I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 642 stories
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I'm starting to think that when Equestria Daily doesn't accept something, they aren't giving reasons, but rather making excuses instead. This isn't just with fanfics that they may end up not liking, but also anything else. A couple of months ago I asked them if they can create a day and call it Megan Williams Day, and their claim was that there weren't enough online results to warrant such a day. Exactly how much do they mean by a lot to warrant such a day? Just recently, I asked if they could give a sound off on if anyone would ever like to see a return of Megan and even her siblings in the near future, and their claim was that not enough would know about them to even ask them. I found that hard to believe especially when they are a website that is supposed to be dedicated to everything My Little Pony, yet they claim that they can't do anything prior to G4. In reality, I think that they're saying that they won't do it, plus it can always be explained first for those who don't know. Even other ultimate fan sites that are dedicated to other shows talk about their earlier generations and seasons yet Equestria Daily won't do that for My Little Pony. Just because the earlier generations predate the internet, doesn't mean that there aren't people talking about it now. Overall, if any older fans want to get their nostalgia on anything before G4, Equestria Daily just isn't the place for them.

They were always like that. On top of being the premier ass kissers of MLP fsnsites, they live in their own little world.

In all honesty, I can't seem to get how can Equestria Daily be the biggest fan site dedicated to MLP when they won't even make topics about the earlier generations. So, what if there are there those who don't know about them, that doesn't that they still can't talk about them. Also, they can always explain about them to help others know about it. I can still remember when someone here once commented on one of my fanfics and thought that Megan was an OC that I created, but then understood who she was after making the explanation that she was a G1, and that said person was very surprised to find out how old the franchise really is. Nonetheless, I find Equestria Daily to be a joke if they can't talk about the earlier generations. I bet if you were to go to one of the biggest Power Rangers fan sites, you can probably find a lot of fans there talking about the earlier generations of Power Rangers from around the time it started if they weren't alive when they originally aired, and the same probably goes for Simpsons, Family Guy, Digimon, Pokemon, South Park, Dragon Ball, and so many others, but this isn't the case for Equestria Daily on the earlier MLP generations. Perhaps someone should call their bluff on this.

Gotta be honest, I didn't even realize that EQD was still a relevant thing.

They are still giving the latest updates to everything MLP even though they won't give anything pre-G4.

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