I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 642 stories
Comments ( 22 )
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Here's a thread that doesn't really have to do with EqD itself, but something concerns this group just the same.

Anyone has any designs they want to suggest for our banners and/or Avatars? We're 370 members strong. We should treat ourselves. Anyone got designs they want to submit?

1109993 our group pic should be an angry guy's face
and our banner should just be the same angry guy's face over and over again, but really small so that it creates a hypnotic pattern

Sethisto shitting on the FiMfiction logo, or maybe the other way around?

No one in this group has admin power except Swiper the Fox, and...

Last Seen: 16w, 8h ago

I don't think this group's going to get a banner or avatar any time soon.


Hmmm... when you said angry guy, my mind went towards Leonidas. Then again, its probably because I just watched the trailer for 300: Rise of the Empire


XD NSFW Mane Six defecating on the EqD logo? :rainbowlaugh: Wild. Not even Clopfic group is that insane.

1110001 Damn
Maybe we can have knighty override it somehow?

1110002 We can make it all trippy and shit
like this

Except out of little angry heads




Well, let me see if Leonidas and optical illusion pops up in google or something.

1110009 hehe


.... somehow, chocolates came out.

Leonidas Chocolates. And I thought I've seen everything.

Nothing. Prolly see if I can get a gif animation meme bighead.

Hmmm... how about the banner up there, with the group title just written in the center. Using EqD's own font? Hmmm...

How about Trixie beaten and crucified next to a sign that says 'Equestria Daily', but with the word 'SUCKS!' painted below it in red?

1109993 What Filler said. Swiper's gone 6evur (das moar den 5ebur). We're never going to be cool because he RQ, and now we're stuck with plain blandness.


That is a viable Avatar!


:rainbowlaugh: Okay, maybe a little violent, but... you know what?

Wouldn't it be a more powerful statement if its Trixie, EqD's little darling, was healthy, unharmed, and saying "The Great and Powerful Trixie Loathes Equestria Daily"



Wait, RQed? Rage Quit? Why?

1112517 ...And then we can crucify her?

1112517 He had a lot of stuff going on in his life and was getting bored of ponies in general, so he left.

I also heard a few rumors of him doing Fairly Odd Parents fanfiction now of all things :rainbowderp:

1114507 I know, I thought it was unusual when I first heard it.

How about the website's logo with a X on it?
All I got........... :twilightsheepish:

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