I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 642 stories
Comments ( 23 )
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I usually scratch my head over who decides it's honestly a good idea to feature these. It's one thing to show off ridiculous/silly troll fics, it's another to put them in the same category as your normally submitted fanfiction.

So this is going to show up in story updates over and over: something that's a one-time funny joke to look at. Upon reading it becomes clear within the first page that it's far from up to EqD's standards for getting featured. Maybe pissing on other writers who try to get featured with a fic like this is just a prereader pastime, but for the sake of the readers and the writers who work hard to get on the site, posts like these should really be differentiated from the rest with a 'WTF? Fanfiction' title or something.


Also, HE SPEAKS!!!!
I dont think i've ever seen you talk outside of your blogs and stories, ponies


Hate to agree with 2607587 but that's old news.


Perhaps they were bored?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Well, yeah it's old news. It does say update part 4 up there. It's the update part that irked me into making this post, not the initial posting of the fic.


My mistake.

God... I hope not.

But, I honestly wouldn't know...

I seldom use EqD in the first place.

~Skeeter Then Lurker

2607577 EQD is the EA of the brony world. They look like they're doin' good, but they're rotten to the core.


I don't think I've ever seen an image used so masterfully. :rainbowlaugh:


ah, my bad

still, it was huge news a while back

i'm surprised you didn't know until now


they totally work for the illuminati, brother

This is why I stopped bothering after a while. If you're going to have annoying standards, keep them. I'm sure whichever of them decided to post this probably has their own blog they could do it on or something without compromising the already fragile integrity of their standards.

2607728 They have standards?!
This is why I prefer Canterlot's Finest.

You have no idea how hard this made me laugh.

2607787 Canterlot's Finest is a site that is replacing EqD. Not sure if laughing at joke or thinking it's a joke.

>replacing EqD

Unless you're being serious:

I'm gonna need like 1000x more pageviews a day if we want to accomplish that, buddy.

I get errors every time I try to go on that site.


posting my beautiful literary miracles will help with that

What sort of error?

Nevermind. My computer has blocking software and I had to turn that off to get to it. The only reason I didn't suspect sooner is because it always looks different when I try to go to a blocked site.

2608166 2607879
Para's right, though.


[11:09:16 AM] TittySparkles: Parasprite is always right. I'm come to learn this very well.

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