The Mighty Lunar Republic 1,029 members · 663 stories
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Hello, Mighty Lunar Republic. I come on behalf of Her Majesty, Princess Luna, who has seen fit to create an advice column. However, in order for Her to give advice, She first needs questions on which to advise. If any of you have any inquiries that you wish for Her to resolve, post them here, and they will be included in the next edition of Her column. Princess Luna thanks you for your time.

Dear Princess Luna,

I heard that you were opening an advice service. Good for you. It's always nice to help those ponies less fortunate than yourself.

I was wondering though... you have lived for countless years doing the same things in a never ending pattern. What do you do to get through the monotony of life? Does that even happen to you? ... to the point where you just want to scream into one of your pillows at the sameness of it all?

I mean, it just seems like I wake up everyday and it feels like I've already lived it and when I get home I cannot find anything that, when I finally go to sleep, makes me feel like I've spent my time well.

What do you think, Your Highness?

Your faithful subject,


2487513 Dear Princess Luna,

How can I get my mane to be as stylish as yours? Any tips?

Your Faithful Subject,
Minimoog Voyager

2487513 Dear Princess Luna,
How do I get Discord to notice me. It's always chaos this and chaos that, whe he has a gorgeous mare who just want to drag him off somewhere private and, ahem, inflict her own chaos on him.
Any advice?
Signed `Sunbutt`

P.S. You were supposed to let the cat in when you raised the moon.

Dear Princess Luna

Do you know any good cures for Insomnia? I've suffered from it since i was 13.

Your Faithful Subject,

2487513 Pinkie materializes in Luna's throne room.
'We are the Borg, we have subtracted your biological and technological distinctiveness from our own. Our culture will adapt to leave yours alone. Resistance was futile.'
Highness how do you deal with a bunch of meany-pants who hate parties?:pinkiesad2:

Dearest Princess Luna,

Would you be willing to give me the honor of joining me in a round of firefight? With you on my team, none shall defeat us!

Oh, and on a side note, there's a beautiful mare in town, but being a dragon and all, I don't know how to approach her. Any way you may be able to help me?

Sincerely, Cloud

Dear Princess Luna,

I'm having trouble with a certain... project of mine.

It's called the Manehatten project. Any advice on creating a rainnuke?

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