other way on.

You just simply don't want to admit that it's all about their obsession with getting attention with the alphabet people.

And oh, I'm sure that it's all a "spectrum" or whatever smokescreen excuses you'll try to throw up to protect the precious alphabet people.

I swear, many of you "progressive" types would try to defend an alphabet person of any kind, even if they were caught red handed taking someone's life. And I will say that because of the double standards you guys constantly show. It really is almost amazing to behold.

The double standards they constantly show comes in the fact that they really think that they're special and should be treated in a special way, and then try to treat anything that may happen to their group as the greatest tragedy to ever occur, but they'd just look the other way, or at least downplay it, if someone from their group were to do the same.

I hate bring this up, but I kid you not, there were actually people trying to say that that...worthless woman who killed those 3 kids and 3 adults at that Christian school in Nashville was also the victim. And I'd bet money that there were probably plenty of alphabet people trying to treat the terrible Pulse shooting as if it was the second coming of the Holocaust.

I don't like to hear about anyone dying or otherwise being hurt, it makes me terribly sad and angry that there are such selfish idiots (to say the very least) out there, but for ANYONE to try to justify the harming of children, in ANY way at all, is pretty much completely inhuman to me, and I do not regret saying that in any way.

Such selfishness and ignorance fills me with such a rage that it's almost beyond words to describe.

And that's why I'm not the alphabet community's biggest fan. Because they've been caught and shown so many times now, to gladly be complete and total hypocrites to all they say they stand for.

They'll say they just want to "Live their lives and be able to love who they want" and such things, but then they turn around and are 100% ok with shoving their lifestyles in to seeming every form of entertainment they can grab, and not just for adults, but the entertainment of little kids as well.

And there's also the stuff I mentioned before. How they completely contradict whole "born that way" stuff by being ok with, or at least looking the other way when these so called "teachers" pressure little kids to say they're this or that lifestyle choice.

But no no, they're all nothing but perfect little angels (hella ironic) who can do no wrong of course.

Dude, its an entire community of people, some are of course going to be more or less extreme than others. And um, they're not shoving it into media. They're getting representation in media, and not just in stereotypical ways such as "incredibly horny swishy gay man" or the like. And in the case of kids media, its tending to try and show that its normal, like if say, a student had a classmate who had two gay dads, and instead of calling their dads weird or the like, they'd see them for what they are, parents. Like yes the LGBTQ community has had fuck ups, but news flash man, every community, minority or otherwise, has had those. Plus most people don't really begin to question themselves till they're in their teens, so counseling and being shown its normal to be confused is OK. Cause again, guess what, studies show most people spend a good chunk of their life trying to figure out who they are as a person

Here come yet more pathetic excuses that are literally nothing more than deflection and trying to pass the blame on to literally anyone and everyone else than the alphabet people.

But here's a little something I know you won't like.

Facts don't care about yours or anyone else's feelings. And a lie doesn't magically become truth simply because you guys say it does or wish upon a star that it will.

And you're simply acting like an angry spoiled child who just keeps trying to deny something no matter what anyone explains, just yelling "Nuh uh!" at any and all explanations.

And you're just trying to make yet more excuses to justify and pass if off as simply being "representation", all while ignoring the fact that it seems like you can't look at any sort of movie or show or whatever without there being some, now token, homosexual, girl bosses, or black person, whose entire character is based around them being from X group or whatever.

But of course, I know you'll just ignore that fact because it undermines your views, so you'll just try to pretend it doesn't exist.

And the funny thing is, you unintentionally undermine your "argument" by mentioning teens. Because if you were to actually be honest for once, you'd be willing to admit that you never knew of a single kid, as in little kid, that actually came out as homosexual or whatever when they were still a little kid.

Because when I stop and think back to the kids I knew when I was little, not one of them ever came out as homosexual or whatever when they were kids, and now I know exactly why.

Despite the lies you want to tell yourself Diokno, many people have chosen to be homosexual and such when they're teenagers because they're, well, young and stupid teenagers who think they know everything and often choose to do various things in order to try to be "rebellious" and "unique" or whatever. And saying they're homosexual or whatever is also such a method of trying to rebel and such.

Of course, you won't mention that there are plenty of people who did just such a thing and then grew out of their rebellious phase chose to give up their homosexual or whatever other lifestyle as they got older and all.

But then again, all this "progressive" mind crap is really nothing but a bunch of people who know that they have a problem, but they choose to try to lie to themselves, and tell themselves that it's literally everyone else who's the problem, and then try to force everyone else to believe the lies they're trying to tell themselves.

And here's another irony for you Diokno.

One of the biggest things all these "progressive" groups are connected by is their hypocrisy.

Be it the alphabet community, BLM, the likes of Antifa, modern "feminists", or whoever else. They're all hypocrites to what they claim to supposedly believe in or stand for.

As I've explained before, the alphabet people will say stuff like "We just want to be able to live our lives and love who we want", but when they get their rights to marry and such, they turn right around try to force everyone else to not simply tolerate and or accept them existing, but that they will like them and their lifestyle choices, and if not, they think they have the right to try to ruin such people's reputation if not their lives.

But no, they're the tolerant ones?

I could go on about those other groups, but that would just be kind of repetitive.

Not defending GW by any measure... but i've been long enough to see enough responses from fandom to see how they blew up this one... they put this stuff about the custodian and react as if they turned the entirety of 40k into a pride parade.... Granted, i'm kinda outdated in the pipeline as of lately so guess there's more that i know of. Just and hour ago just read a pair of my fav authors went quite woke... pity. I don't care about inclusion unless its forced and they went that route all out...dammit...

off topic: how did it come your quote didn't came as notification? this website does weird stuff for me lately

Yes, some people realize they aren't gay or the like, but that's not everyone, because again, while its sexuality based, its also them trying to find themselves. Some people realize they are or are not X or Y throughout their entire lives. And also, you calling them alphabet people is kinda showing your opinion of them, good sir or madam

I mean, some people like say, JK Rowling, have legit supported or outright posted stuff that is transphobic or the like in the past, which can, especially for younger people, be very damaging to their sense of self, like all the whole "trans people are pretending so they can perv on cis women in the bathroom" or stuff like banning pre-op trans people from competing in chess or the like.

Well, I somewhat hate to sound mean, but that's kind of what will happen if these woke morons are allowed to just keep pushing into 40k and such.

It's not wrong to call out these hypocritical morons out because they've been caught time and time again trying to shove all that kind of "progressive" minded crap into anything they get their grubby little hands on. And if you doubt that, then just look at what happened to Disney and the various properties they now control, such as Marvel Comics and Star Wars.

And it's certainly not wrong for people who are actual fans of a long lived and popular series or franchise to try to gate keep them when they see what these "progressive" minded morons do to other series of franchises.

And to put it simply.

Despite what all those hypocrites will say, tolerance and such basic things aren't enough for them anymore, they basically demand that you, I, and everyone else for that matter, have to pretty much praise them and like their lifestyles and all that other crap.

And if anyone doesn't, they'll be all too happy to resort to call them bigots or Nazis or whatever other insults they like to throw around, even though many of them have said it's not ok to call people names and such. And they'll also resort to trying to ruin people's lives if they don't bow down to them and their BS.

And that's just the alphabet community.

But no no, they're the tolerant ones.

I'm a man thank you very much, and I'm not going to feed into a bunch of lies just to make a few delusional people feel better about themselves.

And I say alphabet people for two main reasons.

1. It takes just as much effort to say the word alphabet as to say all the letters they have in their community's name, so I choose to go with alphabet.
2. And you're somewhat right for once. I don't have any respect for them, but that's because of their actions over the years.

Because like it or not, neither I nor anyone else have to like or agree with them and their lifestyle choices simply because they demand that we do and throw a tantrum when anyone doesn't praise them.

And the whole JK Rowling things actually makes me laugh at how hypocritical the alphabet people are as a whole.

She's literally a feminist who actually seems to care about women's stuff, and all she did was pretty much say that women are women.

And do I really need to mention the scumbag men who say they're women and compete in various women's sport and stole the medals and all of the actual women who worked and trained hard to become good in their respective sports?

And funny enough, many of those guys were not even like 10th or 15th best in their sports before they said they entered into women's sports.

But no no, they're "stunning" and "brave" because they say they're women.

So much for caring about women's achievements I guess.

And another big irony to all these "progressive" fools is this.

As I've pointed out many times now, they're not really tolerant at all.

In the alphabet people's case, it's because the actual tolerant thing to do would be for them to just shut up and go live their lives once things like the homosexual laws and such were past years ago. They should've cheered and been happy with getting what they claimed to want so badly.

But that's not what happened, and you know it.

Because the funniest thing is that just getting those laws isn't enough for them, because nothing ever is, as they're never able to be truly satisfied and content with anything they get.

i'm not debating you in your points and your anger, you're absolutely right about gatekeeping, Maybe its because i'm getting old and get my main attention elsewhere and no longer have that outbursts (i've been more than 20 years in the hobby, and i've seen change for the worse constantly so i grew quite callous about it already).
And its not different in my country, tolerance my ass, they are like clout hoarders running for a victim card. I've had many good job relationships with LGTB... people, i can also say its not all of them as in fact the decent ones quite frown at their community shenanigans as of lately, as usual, innocent pay for sinners.
If the current GW was like when i began in the hobby, we would not have to worry about all this BS, but they became a shameless cash grab, as many others before AHEEMM..SBRO AHEEMM.
While i hope we get somewhere with the gatekeeping, but GW sadly stopped caring for true fans long ago

Many are happy yes, but there's still a fair amount of bigotry and such, which, while arguably not as bad, well, racial prejudice, sexual identity prejudice, and such exist. Also,. trans women are women, so allowing them to compete with cis women should be allowed, same with trans men and cis men

I mean gay marriage was a Supreme Court Decision, not technically a law. So people can still refuse gay couples and the like marriage licenses

I kinda love people like you will will always claim that anyone who doesn't accept all this BS always somehow angry all the time, which is hilariously ironic as most of us aren't the ones constantly trying to put on a show of sorts to get attention.

Though I do appreciate you admitting to the fact that not all the alphabet people are saints as it were.

But that doesn't change the fact that people in the alphabet community and other "progressive" minded groups are complete hypocrites to all they supposedly believe in. And their actions over the years have clearly shown that.

And on the subject of GW themselves.

I will agree, they can be quite the idiots at times. But this whole stupid female Custodes type stuff is really just, like you say, a stupid attempt at a cash grab that will be like them trying to catch mist, as the idea of the supposedly huge "modern audience" is a lie.

But they've also tried to do other stupid little things likes adding black people on the icy death world of Fenris, and not in the same way as the Salamanders. And even I know that makes no sense, as the world's climate wouldn't really allow for the same sort of skin adaption as on a desert or tropical world.

And despite what some fools try to say, the idea of the "modern audience" is just an outright lie, which was made to try to justify shoving all kinds of "progressive" and otherwise woke crap into something. Because there's a reason why the saying "Go woke. Go broke" actually has merit to it.

But I'm not going to excuse all the stupid BS these various woke or otherwise "progressive" groups and people do, especially when they choose to be such disgusting hypocrites.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
Can you ever not make excuses Diokno? Are you the magical excuse wizard or something?

And I'm just going to say it.

No, they are not.

Again, I'm not going to believe let alone spread a blatant lie just to make a few delusional people, who are never satisfied with what they're given, feel better about themselves.

But I will say this. It's pretty hilarious for so many alphabet people to claim that "We're just being true to ourselves" and such things, but then many of them will literally try to change who they are.

Oh I do so love irony. It's like the great cosmic joke of life.

And it doesn't matter if it was the Supreme Court decision or not, it's pretty much law at this point. So that is just another flimsy strawman excuse.

And I'm getting really sick of all you "progressive" types constantly being, I'll just say, unappreciative brats (to say the least) and constantly trying to play the victim.

You guys will act as if there are just hordes of klansmen, nazis, and such roaming about every inch of of the US and or the western world and that the alphabet people have to constantly run and hide for their lives every single day.

What a bunch of BS crocodile tears.

All of you guys, not just the alphabet people, don't know, let alone really appreciate, the fact that you guys only have the freedom to live your lifestyles and such because you live in parts of the western world, which is far more stable and free than places like the middle east.

The vast majority of you guys have no idea what real persecution is really like, yet you will all act as if someone not bowing down and praising you for choosing to be this or that lifestyle as "stunning and brave" or whatever else is akin to that person beating up your mother or something like that.

Because guess what Diokno?

Not only are words themselves are not actually violence just because you don't like them, but neither is it ok for you guys to cry "peace and tolerance" and then turn around and try to force everyone else to agree with you guys.

Again Diokno, I'm not going to spread a blatant lie just to make some delusional people who can't accept themselves feel better.

I will tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.

Funny how you assumed in one of "them"

Well, I was more so talking about how people choose to constantly assume that they somehow know someone is angry or not when it's all just text.

And to be fair, you didn't seem to be being all that straight forward with saying you weren't, so I'm not going to feel too bad for assuming in such a situation. And I've seen a few of the "progressive" types try to seem more clever than they really are by doing stuff like a beating around the bush or otherwise seeming like they're going somewhere with what they're saying when they're really just going in circles. You know what I mean?

But if you're really not one of those "progressive" types, then I can admit that I was wrong for misunderstanding.

I'm not, i've seen their "community" move from "hey, don't throw us stones in the streets" to "with us or against us". Time ago harbored some simpathy... (Even if it was against my former religion). Not any longer, if i still have some tolerance, and even respect, is in one to one basis, but as community? Nah, no more. Remember that the individual is smart, the mass is stupid.

And sadly is the mass that count for many things

Oh, it's sadly the same way with me.

I've always felt that it's ok to always give a few chance at least, since we're all imperfect and such. But I will say it's incredibly hard to not outright hate some of these so called "progressive" movements and groups based on their actions and incredibly obvious attitudes.

Because I've had roughly 3 levels of feelings toward the alphabet community in particular in my life.

Level 1
When I was a child and younger teenager, I knew that homosexuals and such existed, and while I didn't agree with their lifestyle choices, even back then, I didn't really care what they chose to do with their lives, and that was where my caring for the subject ended. For I always believed in the old saying "That's between them and God", as I was certainly no one who had any real authority, let alone any that truly mattered.

Level 2
When I became a proper teenager and then young adult, I started seeing and hearing about a lot of stuff happening with them and I found it kind of silly to say the least when people started trying to shove a token gay or whatever character into a lot of shows, movies, and other forms of media just because they wanted to and not truly because they added to the story of anything, just a "Hello. I'm ___, and I'm gay!".

I just ended up finding it all pretty obnoxious because of how hard so many of them tried to push it all and act as if they deserved a Nobel Peace Prize or something just because they added a homosexual character into a movie or whatever.

Level 3
And now that I'm a full adult that's a fair bit wiser and aware of things than the younger me, especially things that have started happening in recent years, I have to say that I too have no real sympathy or respect for the alphabet community because of how they address, or rather don't address when someone from their community does something bad.

It all just comes off as them trying to sweep any bad behavior that anyone from their community may do under the rug and or just try to ignore it. Because from what I've seen and heard of from some people's actions and attitudes, it feels like an alphabet people of any kind could all but commit an outright murder and some people will try to defend them as the "victim" or all but try to deny it happened at all or something like that.

And of course, anything that even remotely effects them is turned into a second coming of a certain truly terrible event from the 1930s-40s.

But I'm sure you get the point.

And I still feel that most of us probably wouldn't care all that much if they just shut up and lived their lives, as long as they weren't doing anything bad and hurting others of course.

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