I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 642 stories
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Always looking for a means to be beyond merely live in the shadow of a stagnated fandom I've pretty much put off the kid gloves and stopped actively making mlp fanfic. At best I'd return to them out of nostalgia.

I'd just like to say that idiots that still think EQD is still relevant will always think so. No point getting mad over something that was never anything all that important to begin with.

If you got something to prove, don't prove it to buffoons that guise themselves in a laughable attempt at being critics (this not only extends to EQD but to the general populous that irresponsible throw a shit fit by preference than objective merit of a work).

The step towards this idea for me is starting a novel. I have no idea what will come of it, but at least I'm no longer bound down by anal pedantry of fan-canon of some pony show that ceased to hold any sentimental meaning.

But as the title states I'm kinda demotivated due to the scale of my task and I'm sick of playing with kids gloves, writing short stories of techniques I've practised over and over. So instead I'm going to pose you all a question to hopefully inspire me.

If you are, or will or have written something merely for the merit of enjoying yourself as a writer, And not some person writing out fan-made scenarios to appease your own masturbatory fantasy of some franchise, what will you write and how will it be any better than any of your pony work?

Author Interviewer

I honestly cannot understand this post.

3128662 He's saying that you shouldn't look for the approval of the pedantic assholes at EqD and ignore idiots who only look for their written fetish fantasies and should only write for your own pleasure and to please good readers.

He's also asking what kind of stories you would write for good, normal readers and why?

Seriously. It's not that hard to understand it.

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