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Also some interesting rumours on the Femstodes and the price hike. Take it with a grain of salt.

Honestly, at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if GW just decided to do yet another thing without really thinking it through.

Because despite what all the "progressive" types may say, the idea of the "modern audience" is nothing but a lie they try to tell themselves and others to try to make all their woke failures not look as bad as they really are.

I just feel like while I do really like both Warhammer Fantasy and 40k settings, it just feels like the people at GW will never fully learn from their mistakes and won't learn how to just keep things working and stay out of all this "political" stuff, and thereby keep making the most amount of money in the most effective ways.

There's already established Lore in Warhammer 40k, sure at first game everythings is vague but gradually everythings become clear like a telescope. But if you suddenly say it's Canon now it's like saying "the shape planet you saw is flat"

Oh don't even try to defend this kind of BS dude.

The Custodes have always been men and we all know it, and they're just trying to shove in female "custodes" in a pathetically stupid attempt to shove a bunch of modern BS into the setting, which is only ever done to appease a handful of selfish idiots who are never satisfied with anything they get or more likely take.

But what's worse is the fact that GW and these "progressive" idiots choose to ignore, neglect, and undermine all the women that already exist in 40k lore, and act as if there just no women in 40k whatsoever.

It's quite disgusting to watch.

I know it's been said, but it's basically like

SoS and SoB alone: Are we a joke to you?

Sorry if my English Is bad, i don't try defend them rather i like the old way before this drama and i want to keep it like that way(I hate Femcustodes too)

Oh, ok. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I've just seen a few people here and there try to defend this sort of nonsense.

And I'm in full agreement with on that, I wish companies like GW would just focus on making good products and so on that people will like instead of trying to get into all these sorts of stupid situations where they choose controversy.

I mean, at the least, it's plausible for there to be female Custodes, cause unlike the Astartes, what makes a Custodes isn't explicitly gender locked, and we all know Big E could have foiund a way to make Female Astartes if he had more time

No Diokno, just no.

Quit trying to make excuses to justify this BS, which you know is BS and just admit that all this forced "representation" garbage is just that, garbage.

And I'll just say it.

People like you aren't real fans of these sorts of settings, or in someone like yours case, you're just wanting to jump on a stupid bandwagon of what's "popular" just try to feel special over really nothing.

And I don't care what made up number of years you come up with to have supposedly been a fan of 40k and such, I know it's a lie.

But people like you don't really care about representation, as there's actually a lot of diversity already in 40k, but it wasn't made by you "progressive" minded clowns. So you just want to try to shove in a bunch of your BS and then no doubt try to act like it was you guys who made 40k and other settings and such great in the first place.

So quit trying to make pathetic excuses and just accept the actual reality of the world rather than trying to live in a made up fairytale world.

Dude, I'm a fan, mostly of the lore. I like the books, I like it when the setting isn't fully apathetically dark, cause there are moments of light, and we do have trans characters and the like, and race. I'm just saying, its nice to see that there's more concrete LGBTQ characters in 40K, especially given its made in the UK. I've been a fan since 2014. Yes I may not really play the Tabletop, but I do read the books and such. Like there were female Marines at one point, but they were discontinued due to lack of sales. Yes its mostly a marketing ploy, but still, it is nice to see some rep, like the recent trans character referenced in one of the novels

Sure you are Diokno. I totally believe you. :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

And one of the funniest things and biggest ironies about all this is all based on one question you "progressive" minded hypocrites can NEVER actually answer. And that is

How does shoving in any of that token alphabet or other such crap into anything actually make any setting or storyline objectively better?

And of course, I'm talking about objective fact and not just the stupid excuses of your feelings or "representation" you "progressive" types like to try to use as smokescreens to hide the real truth of the matter.

You and I both know the answer to that question Diokno, but I know absolutely none of you guys will actually admit to it.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

But I do laugh again at your attempts to try to make those couple of example of alphabet people in 40k stories out to be the biggest and most impactful parts of the stories they were shoved into and not what they really were, just there, most likely mentioned once or twice, as if to be like "Hi, I'm _____ and I'm gay!"

I may not have read any of the Ciaphas Cain novels, but even I know damn well that whatever token alphabet characters were in one of the stories weren't the main characters by any means, and were no doubt just added in to say

"Look at us alphabet community! We added in gay or whatever characters! Tell us we did good!"

rather than actually truly being a great big part of the plot of the story itself.

And you of course, try to leave out the fact that in the 40k universe, there's a couple, just a few, other things that humans have to worry about that take priority over some random people being into any of that alphabet stuff.

And people like you have the nerve to say "We're/They're not trying to demand other people pay attention to them".

I mean, it makes the world feel more real if there's even hints of it existing, I mean, we live in the 21st century. People can transition now if they have the means too. It would be FAR easier for the 40K people to do it, especially the rich, especially as genetic manipulation is one of the few things they didn't backslide on. Also, they don't HAVE to be big part of the plots, but acknowledging they exist is nice. Like RWBY did it, just casually drop that Sapphron is married to a woman, and have no one raise a big deal over it in universe.

And yes, I know people have more to worry about in 40K, but still, its nice to see mentions of it existing, and yah know, 40K isn't all doom and gloom

Yet more excuses. Is that really all you can do Diokno?

And you can't even really answer the question I posed, not really anyway. And you fall into yet another figurative trap that exposes your obvious obsession with shoving "progressive" into everything.

You're pretty much trying to say that 40k needs to have all this modern "progressive" BS shoved into it because of your desire to be represented, not everyone else's, just yours.

And I'm just going to come out and say it.

None of that "progressive" BS matters at all, be it in 40k or real life. And I and so many others are now truly sick and tired of seeing and hearing people like you constantly demand that the rest of us pay attention to you or them as if they're actually something special, when they're not.

You're trying to make the most pointless thing seem as if it's far more important than it really is. Because like I pointed out, the humans in 40k don't give a damn if you or anyone else likes this or that, you're all just meat for the grinder, and are all equally worthless.

And I've got a couple of questions I know you'll just try to ignore, or more likely make yet more excuses for.

Why should I or anyone else truly care about anyone's choice to live an alphabet lifestyle, especially if we never even meet them?

Let's say I live in Texas. How does a man who lives in New York who says he's homosexual effect me in any way and why should care at all?

Seriously. Why the hell should I care? Answer me that.

And don't try to come back with that "to show them human decency" BS, because showing anyone human decency does NOT require telling someone they're they're somehow special because of who they choose to sleep with or what they choose to do with their bodies.

Don't even try to pass that crap as anything less an a truly pathetic excuse.

I'm not LGBTQ myself, but basically, its moreso validating they exist, not treating them as special per say, but at least showing support for the community as a whole, especially given they've faced centuries of persecution just for existing, hell, it was barely a century ago that being, well, not just gay, but also neurodivergent, could result in you being institultionalized. It's basically trying to show the world that they exist. Plus, in regards to 40K, its still a nice thing to see, and like have more rep in media, whether it be cultural, racial, etc, in 40K. Like it doesn't have to be something major, but acknowledging it is nice, especially as some of these characters are fairly minor

That first part is all that needs to be said. It's about getting attention.

Because whether you admit it or not Diokno, that's what it's all about with those people now, and it really always has been.

And quit trying to act as if we're living the 1800s or further back Diokno, or even the 30s or whatever. They're not mistreated or any of that sort of crap anymore, and certainly not to the degree where they have the right to constantly cry victim at anyone who calls out their bad behavior.

And at this point, I don't really give a damn what their feelings tell them, as they have abused the rights they got, as once again, that was never going to be enough for them.

I won't get into all of it, as it would end up being like 5k words or more, but it's been about their obsession with being validated because they don't and can't accept themselves, which is hilariously ironic because all of them will no doubt say stuff like "I'm being my true to myself" or "I don't need anyone's approval" all while they try to either change themselves in some way or another and try to make other people agree with their choices.

Dude, not every person in the LGBTQ community changes themselves or the like, they are, who they are. And while yes, its not as bad, there are still incidents of actual injustice, like the one county clerk who got sued, not just by LGBTQ couples, for ignoring a court order and refusing to issue marriage licenses to any couple just because she didn't like gay folk, which is yah know, discrimination.

Still, its not always about attention, its about having a voice heard, easpically one of a relative minority group, like Native Americans who decry any appropriation of their culture, like say, two Native people on a program trying to debunk any misconceptions of Native people, or say, taking apart an "authethic drum" that was actually made out of cheap plastic and rubberish cloth. But, let's just agree to disagree, and move on with our lives, because this is just getting tiresome

And as for 40k.

People like you constantly show your true colors of not being real fans of the setting by choosing to try to blatantly ignore all the diversity and such that was already in in the setting. All because it was actually a part of the setting and not written by you guys, nor is any of it enough for you guys.

Because there's plenty of actual diversity in the setting, but again, that's not enough for you guys.

I don't know every single bit of lore, but I was pretty sure that the Celestia Lions space marines were actually from a world with a lot of dark skinned people of somewhat African-ish descent or something like that. But no no, they had to do stupid things like there just being black people on the freaking icy death world of Fenris, which doesn't really make any sense given the climate of that world.

And all that alphabet crap doesn't actually make any story or character, let alone the setting actually any better, it's just shoved in there to try to seem "progressive" or whatever. It's all basically just "Hey look! We added in another token homosexual character! Aren't we special?" which is just plain stupid.

And the adding of gender crap is really just hella stupid because it's something the Imperium especially wouldn't waste their time on, as like I said, they have quite a few other things that take priority over such ridiculous nonsense.

But like it or not Diokno, all of what I just said is true. And it doesn't matter what your feelings tell you, as facts don't care about your feelings.

It is about attention Diokno, but then all you do is try to make excuses to avoid admitting that it.

And quit trying to lie and act as if there's just hordes of KKK members and neo nazis roaming around the US and such, because that's just a bunch of BS and you damn well know it. And a business owner sticking to their principles and not just caving to the alphabet whiners isn't actually a hate crime. But then again, with how you "progressive" types are, you think that words are actual violence when they're not, so you clowns pretty much call anything a hate crime because you're always offended by something.

But like it or not Diokno, if the alphabet people were actually satisfied with just living their lives and all, then were wouldn't be talking about any of this, as there wouldn't be tons of terribly written token alphabet characters and all sorts of other crap that cries "Pay attention to us!". Nor would they constantly try to force everyone else to agree with them and their lifestyle choices.

And don't you dare try to even defend those freaks who dare call themselves "teachers" who try to brainwash or otherwise pressure kids to say they're some sort of alphabet lifestyle.

And one of the biggest ironies of all this alphabet crap is, that at this point, they're really doing it to themselves.

Because of how they're trying to force everyone else to agree with them and their lifestyle choices and all that, the alphabet people are just making more and more people actually hate them because of it how it's constantly shoved into their faces and they're told that they will like it, and then they're surprised they get any backlash.

To quote a rather hilarious YouTube comment I saw a couple years ago.

LGBTQ+ Community: We're not coming for your children.
Comes for your children
LGBTQ+ Community: Why are we so hated?

Because as much as "progressive" minded people like you will constantly try to defend the alphabet community from any of the backlash they're getting, and rightfully so at this point, you don't understand that it's you guys who are the intolerant ones.

Yeah, you're all the intolerant ones.

And it's all because it's you guys who constantly try to keep race, sexuality, and all that other crap at the forefront of everything because you can't just let people live their lives, but have to try to force your "right think" onto them.

They're not PRESSURING them, they're letting them know "Hey, this is normal, and it's OK to not be certain. If you're gay, trans, or whatever, that's perfectly fine." And I know there's diversity, like the Tallarn and whatnot, BUT still, you can have genetic diversity even in biomes, like how we have fairly pale folk in the Middle East, or how countries like say, Colombia can have a range of ethnicities and such. Plus, the whole thing is about getting people to accept them, and you know, not offend people purely by sexuality or the like, such as deadnaming, or trans medicalism, IE the belief someone has to get surgery to be trans. But again, I'm done, neither of us is getting anywhere, and this is just raising both our blood pressure levels.

And one more thing, Fenris in lore has *volcanically destructive summers* and gets closer to its sun. So, it is at least possible for non white folk, or at least tanned folk, to exist on Fenris

......You're lucky we're not face to face Diokno, because I wouldn't hesitate you punch you in the face for trying to justify that disgusting behavior.

But then again, thank you Diokno. Thank you for once again showing what kind of person you really are.

And I don't give a damn what or how you feel if you're going to try to defend stuff anyone with half a brain knows is objectively wrong.

But yes, that's what they're doing and you hypocrites absolutely know it but won't admit to it because it would not simply destroy, but nuke all your "progressive" BS from orbit, and you guys can't have that. And it's also made hilarious in a way because they already undermine all that talk of being "born that way" by trying to pressure little kids to go this way or that. Natural my ass.

Because let's be real, if little kids or even teenagers don't have all this alphabet stuff shoved in their faces all the time, they'll end up just being straight and it will show that people choose to be homosexual and such, and the people who choose to live that way want to be validated and told that what they're doing is good, is normal, is somehow special.

It's all kind of hilarious because they could prove whether or not things like homosexuality were actually natural or not with a simple old fashioned study. Take 10 baby boys and 10 baby girls and simply raise them and see if any of them say that they're homosexual or whatever without any pressure from outside influences and such. By the age 12 or 13 or so. It would be a simple way to have it be proven once and for all.

But of course, the alphabet people will NEVER accept anything like that because they know that the likelihood of any of the kids actually coming out as homosexual or whatever else is incredibly unlikely (to say the least) without them influencing the kids, and they certainly can't allow for the objective truth to be shown.

It's like them trying to protect their "sacred gay cow" or whatever, which is also hilariously ironic since so many alphabet people claim to be atheists, which most of them only really do to try to justify their lifestyle choices and all to themselves.

But of course, I know you'll just try to make some sort of excuse to try to deflect and otherwise avoid the uncomfortable truths I bring up.

And don't try to twist the lore to suit your stupid BS Diokno, because no one's buying it.

Because you're clearly trying to leave out factors like how climate and such things on worlds would effect the skin color and such of the people from a particular world. And that there is plenty of diversity in the setting already.

But then again, you just keep proving that you don't really care about the setting itself and its inner workings and just want to shove a bunch of modern "progressive" BS into it because you know in your heart that all your views are wrong and just want to tell yourself otherwise.

It was proven natural in the eaely 1900's by Magnus Hirschfield
And i do care about the setting, im just saying its possible for non pale folk to exist on a world. I know the Tallarn and such exist, but there can still be outliers, like how you can have naturally white looking folks born in the Middle Eaat

Can you ever not lie Diokno? Because that's all that you're doing

I don't really care, because I've seen and heard that people like you will always go with whatever supposed scientists who happen to line up with your views and such, even if it was debunked, which of course you'll just deny anyway.

And nice job trying and failing to attempt to subtly call me racist. So typical of you "progressive" types.

And of course, you have to resort to blatantly lying, as I never denied that Tallarn existed, so you're just talking out of your butt, like you guys always do. Though once again, you try to ignore the fact that the Tallarn Desert Raiders are yet another example of real diversity in the 40k universe.

And stop trying to lie and act as if half the population of the Middle East are all light skinned Europeans, because that's just not true and you know it. But then again, you're clearly the type of person to see a very uncommon albino person and say that that is proof that tons light skinned people live in the middle east, even though that's more of a medical condition of sorts than their ethnic background.

You just keep making pathetic excuse after pathetic excuse in a pitiful attempt to try to justify all your "progressive" BS, even though you know in your heart that it's all BS.

I meant to say I've seen examples of white looking folks who were from the Middle East, and I've met a guy who is one, and his family is pure Middle Eastern.

Also, one other thing, gay people, lesbians, etc have existed for millenia, even before "modern progressives", like say Stonewall, Chevalier Deon, or older than that, the Sacred Band of Thebes.

And yet again, you show your cowardice by avoiding what I said.

This is just pathetic.

And I'm not going to believe people like you because all you "progressive" types are all too quick to resort to blatantly lying to try to sound like your right. But then again, it's you guys who are basically trying to say right is wrong and wrong is right, so I shouldn't be surprised.

And not really, at least not in the way you guys want to believe there was.

I of course mean that despite how much you guys try to lie to yourselves and others, homosexuals weren't really a super common thing in history, especially in ancient times. But it is quite hilarious to watch you guys desperately flail around in a pathetic attempt to act as if there were just millions upon millions of them in every corner of the world.

I more so laugh inwardly but still do at least chuckle at such ridiculous displays.

And as most people who are interested in history have come to learn, a lot of ancient historians tended to exaggerate or even in a few cases, make up things to make their people or groups look as great as possible. So many people have learned to understandably look deeper into many historical events and not just believe every single ancient source at face value and all.

Most of the ones I know of are accounts of battles that claim to have had the enemy side have like 250,000 men when it was more like 50,000 at most. But I'm sure even you can understand the point.

But then again, you guys have never really cared about the facts. And not to mention how it's you "progressive" hypocrites who are trying to rewrite history to suit your own ridiculous narratives.

Yes, even primary sources can be biased, but still, same-sex people, to varying extents, DID exist even centuries back. Maybe not in the exact way we have it nowadays, but still, it existed. For instance, quite a few Chinese emperors had male lovers.

Or say, Oda Nobunaga and Ranmaru in a somewhat ritualistic relationship with one another. Like, there are cases of gay, lesbian, trans people, throughout history.

This is just pathetic.

Like I said before, you "progressive" types are all too willing to try to rewrite history and such to suit your BS views and such. I mean, just look at how you guys are totally ok with stuff like blackwashing historical characters and outright lying about who actually invented various major things.

But you keep trying to act as if that stuff was an incredibly common occurrence throughout history, as if it was just an every day thing that everyone partook in at some point, which is just another BS lie.

And don't even try to say that all that Trans nonsense was common throughout history, because anyone with half a brain knows that that's a flat out lie as well.

And you also leave out the fact that in a lot of cases throughout history, if an emperor or king came out as gay or whatever, they were often killed since they would most likely not sire any heirs and all that, so they just chose another guy to be the emperor or king. But of course, such facts undermine all your BS, so you'll just be a coward and try to ignore them.

And by the way Diokno.

All of you "progressive" types are so supremely full of yourselves and your delusions that it's almost impressive. Because you guys really think that you're somehow the smartest ones in the room and that everyone else is just too stupid to see through all your BS.

You really think I'm not aware of all these so called "history" videos and such that have been coming out trying to push the idea that alphabet people, black people, and other such "protected" groups were magically all over the place throughout history where they really weren't?

And it's kinda strange, all those sorts of videos and such happen to only really start coming out in recent years. Gee, I wonder why?

And I see your one crappy video that obviously tries to push a bunch of lies and counter you with four videos that show prime examples of all your "progressive" stuff being nothing but made up BS.

And while these have to do with race in this case, the principle is still the same. You guys trying to rewrite history.

That stupid show that turned the historical English woman Anne Boleyn black when she was actually white.

What I'm pretty sure is something from the BBC or possibly Netflix that turned Anne Frank into a black girl, who just so happens to fall in love with a white German Boy.

And here's an example of Netflix race swapping Cleopatra into a black woman, even though she was at best olive skinned, as here family was from Macedonia and Greece, and how the actress and such acted.

And this one is more so just making fun of some upcoming show or whatever that turns I'm pretty sure English Queen Charlotte into a black woman when she was actually white.

But no no, you guys totally aren't trying to rewrite history to suit and otherwise prop up your BS views.

Bi, not gay. Like we have documented evidence of Emperors having male lovers. Plus there was the concept of "beards", IE gay men or lesbian women marrying someone of the opposite gender so they wouldnt be outed, or for nobles, making babies

Bruh, Xiran does a lot of research into Chinese culture, and does cover how there are records of "male favorites" for emperors


But yes, in general, gay people and the like DID exist throughout history, same with trans people. But well, cultural standards and the like often had these not referenced because they went against the norm. Many likely wouldn't be open about it for fear of reprisal. I've seen stories of gay men in their 60's or older who recount how they and their partner would skirt around it by pretending to just be friends who live together, and may raise kids

Why are you such a spineless coward Diokno? Why do you run away from all the valid points I've made in such a pathetically desperate way?

I mean, I know exactly why, but it still kind of amazes me how brainwashed people like you can never let go of you incredibly fragile egos and just admit that all the BS you've been told to believe is nothing but a bunch of lies.

But like it or not Diokno, you've actually been proving me and all my arguments right with your cowardice. Because your avoidance of my points completely exposes that you have no real arguments of your own, but rather, none that actually hold any water as it were.

You're basically just trying to claim you're debating me, all while you run around the debate table I'm sitting at, basically screaming a bunch of gibberish, or at best excuses, with a smug attitude that says "I'm somehow winning this debate."

Though it is hilarious how you try to avoid watching the videos I bring up that help exposes all the stuff you support as nothing but BS.

Listen, I get those videos, but maybe, just maybe, they chose those actresses cause they're talented? Look at Hamilton. Not everything has some "sinister" motive behind it. And to wrap it around to 40K, its funny how people ignore we had female Astartes at one point, but those were phased out due to lack of sales

Cut the crap Diokno! You know damn well that they chose to blackwash historical figures who were in fact white. Don't even try to pretend to be that stupidly naïve.

But then again, I shouldn't be surprised at your hypocrisy, as I know that if I say "Well then, I'm sure that we can get an actor who's white to play Martin Luther King Jr." you'd make up a bunch of BS excuses as to why that's suddenly not ok, despite you guys doing the same thing. Because you guys are nothing but disgusting hypocrites.

And Hamilton was also incredibly stupid and racist, but was only accepted at the time because the mainstream media said it was "stunning and brave", which was really just them trying to justisfy their hypocrisy. Because you guys would absolutely condemn anything that changed any black person from history to white as genocidally racist.

And don't even try to lie so blatantly and act like Rogue Trader and 1st Edition of Warhammer was some kind of well established setting or anything. It was all over the place and was hardly a setting to be taken seriously, even I know that.

It wasn't about sales, it was about the lore becoming more refined and stable rather than just continuing to be all over the place.

Well from what I've heard for ages, the reason Female Astartes were discontinued was because of low sales. And I'm not being naive, I'm just saying its POTENTIALLY because of their acting talent. Also was Hamilton that bad? A lot of people seem to say its a good musical

Also, my guy, I highly doubt most of GW, especially the suits, care about the lore. To them, its window dressing for them to sell more and more figurines

No, you're just trying pass blatant lies off as if they're truth, that's all.

And yeah, I'm totally going to believe all the excuses you continue to make in a pitifully desperate attempt to justify your BS.

And it doesn't matter if the musical Hamilton was good or not, because it was incredibly obvious why they chose to change real historical people. Which was to just give the middle finger to white people.

Because that's what this is really all about with you "progressive" clowns.

You guys are literally the ones trying to rewrite history and otherwise all to justify your delusions and such BS.

And don't try to now disregard the importance of the lore in a pathetic gambit to seem like you're still really in this debate just because you're so desperate to seem like you're right about something, when you know you're not.

The guys at GW are smart enough to know that the lore is important because it draws people into the hobby and all that. If the lore wasn't important, they wouldn't have bothered establishing or expanding the lore over the years in a good way it they didn't need it to prop up their TT miniatures and all.

So that's yet another defeat for you Diokno.

And answer me this Diokno. And no excuses.

If it's ok for black people to take the roles of real historical people who were white, it's completely ok for a white man or woman to play someone like Martin Luther King Jr. right?

I mean, if they're not doing such things to be disrespectful and outright racist toward white people, it should be completely fine for white people to play any historical figures who were black or otherwise, as it would just be being fair to everyone across the board right?

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
Yeah, that's what I thought Diokno.

I knew you would never say that it's ok for a white man to play the role of Martin Luther King Jr., or any black historical figure for that matter.

So run away from the truth of that all of you so called "progressive" types are nothing but cowardly hypocrites.

But here's a little secret Diokno.

The truth is that you clowns being such cowardly hypocrites doesn't cease to be true just because you guys simply think that believing differently magically makes it not true.

Yes, it keeps people in the hobby, but when it comes down to it, they will change the lore as is JUST to sell more figurines and line their pockets.
I'm not? I've heard for years that female Astartes were discontinued because they didn't sell well in the 80's

There never was any Female Astartes.
Where are you getting that info from cause it is not correct.

https://img.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1367/29/1367290302302.png The Little Sisters of Purification, who were one of several female chapters of Space Marines

Also, in regard to Anne Boleyn, Jodi Turner-Smith herself said they weren't making a historical picture per say, but rather a drama story focusing on Anne Boleyn, and how she was basically just another woman Henry married and discarded, among other things of what little we know of her

That was not GW... that was from a fan magazine

From via Twitter post about that

"Well Here's an Article from an Early WHITE DWARF Magazine That PROVES FEMALE SISTERS WERE A THING!"

Status: Complete Misinformation & Debunked (Several times)

Ok this is probably one of the wokes most popular ones to throw around for the arguments of why female marines should be a thing.

The Sunstroke Legion (Every time you see it mentioned take a drink) is an all Female Legion.

These have nothing to do with GW because for a start its not even White Dwarf Magazine.

These are from CHALLENGE Magazine which are part of a US company called GAMES DESIGN WORKSHOP known for hardcore sci-fi games like Traveler.

In the Highlighted areas of picture 2 you can see GDW for the company name and Challenge the Magazines name.

In picture 3 the magazine itself.

This is not an official Article for Warhammer 40K its a fan magazine

And for extra funnies when one of the bigger Wokehammer accounts approached Alan Merret (One of the OG GW crew) asking if these had legitimacy to them in hopes of Allan saying yes well...its in the 4th picture lol.

Was about to post saying the exact same thing.
The nuke happy submariner beats me to the punch.

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